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[QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="musicalmac"]I'm not so interested in the single player as I am the "Free Mode" multiplayer. Do want mayhem with friends :Djg4xchamp
See, I am the exact opposite. Multiplayer is interesting, but for me GTA has always been about the story, the atmosphere, and the characters. For that reason I feel Vice City is the best.
Dude what atmosphere. I like the story and characters usually cause they are kind of funny, but atmosphere?The 80's! The vibe! The pizzazz! Miami beach 8)
It was like living in a comedic version of the world of Scarface.
[QUOTE="Shattered007"]Just a quick notice in the last trailer Sorry if old but
Al Freakin' Pacino as a voice actor just made the entertanment factor go waaaay up for me!!!!
You're gunna have to back this up, because i don't believe you.
Anyway, the New Movie 88 Minutes that comes out April 18 and here's the trailer:
*Look 0:35/2:01 in on the Trailer for en Example
and of course GTA4 forth trailer:
*look 32 Seconds in
I'm pretty sure it is Al but right now this is just a guess.
Good news for those of you that live in Australia. You guys get a gimped version of GTAIV.
I don't know about the 360 but at least the PS3 is not region locked so people in OZ might want to consider importing it.
The main game better be longer than 8 hours. :x;title;6
From the article...."The BBFC also listed GTAIV's running time as around seven and three-quarter hours (463 minutes), a figure presumably derived from playing through solely the main section of the game. The final time is bound to be much longer, given the fact its predecessor, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, ran nearly 100 hours. However, according to a recent note from Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey, even a game of that length would likely suck up over 2.68 billion man-hours this year."
I'm gonna be pissed if the main section is less than 8 hours long. However, strangely enough, I feel this might be true. Many games this generation have been on the short side. GameSpot quickly dismisses this 7 3/4 hour running time. However, with the limits of DVD9, and the pressures with RockStar having to develop this title for 2 platforms, I'm concerned that this game will indeed be super-short. Yes...I know the main quest in GTA games aren't all there is to it. But Vice City and San Andreas definitely had main quests much longer than 8 hours.
actually, the article doesnt refer to the the main story being 7+ hours long, it says thats how long the total amount of cut scenes well be.......
if thats true than damn. guess we dont have to worry about a short main story?
i just wonder how this is all going to fit on one dvd9 for 360 owners
Snappity snap snap the-very-best! :0 TCHBO am confirmed? D:Good news for those of you that live in Australia. You guys get a gimped version of GTAIV.
I don't know about the 360 but at least the PS3 is not region locked so people in OZ might want to consider importing it.
[QUOTE="gmastersexay"]Snappity snap snap the-very-best! :0 TCHBO am confirmed? D:Don't you mean TLHBO?Good news for those of you that live in Australia. You guys get a gimped version of GTAIV.
I don't know about the 360 but at least the PS3 is not region locked so people in OZ might want to consider importing it.
[QUOTE="club-sandwich"][QUOTE="gmastersexay"]Snappity snap snap the-very-best! :0 TCHBO am confirmed? D:Don't you mean TLHBO?what's TL? D:Good news for those of you that live in Australia. You guys get a gimped version of GTAIV.
I don't know about the 360 but at least the PS3 is not region locked so people in OZ might want to consider importing it.
[QUOTE="yellowandmushy"][QUOTE="club-sandwich"][QUOTE="gmastersexay"]Snappity snap snap the-very-best! :0 TCHBO am confirmed? D:Don't you mean TLHBO?what's TL? D:Isn't TCHBO, The Cows Have Been Owned? If so, the L would be for Lemmings. Unless you mean Topic Creator has been owned. In which case I have been owned also. :(Good news for those of you that live in Australia. You guys get a gimped version of GTAIV.
I don't know about the 360 but at least the PS3 is not region locked so people in OZ might want to consider importing it.
Isn't TCHBO, The Cows Have Been Owned? If so, the L would be for Lemmings. Unless you mean Topic Creator has been owned. In which case I have been owned also. :(yellowandmushyI meant Topic Creator, not cows, I ain't a fanboy, or atleast I try not to be. :P
Just saw the commercial 1:59pm Eastern time. I think I'm the first. It was on Adult Swim.Blackbond
Yeah I saw it during South Park re-run. I wasn't sure what I was watching at first and then I was like OH...duhh...
They make it out like it's a travel commercial. It looks like the game will have some pretty epic scenes. I don't want to see any more of it than that until the game is in my sweaty shaking hands.
Sorry for the lack of updates in the last 2 days people... we had a power blackout in Melbourne! I'll update with some new info/screens now.
Just a quick notice in the last trailer Sorry if old but
Al Freakin' Pacino as a voice actor just made the entertanment factor go waaaay up for me!!!!
He's not in GTAIV but I agree, it definitely sounds like him.
I just hope and pray that one achievement isn't real. Achieving the top personal rank or however it was worded. That will completely ruin the online because everybody and their brother will be making boosting teams to get it.JiveT
It's not confirmed, still a rumour... I think it's fake, but we won't know for a little while.
Good news for those of you that live in Australia. You guys get a gimped version of GTAIV.
I don't know about the 360 but at least the PS3 is not region locked so people in OZ might want to consider importing it.
Mmmm... I though that might happen. It happened with SA as well. They're not allowed to release R18+ games here (although R18+ movies/TV shows are allowed).
The only difference between the versions was that CJ didn't say **** as much in the Aussie version. Probably be the same for GTAIV.
Just saw the commercial 1:59pm Eastern time. I think I'm the first. It was on Adult Swim.Blackbond
I saw it on Wednesday during the rerun of South Park at midnight eastern time.
Yes, that's right, I'm awesome.
Somebody has been allowed to complete GTAIV, and he says its the best GTA yet!
well sweet sassy molassey.Somebody has been allowed to complete GTAIV, and he says its the best GTA yet!
April 29th is too far. :P
Sorry for the lack of updates in the last 2 days people... we had a power blackout in Melbourne! I'll update with some new info/screens now.
Just a quick notice in the last trailer Sorry if old but
Al Freakin' Pacino as a voice actor just made the entertanment factor go waaaay up for me!!!!
He's not in GTAIV but I agree, it definitely sounds like him.
I just hope and pray that one achievement isn't real. Achieving the top personal rank or however it was worded. That will completely ruin the online because everybody and their brother will be making boosting teams to get it.JiveT
It's not confirmed, still a rumour... I think it's fake, but we won't know for a little while.
Al Pacino in GTA4? I know they had a huge production for this game but c'mon, their budget ain't THAT big :lol::lol:
Some of the voice actors. Hasn't been updated anymore since though, but still maybe interesting to know.
Somebody has been allowed to complete GTAIV, and he says its the best GTA yet!
''GTA IV. By a country mile. It craps on all the others – even the mighty Vice City – from a height equivalent to the Statue of Happiness. Believe me, GTA IV is even better than the hype suggests!''
He seemed excessively excited. I don't really know what to expect. I personally thought that the game was just a sequel. I played Saints Row and have not been impressed by it even once. And that game scored AA (8,5) here.
I'm kinda skeptical but I do hope its better then the hype suggests.
I have mine on pre-order allready since like a month ago :D Standard edition though :)
[QUOTE="therealmcc0y"]Somebody has been allowed to complete GTAIV, and he says its the best GTA yet!
''GTA IV. By a country mile. It craps on all the others – even the mighty Vice City – from a height equivalent to the Statue of Happiness. Believe me, GTA IV is even better than the hype suggests!''
He seemed excessively excited. I don't really know what to expect. I personally thought that the game was just a sequel. I played Saints Row and have not been impressed by it even once. And that game scored AA (8,5) here.
I'm kinda skeptical but I do hope its better then the hype suggests.
I have mine on pre-order allready since like a month ago :D Standard edition though :)
It GTA... gamespot going to give it AAA just for it name.. lolScans from an issue of the UK-based PSM3, which included a huge 12-page hands-on article on GTA4. It's a very enjoyable read. It's from back in late February but has lots of gameplay details I haven't seen anywhere else. Their "unique moments" are especially awesome:
Edit: Set your browser to auto-resize large images if it doesn't, cause those scans are huge. But if your browser auto-resizes, it's perfectly legible. By the way, use Firefox, for your own good.
Scans from an issue of the UK-based PSM3, which included a huge 12-page hands-on article on GTA4. It's a very enjoyable read. It's from back in late February but has lots of gameplay details I haven't seen anywhere else. Their "unique moments" are especially awesome:
Edit: Set your browser to auto-resize large images if it doesn't, cause those scans are huge. But if your browser auto-resizes, it's perfectly legible. By the way, use Firefox, for your own good.
Nice find
Cake/Casey... tech head people: Any reason I can't edit the OP any more? Keeps coming up with a HTML error. I'm using Firefox, is that why? (Although it's never happened before)
I'm gonna try on my mate's comp tomorrow to see what happens. Thanks for all the links people, they're awesome...keep 'em coming. And that preview of the guy playing GTAIV was sweet! :D
"That's a tricky question. It certainly exceeded my expectations, while there are so many small, chucklesome Easter Egg-style surprises that you're constantly shaking your head at just how savvy a developer Rockstar really is – light years ahead of its contemporaries."
Things like that really are a turn on. The wait's gonna be...hard!
Oh man, this game comes out on a tuesday? I got class in the morning till late in the evening. That blows.
Owell, Are they doing Midnight releases for this game like they did with San Andreas?
P.S. Does anybody know anything about the muiltiplayer modes?
I'm on from 9am to 6pm that day on April 29, lol.
Multiplayer modes from the 2nd section of the OP:
The Multiplayer Of GTAIV
Indeed.Cake/Casey... tech head people: Any reason I can't edit the OP any more? Keeps coming up with a HTML error. I'm using Firefox, is that why? (Although it's never happened before)
I'm gonna try on my mate's comp tomorrow to see what happens. Thanks for all the links people, they're awesome...keep 'em coming. And that preview of the guy playing GTAIV was sweet! :D
"That's a tricky question. It certainly exceeded my expectations, while there are so many small, chucklesome Easter Egg-style surprises that you're constantly shaking your head at just how savvy a developer Rockstar really is – light years ahead of its contemporaries."
Things like that really are a turn on. The wait's gonna be...hard!
And yeah, HTML and Gamespot don't like eachother.
Cake/Casey... tech head people: Any reason I can't edit the OP any more? Keeps coming up with a HTML error. I'm using Firefox, is that why? (Although it's never happened before)
I'm gonna try on my mate's comp tomorrow to see what happens. Thanks for all the links people, they're awesome...keep 'em coming. And that preview of the guy playing GTAIV was sweet! :D
"That's a tricky question. It certainly exceeded my expectations, while there are so many small, chucklesome Easter Egg-style surprises that you're constantly shaking your head at just how savvy a developer Rockstar really is – light years ahead of its contemporaries."
Things like that really are a turn on. The wait's gonna be...hard!
Must be the Saint's Row 2 developers trying to sabotage your thread awesomeness :P
first REVIEW:
PS3 version better.(though very close)
wow, they removed the site...... because of legal issues...
here is a short recap:
9.3 out of10
The PS3 has a more relaxed color pallet, but this gives everything a more realistic look. If you don't like the realistic look, and you have a HDMI connection, you can fiddle with your PS3 display settings and get it looking much more saturated. The textures are just as sharp as the 360 version, and there's little to no pop-in or screen tearing. The PS3 takes longer to load than the 360, but I took several different head counts in game at different locations, and I always found the PS3 to be more populated than the 360. This could be attributed to the dynamic nature of the world, but it's hard to tell. Either way, the difference was never more than five to seven pedestrians or three to four cars—it's not really much of an advantage.
The 360 is bright. Boy is it bright. Based on discussion history, this one will be claimed to look better, but it'll really be preference. The texture quality is the same on both systems, but the 360 has a more cartoon-like look. This isn't a bad thing. It just depends on preference. I'd compare the difference to that of Oblivion on each system. The 360 also suffers from some frame rate drops that are almost non-existent on the PS3. Installing the 360 version on your system's hard drive, however, will bring performance almost up to par with the PS3.
I know, you want details, but all I can confirm is split-screen on PS3 only. I was alone, so I didn't actually get to have any matches, but I could tell that the split-screen worked really well. There was a significant decrease in the amount of traffic and pedestrians, but it didn't ruin anything. This is understandable. Rendering two instances of Liberty City is a chore for any machine. I can't conclude one way or the other why the split-screen mode was not available on 360, but I assume by the drop in on-screen objects on the PS3 that the 360 just couldn't handle it. If you own a 360, don't worry. You have Xbox Live…so you're set.
NOTE: Geez...Posted just 6 hours ago, and I've already got hate mail! Let me clarify a few things. First, the build I previewed was dated 2/21/08. I finished the entire game (and have been playing it since). Second, the 360's issues appear to be bugs, hence the disclaimer below. Third, I'm not a PS3 fanboy. The PS3 doesn't have any good titles (except for Uncharted), so how can someone be a fanboy? I'm purposefully harder on the 360 version because I've been called a 360 fanboy in the past. There's no winning here! Fourth, I've added a counter. When/If this page can rack up 500,000 hits, I'll post more detail in a *SPOILERS* section to further legitimize it.
Copy/paste the entire thing into Notepad, then copy/paste it from Notepad back into the GameSpot editor. That usually works for me.Cake/Casey... tech head people: Any reason I can't edit the OP any more? Keeps coming up with a HTML error. I'm using Firefox, is that why? (Although it's never happened before)
teh reviewAlways-Honest
thx, good stuff, so ps3 version is superior hehe ill still get 360 version (if i get the game :P ) coz im more comfortable with playing on 360 and live is better
Edit: "Installing the 360 version on your system's hard drive, however, will bring performance almost up to par with the PS3."
lol wtf? so you can install 360 version? like you install on ps3?
I was suprised, this is gonna be awesome
- PS3 more realistic colors.
- 360 version BLOOM like no tomorrow.
- More vehicles and pedestrians in PS3 version.
- 360 version looks like cartoon.
- Textures practically identical.
- 360 version has jaggies and suffers framerate drops.
- PS3 multiplayer has splitscreen.
- 360 cant handle splitscreen.
If this is true, Lemming are gonna go apespit!
[QUOTE="Always-Honest"] teh reviewmingo123
thx, good stuff, so ps3 version is superior hehe ill still get 360 version (if i get the game :P ) coz im more comfortable with playing on 360 and live is better
Edit: "Installing the 360 version on your system's hard drive, however, will bring performance almost up to par with the PS3."
lol wtf? so you can install 360 version? like you install on ps3?
yeah,. appearently.... not sure the guy is legit though...
I was suprised, this is gonna be awesome
- PS3 more realistic colors.
- 360 version BLOOM like no tomorrow.
- More vehicles and pedestrians in PS3 version.
- 360 version looks like cartoon.
- Textures practically identical.
- 360 version has jaggies and suffers framerate drops.
- PS3 multiplayer has splitscreen.
- 360 cant handle splitscreen.If this is true, Lemming are gonna go apespit!
lol seriously 360 version is alot inferior to ps3 if all that is true
Is this even true?
well, there was a real review..but for somereason it has been removed.. but i did see it. not sure about this guys credibility though.. we'l have to wait for other reviews
I was suprised, this is gonna be awesome
- PS3 more realistic colors.
- 360 version BLOOM like no tomorrow.
- More vehicles and pedestrians in PS3 version.
- 360 version looks like cartoon.
- Textures practically identical.
- 360 version has jaggies and suffers framerate drops.
- PS3 multiplayer has splitscreen.
- 360 cant handle splitscreen.If this is true, Lemming are gonna go apespit!
where did you get the jaggies part from?
Calm down the review is fake,you are not allowed to do a 10 minute instal to the 360 hard drive like developers do with PS3, MS do not allow it, it's a rule laid down by MS for all developers. Yet this guy says you can do it to improve the frame rate in the 360 version.
He's a fraud who said he would reveal spoilers if he gets 500,000 hits.
Hey AlienSolidier your right, MANDATORY installs aren't allowed in the 360. But the review clearly states it was an optional thing that if done, would bump the 360 version near the PS3 version. Normally I would think a review like this is fake, but judging by how quickly the site went down (less than an hour after being posted) and that it was legally threatened, i'm judging that the review is indeed legit.
Now to see if these are experiences other reviews share are factors that shall be seen.
Its a faketherealmcc0y
it could very well be fake.. lol.. april fools is days away... well, we'll have to wait till the other reviews to read what was true and what was not... i have a feeling it might indeed be fake... but i still wanted to post it cause i can't tell for sure.
1. Hangmans NOOSE
2. Car Jack City
3. Bomb da Base
4. Bomb da Base II
5. Mafia Work
6. Team Mafia Work
7. Deathmatch
8. Team Deathmatch
9. Turf War
10. Cops N Crooks
11. Race
12. GTA Race
13. Deal Breaker
14. Free Roam
15. unknown
- There are total 15 multiplayer modes, the previewers were able to play 7 of them.
- All modes can be accessed through the cellphone.
- Multiplayer mode can support up to 16 players.
- The entire city will be opened during this mode.
- Confirmed 14 (out of 15) multiplayer mode names are: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Mafia Work, Team Mafia Work, Race, GTA Race, Cops N'Crooks, Hangman's NOOSE, Deal Breaker, Turf War, Car Jack City, Bomb Da Base I, Bomb Da Base II, Free Mode.
- Player customization will be available in the multiplayer mode.
- The host makes the rules.
- Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch: In both modes, host can decide the number of peds, the flow of traffic, the intervention of police and the weapons. (The previewers tried playing a Team deathmatch, all of them equipped with rocket launchers. Almost half of the city lighten up shortly with series of explosion caused by them.)
- Race & GTA Race: The host can decide the choice on vehicles and number of laps.
- Mafia and Team Mafia: The player will assume him/herself as a henchman to Kenny Petrovic and will be competing with other players to complete hits (ordered by Kenny over the phone) before the rivals can.
- Cops N'Crooks: In this mode, a group of player will act as cops, the rest as criminals. The cops can see criminals' location on their GPS and will make sure the criminals don't escape alive. On the other hand, the criminals will have no clue where the cops are.
- Hangman's NOOSE: In the single player mission called 'Hangman's NOOSE', there will be co-op, where you and your friends will be escorting a mafia mobster, while ambushed by the NOOSE (GTA IV version of SWAT).
-In multiplayer, as stated previously, the host gets to decide on a number of options such as weather, vehicle types, spawn location, etc. The host also gets to decide if auto-aim can be used.
-Health, armour and cash pickups are available during multiplayer. The cash determines your online rank - from 0 to 10. Kill people and steal their money to boost your online credibility.
-You can wander anywhere during multiplayer, but if you die you will respawn in the area that the host has set.
-You can't play as Niko during multiplayer, but you can create your own character (male or female) using different clothing.
No mention of split-screen anywhere :|
Hey AlienSolidier your right, MANDATORY installs aren't allowed in the 360. But the review clearly states it was an optional thing that if done, would bump the 360 version near the PS3 version. Normally I would think a review like this is fake, but judging by how quickly the site went down (less than an hour after being posted) and that it was legally threatened, i'm judging that the review is indeed legit.
Now to see if these are experiences other reviews share are factors that shall be seen.
You think its real?
Thats wishful thinking, but the PS3 version isnt going to be better
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