KZ2 has good animations I'll give it that.But the rest meh. Think of PS3 graphics as paper-graphics. They are thin and very fragile. Blurr effects to cover up, fake physics, 2D skyboxes, fake shadows, limited areas etc.
Damage control much? Fake physics? Like what? Like the train level in KZ2? Fake shadows? Like the sadows shown by using the flashlight with your shotgun in KZ2? Or the sahdows casted from muzzle flash? Lets not even bring up U2 because it will destroy you. Blurr effects looks like it gets the job done then, it still looks better. Limited areas? So is this a open world game like Crysis?Fake physics as in scripted physics.
Do all the objects in KZ2 cast a proper shadow, no. Fake lightning also comes as a bonus.
UC2 destroy me, I don't see how. Everything in the game is indestructible (it can't destory anything unless scripted). Interactivity is limited and scripted. Linear, low amount of animted objects on screen. Fake Skybox (2D). Nothing impressive about that.
:shock: teh scripted physicz!!!

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