That makes it seem longer! :cry:for those of us watching the clock - countdown widgets for Vista / OSX:
Vista Gadget
OSX Widget
the Vista version cycles through screenshots - OSX one looks a bit slicker ;) pick your poison and enjoy.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
The 1st review looks like a "1st review to get webpage hits" rather than a real review. I'm not gonna post the link. When a real review comes in, I'll post that as the 1st official one.
Anyhoo, finally allowed me to edit the OP: Added the new previews everyone's been posting + an IGN 9 page interview with the crew of GTA including Dan Houser (the previews are in the second section of the OP). Added some sweet new gifs, and a brand new commercial which is hilarious (it's in the news section at the start of the OP). Also some new screens and some other minor gameplay info.
Grand Theft Radar: 8 new crimes that'll be blamed on GTA IV
Bank Robbery
Drunk Driving
Talking and Driving
Stealing Telephone Lines
Breaking and Entering
Light Assault
:lol: I love that. I'd post in the OP if there was room, I'll see if I can re-arrange some stuff.
I can't wait to see some of the stories the media prints around GTAIV's release.
For Aussies, who else is really pumped to see what Today Tonight and A Current Affair have to say about GTAIV? "Anna Coren reports: GTAIV - It is THE death-knell of society as we know it". I'm excited.
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"][QUOTE="perfect_chao"]Someone has already played it and beaten it in 24 hours..
i was hoping it would be longer, shame really.
That's not quite what he said:
In terms of the time it takes to finish, how does it compare with others in the series?
That's a hard question to answer really. I finished the story mode in 24 hours, without skipping cut scenes, but I literally blitzed through and hardly took on any side missions. If I was to play it again (which I will be, right on launch day!) I'd say to wrap up the story will take at least 40 hours at a normal pace, plus another – say, 25? – to wrap up the remainder of the missions. In truth though, you could be paving the streets of Liberty City in a year's time and still not have discovered everything. Plus, if you're a 360 owner, there's the promise of downloadable content to come...My advice is: just kick back, take your time and breathe every fresh sight and sound in, don't simply rush through just to finish it before your mates. I wish I'd had that optionGamesRadar
He purposefully rushed through it because he had to.
Well saying he rushed through it kind of puts me off, as it speaks out to me that the game is probably not that difficult in that sense.
nonsense.. read carefully.. and don't forget about the most important part: online
jThe 1st review looks like a "1st review to get webpage hits" rather than a real review. I'm not gonna post the link. When a real review comes in, I'll post that as the 1st official one.
Anyhoo, finally allowed me to edit the OP: Added the new previews everyone's been posting + an IGN 9 page interview with the crew of GTA including Dan Houser (the previews are in the second section of the OP). Added some sweet new gifs, and a brand new commercial which is hilarious (it's in the news section at the start of the OP). Also some new screens and some other minor gameplay info.
cool stuff, I haven't even heard about that IGN interview yet. The Houser brothers are genuinely interesting people to listen to--their creative brilliance shines through every time.
Wow great work on the thread, I cant wait for this game
This is one of those games that I must get, like Halo no excuses
ANd man there are lots of songs
do you really need an ID to buy this game?, because i didnt need one for San Andreas, or Halo 3?
EB / Gamestop will be enforcing ID for this game, friend works at a local EB and said they have to card everyone.
if you live in NY and some other states its mandatory now no matter what game you're buying, retailers can lose their license and be heavily fined if they're caught selling to minors. even if it's an old game that has no rating :| silly imo the old game thing.
if you don't live in NY though i'm sure you'll be able to find some place not carding for it.
[QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"]do you really need an ID to buy this game?, because i didnt need one for San Andreas, or Halo 3?
EB / Gamestop will be enforcing ID for this game, friend works at a local EB and said they have to card everyone.
if you live in NY and some other states its mandatory now no matter what game you're buying, retailers can lose their license and be heavily fined if they're caught selling to minors. even if it's an old game that has no rating :| silly imo the old game thing.
if you don't live in NY though i'm sure you'll be able to find some place not carding for it.
thank god, i live in Florida so i can probably pick one up at Walmart or something. damnit but it sucks to be 15.:cry:
[QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"]do you really need an ID to buy this game?, because i didnt need one for San Andreas, or Halo 3?
EB / Gamestop will be enforcing ID for this game, friend works at a local EB and said they have to card everyone.
if you live in NY and some other states its mandatory now no matter what game you're buying, retailers can lose their license and be heavily fined if they're caught selling to minors. even if it's an old game that has no rating :| silly imo the old game thing.
if you don't live in NY though i'm sure you'll be able to find some place not carding for it.
thank god, i live in Florida so i can probably pick one up at Walmart or something. damnit but it sucks to be 15.:cry:
well if worse comes to worst you can always try to sweet talk a cousin or uncle ;) always worked for me when i was younger :)
[QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"][QUOTE="3picuri3"][QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"]do you really need an ID to buy this game?, because i didnt need one for San Andreas, or Halo 3?
EB / Gamestop will be enforcing ID for this game, friend works at a local EB and said they have to card everyone.
if you live in NY and some other states its mandatory now no matter what game you're buying, retailers can lose their license and be heavily fined if they're caught selling to minors. even if it's an old game that has no rating :| silly imo the old game thing.
if you don't live in NY though i'm sure you'll be able to find some place not carding for it.
thank god, i live in Florida so i can probably pick one up at Walmart or something. damnit but it sucks to be 15.:cry:
well if worse comes to worst you can always try to sweet talk a cousin or uncle ;) always worked for me when i was younger :)
ehh my cousins either live in texas or Europe :(
just read the 9-page IGN Dan Houser interview.
It's fascinating digging into the minds of these people.
just read the 9-page IGN Dan Houser interview.
It's fascinating digging into the minds of these people.
There was also a first part to that interview, by the way, clocking it at 11 pages. Good for those of us who don't hate reading, but there was a lot of whining about it in the comments section. :lol:
That one is also a fascinating read. It's even better than the second part in terms of letting you know what's in Houser's head and how the creative process went.
Tons of multiplayer details from the May OXM, if anyone missed it:
Free mode and Cops 'N Crooks sound like the funnest things ever. I almost can't believe how good GTA4 is, when you take into account the single AND multiplayer. The game is almost too good, frankly. Possibly the game of the generation after Spore.
[QUOTE="fuzzysquash"]just read the 9-page IGN Dan Houser interview.
It's fascinating digging into the minds of these people.
There was also a first part to that interview, by the way, clocking it at 11 pages. Good for those of us who don't hate reading, but there was a lot of whining about it in the comments section. :lol:
That one is also a fascinating read. It's even better than the second part in terms of letting you know what's in Houser's head and how the creative process went.
wow, good stuff, thanks for pointing that out.
*puts on reading goggles*
I really wish GTA IV had a create a character thing. I don't want to be this guy. I want to be ME.
It doesn't have to limit the storytelling. If anything making you be a pre-fab character does.
It would have been a good step forward for the series.
I disagree. I don't want Mass Effect in my GTA.
Compelling narratives in films and books have always centered around unique characters. Can you imagine The Godfather having the same impact if the movie viewer could create a different face than Brando's?
The same thing applies to games. Great stories revolve around great characters--and the create-a-character aspect dilutes the strength of the narrative, particularly in a genre like crime where the character is so central.
This is why, imo, Vice City was a much more powerful narrative than San Andreas.
Games aren't films. They are supposed to immerse YOU into their world not some other guy.
Did you even play San Andreas? You didn't make your own character you merely affected their body mass.
[QUOTE="JiveT"]I really wish GTA IV had a create a character thing. I don't want to be this guy. I want to be ME.
It doesn't have to limit the storytelling. If anything making you be a pre-fab character does.
It would have been a good step forward for the series.
I disagree. I don't want Mass Effect in my GTA.
Compelling narratives in films and books have always centered around unique characters. Can you imagine The Godfather having the same impact if the movie viewer could create a different face than Brando's?
The same thing applies to games. Great stories revolve around great characters--and the create-a-character aspect dilutes the strength of the narrative, particularly in a genre like crime where the character is so central.
This is why, imo, Vice City was a much more powerful narrative than San Andreas.
I really wish GTA IV had a create a character thing. I don't want to be this guy. I want to be ME.
It doesn't have to limit the storytelling. If anything making you be a pre-fab character does.
It would have been a good step forward for the series.
The story in GTA4 revolves around an Eastern European trying to escape troubles at home to live the "American Dream", but his problems end up following him there. If you're not Eastern European, or at least an immigrant, how could you be that character?
Games aren't films. They are supposed to immerse YOU into their world not some other guy.
Did I play San Andreas? I beat San Andreas 100%.
At the beginning I was some scrawny kid, by the end I was a bulky mass of muscle that looked like LL Cool J.
And your assertion that games are supposed to "immerse YOU into their world and not some other guy" is blatently wrong-headed. While character customization in some games is appropriate (i.e. rpg's like Oblivion or Mass Effect), most games are designed to allow the player to take on the role of a pre-designed character.
You have a Sonic avatar, right? According to your rule, the Sonic games should have allowed you to design whatever character you want. After all, games are "supposed to immerse YOU into the world and not some other guy," right? That's ludicrous. Sonic is an iconic character in games precisely for the reason that he has a unique character design, predetermined by the game designer. When you play a Sonic game, you're supposed to suspend disbelief and insert yourself into that character's skin.
The same holds true for crime dramas like GTA IV. The more unique a character is, the more likelihood that his personality traits, mannerism, and sayings will remain memorable to the player long after he has finished the game.
In sum, your argument for character customization as a result of an arbitrary decree that games are "supposed to immerse YOU into their world and not some other guy" is poorly misguided.
I really wish GTA IV had a create a character thing. I don't want to be this guy. I want to be ME.
It doesn't have to limit the storytelling. If anything making you be a pre-fab character does.
It would have been a good step forward for the series.
Yeah, SR spoiled me. Customize your character and car. SR2 is gonna let you do your "crib" and performance of your car. I know I will get board of GTA IV by the time SR2 hits the store shelf's... So I am looking forward to that.
[QUOTE="JiveT"]Games aren't films. They are supposed to immerse YOU into their world not some other guy.
Did I play San Andreas? I beat San Andreas 100%.
At the beginning I was some scrawny kid, by the end I was a bulky mass of muscle that looked like LL Cool J.
And your assertion that games are supposed to "immerse YOU into their world and not some other guy" is blatently wrong-headed. While character customization in some games is appropriate (i.e. rpg's like Oblivion or Mass Effect), most games are designed to allow the player to take on the role of a pre-designed character.
You have a Sonic avatar, right? According to your rule, the Sonic games should have allowed you to design whatever character you want. After all, games are "supposed to immerse YOU into the world and not some other guy," right? That's ludicrous. Sonic is an iconic character in games precisely for the reason that he has a unique character design, predetermined by the game designer. When you play a Sonic game, you're supposed to suspend disbelief and insert yourself into that character's skin.
The same holds true for crime dramas like GTA IV. The more unique a character is, the more likelihood that his personality traits, mannerism, and sayings will remain memorable to the player long after he has finished the game.
In sum, your argument for character customization as a result of an arbitrary decree that games are "supposed to immerse YOU into their world and not some other guy" is poorly misguided.
I just read an excellent hands-on from an AU publication that discusses this in detail:
Niko: The ManNow that we have spent more time with the game, our understanding of Niko the character has grown too. Niko has to be one of the most enjoyable characters ever seen in a video game. We know it is early days to be saying that stuff, but barely a word came out of the bloke that didn't make us laugh our arses off. This guys is the text book definition of 'too cool for school' swaggering through jobs, meets and life with such self-assurance and such a grounded sense of reality he is impossible not to love. Not only are you Niko, but you want to be Niko – now that's relating to a character!
By comparison, San Andreas was a little unfocused on the character CJ. If you wanted to you could have run around the streets in aviators and board shorts wielding a purple d**** adorned with an orange mo-hawk, and with a six-pack you could grate cheese on. Sure, you were CJ, but CJ could be just about anyone and you found yourself viewing the world through broader ideals: such as your gang. In San Andreas you knew people. In GTA IV, Niko is Niko and he meets every character as you meet every character, and you learn about world with him. The game is focused entirely on his Liberty City.
That said, your actions, the way you live Niko's life, ultimately shapes that world. You may like to hook up with a chick, go play some darts, hit a strip club or go drinking with a mate. You may decide to put on a suit to go meet with a Mafia kingpin for that added bit of respect, or you may not? But what will you do if you are, say, driving a date to dinner and a phone call comes in from one of your associates saying you're needed right away: do you hang up? Do you kick her out?
The phone mechanic in GTA IV changes everything: you're not on or off a mission in GTA IV: you're going about your life and **** can just happen. Indeed, Niko makes personal decisions, and they can shape not only your voyage through the game, but even dialogue trees with the people you meet. Gameplayer
The entire 10-page hands-on is here. It's an excellent read. They also just wrote another hands-on, dated 4/7/08.
From that very recent hands-on, since we all know the core gameplay will be excellent, here's what they have to say on the environmental destruction:
Break It DownWhile you can't exactly raze entire buildings to the ground (that we know of), there's nonetheless a great deal of environmental destruction in GTA IV. It's all based on real world principals as well, so tacky wooden panelling in the low rent apartments will fragment and shatter when shot at, whereas steel containers like the one pictured are merely pockmarked by your bullets. You can even shoot the doors on cargo trucks so that they spill their contents all over the street – might come in handy if you want to create some obstacles for anyone chasing you.Gameplayer
That's better than I had expected. Shootouts inside of a living room are gonna be so cool. And on the graphics:
We really need to stress that none of the screenshots on these pages have been retouched, and none of them have been taken from cutscenes – they're all in-game, baby. Stunning, aren't they? Along with the high level of detail lavished on absolutely every object in the game's environment, the lighting effects are also absolutely exquisite. Often you feel like taking in the sights from the backseat of a cab – which you can totally do if you want – cruising through the streets of Liberty City bathed in a late afternoon glow. Then of course, you can get back to the sweet, sweet lawbreaking.Gameplayer
PS3 GTA4 bundle for Europe,
Swedish retailer Webhallen has today revealed the first image of a new PlayStation 3 bundle which will be launching in Europe alongside Grand Theft Auto IV. The bundle includes the standard 40GB PlayStation 3 console and a copy of the game.
The price listed is 4499kr, which is the same as the Gran Turismo 5 bundle which launched just over a week ago. While availability in other countries has not been announced, this indicates that the GTA bundle should sell for £299.99 in the United Kingdom and €399.99 elsewhere.
I was thinking about getting a PS3 for MGS4, but may bite on this one instead...where is the 360 GTA4 bundle?, seems like Sony got one up on MS if this is the only GTA4 bundle people are going to see in shops.
New GTAIV PS3 Bundle for Europe Revealed.
They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
[QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
Not quite:
I really wish GTA IV had a create a character thing. I don't want to be this guy. I want to be ME.
It doesn't have to limit the storytelling. If anything making you be a pre-fab character does.
It would have been a good step forward for the series.
buy saints row :P GTA has been about compelling stories, most of which would totally lose their meaning / impact if you created a different char.
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
Not quite:
haha max payne movie adaptation = Mark Wahlberg :lol:
[QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
Not quite:
so slightly better graphically in "some areas" makes it better to you? i for one enjoy achievements...i would take the achievements over slightly better graphics in some areas...i mean thats really nitpicking...
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
Not quite:
so slightly better graphically in "some areas" makes it better to you? i for one enjoy achievements...i would take the achievements over slightly better graphics in some areas...i mean thats really nitpicking...
Well........yes it does. I couldn't care less about achievements. To be honest I don't really care about the differences between the 2 versions, but that comes straight from Take 2 so I thought I'd post it.
[QUOTE="JiveT"]Games aren't films. They are supposed to immerse YOU into their world not some other guy.
Did I play San Andreas? I beat San Andreas 100%.
At the beginning I was some scrawny kid, by the end I was a bulky mass of muscle that looked like LL Cool J.
And your assertion that games are supposed to "immerse YOU into their world and not some other guy" is blatently wrong-headed. While character customization in some games is appropriate (i.e. rpg's like Oblivion or Mass Effect), most games are designed to allow the player to take on the role of a pre-designed character.
You have a Sonic avatar, right? According to your rule, the Sonic games should have allowed you to design whatever character you want. After all, games are "supposed to immerse YOU into the world and not some other guy," right? That's ludicrous. Sonic is an iconic character in games precisely for the reason that he has a unique character design, predetermined by the game designer. When you play a Sonic game, you're supposed to suspend disbelief and insert yourself into that character's skin.
The same holds true for crime dramas like GTA IV. The more unique a character is, the more likelihood that his personality traits, mannerism, and sayings will remain memorable to the player long after he has finished the game.
In sum, your argument for character customization as a result of an arbitrary decree that games are "supposed to immerse YOU into their world and not some other guy" is poorly misguided.
You could have just as easily ended San Andreas as an emaciated skeleton.
I think having a create a character works for games that ask you to invest so much time into side activities. I don't want to be whatever stereotype Rockstar decides to exploit in each version. The first game was the only one that had a kind of everyman. They should have started off with a create a character. Then you have Vice City, Italian mobster stereotype, San Andreas, NWA gangsta stereotype, and now Niko Bellic, Eastern Promises, track suit wearing stereotype.
What's even more funny about this is cows swearing up and down that GTA has never been about story and it's always been about free roaming gameplay. They don't need DLC because no one cares about story.
Any game that has a human being as a character would benefit from a create a character.
Would Sonic or Mario still be good games if you could design your own hedgehog or plumber? Yeah sure why not?
And why wouldn't you want MASS EFFECT in "your" GTA...because it destroys your idea that a create a character means bad story?
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
Not quite:
so slightly better graphically in "some areas" makes it better to you? i for one enjoy achievements...i would take the achievements over slightly better graphics in some areas...i mean thats really nitpicking...
Well........yes it does. I couldn't care less about achievements. To be honest I don't really care about the differences between the 2 versions, but that comes straight from Take 2 so I thought I'd post it.
Who gives a cow about Acievements? There just something to say youve accomplished something - I'd rather play an amazing game that Rockstar planned for it to be, with that 'slightly' bit better graphics, i will enjoy the game that 'slightly' bit more.
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"][QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
[QUOTE="ApocalypseXIVV"][QUOTE="Dante865"]They sure as hell better be in there!
As for the GTA4 PS3 Bundle, once that and MGS4 bundle hits - I wouldnt be suprised if the 360 was in trouble, along with hearing the PS3 version is better, minus the downloadable content ofcourse.
The PS3 and 360 version are equal
Not quite:
so slightly better graphically in "some areas" makes it better to you? i for one enjoy achievements...i would take the achievements over slightly better graphics in some areas...i mean thats really nitpicking...
Well........yes it does. I couldn't care less about achievements. To be honest I don't really care about the differences between the 2 versions, but that comes straight from Take 2 so I thought I'd post it.
Who gives a cow about Acievements? There just something to say youve accomplished something - I'd rather play an amazing game that Rockstar planned for it to be, with that 'slightly' bit better graphics, i will enjoy the game that 'slightly' bit more.
i guess i give a cow about achievements since i just said i care about achievements, Take Two and Rockstar have said the two games are nearly identical, so id take achievements and DLC over slightly better graphics in some areas...Acheivements for me make games last longer, and i find them to be fun to obtain, not saying that everyone does, but i do, moreso than a minor graphics increase which for all we know may not be noticable
[QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"][QUOTE="ReverseCycology"]Limited Edition GTA IV Xbox 360 Elite
is that a real or fake?
realtestify!, dude this will so match the ps3 bundle.
[QUOTE="EuroMafia"][QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"][QUOTE="ReverseCycology"]Limited Edition GTA IV Xbox 360 Elite
is that a real or fake?
realtestify!, dude this will so match the ps3 bundle.
there will only be 500 of them manufactured :?
You could have just as easily ended San Andreas as an emaciated skeleton.
I think having a create a character works for games that ask you to invest so much time into side activities. I don't want to be whatever stereotype Rockstar decides to exploit in each version. The first game was the only one that had a kind of everyman. They should have started off with a create a character. Then you have Vice City, Italian mobster stereotype, San Andreas, NWA gangsta stereotype, and now Niko Bellic, Eastern Promises, track suit wearing stereotype.
What's even more funny about this is cows swearing up and down that GTA has never been about story and it's always been about free roaming gameplay. They don't need DLC because no one cares about story.
Any game that has a human being as a character would benefit from a create a character.
Would Sonic or Mario still be good games if you could design your own hedgehog or plumber? Yeah sure why not?
And why wouldn't you want MASS EFFECT in "your" GTA...because it destroys your idea that a create a character means bad story?
If you don't want stereotypes in your games, I'd advise you to stay away from GTA altogether. GTA is chalk-full of stereotypes, and that's what makes it a piece of salient social commentary.
As for your suggestion that Mario and Sonic might still be good games if create-a-character were allowed--I grant that. But are they not great games because they don't allow you to design your own plumber or hedghog? No. But that's what your own rule implies--quote: Games are "supposed to immerse YOU into their world not some other guy." My only point was that you don't really believe your own rule.
And no, I don't think character creation is inappropriate in all games--Mass Effect does it quite well. But character creation is simply inconsistent with the goal of developing a unique antagonist in a crime drama. People remember Tony Montana, Ray Liotta's Henry Hill, and Tommy Vercetti for a reason: they weren't user-created figures, they were predesigned characters with a certain persona that made them memorable within the stories that they occupied.
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