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[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Regarding multiplayer, I'm a gamer who enjoys playing with friends. I don't think I'd have nearly as much fun playing with more than 2 or 3 other people. I can imagine how crazy that many players would be, but I think the novelty would run out quickly for me. I was sold on the free mode multiplayer. Causing hell with a couple good friends? Priceless.Oh its pretty awesome fun on massive servers. You anda bunch of friends all just talk in a private chat over Vent/TS/Xfire, and meetup in the game. People dick around, have gang wars, do mp modes. Its pretty amazing, and i assure you lots of hell is caused :P. Its crazy when everyone piles into cars and are all hanging out the sides with Tec9s. Its like a convoy out of Mad Max 2.Gotta say im really exited about it..... Even though my anticipation has been pretty timid in the months leading up.
Its the multiplayer that has really sparked my attention, combat system, and other particular details about the game.
Im not sure if the MP will hold up against GTA3/VC/SA on PC with 200 people online at once, but from what I have read on Kotaku its going to be a blast nonetheless.
Though yep the GTAIV MP looks damn amazing - especially those co-op missions.
Gotta pre-order it tommorow... and free 500ms points, gamer pics and gta number plate too - hurrah!
Only somehting teh fanboys care about; 360 box art.Launch center from GS is up:;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot
What's the first thing you notice? Not trying to start something... but it's kinda obvious.
Also, I don't like the layout much but whatever, don't need a launch center to tell me GTAIV's gonna be the best game this year.
Let me just say all trailers (well atleast the 1st two) have been of 360 version, early previews were of the 360 version, only recently people got to see PS3 version.
[QUOTE="musicalmac"][QUOTE="dhjohns"][QUOTE="musicalmac"]Regarding multiplayer, I'm a gamer who enjoys playing with friends. I don't think I'd have nearly as much fun playing with more than 2 or 3 other people. I can imagine how crazy that many players would be, but I think the novelty would run out quickly for me. I was sold on the free mode multiplayer. Causing hell with a couple good friends? Priceless.Zeliard9
Agreed 100%. That was some of the most fun I had with Crackdown. Just randomly causing destruction to the whole town!
Exactly. Crackdown was fantastic. Now add more friends and more gameplay mechanics, and you have yourself a heck of a time. It looks to be most excellent.Read those recent MP previews? Cops 'N Crooks sounds like the funnest multiplayer mode ever. All the journalists raved about it. It's like the perfect mix of strategic co-op and deathmatch, and it's in a dynamic, sandbox setting. Wicked stuff.
Those previews put me over the edge. :P Although, I must say GS's was the worst of the bunch. :( What has happened? Oh well, the 29th can't get here fast enough.
[QUOTE="musicalmac"][QUOTE="skrat_01"]Regarding multiplayer, I'm a gamer who enjoys playing with friends. I don't think I'd have nearly as much fun playing with more than 2 or 3 other people. I can imagine how crazy that many players would be, but I think the novelty would run out quickly for me. I was sold on the free mode multiplayer. Causing hell with a couple good friends? Priceless.Oh its pretty awesome fun on massive servers. You anda bunch of friends all just talk in a private chat over Vent/TS/Xfire, and meetup in the game. People dick around, have gang wars, do mp modes. Its pretty amazing, and i assure you lots of hell is caused :P. Its crazy when everyone piles into cars and are all hanging out the sides with Tec9s. Its like a convoy out of Mad Max 2.Gotta say im really exited about it..... Even though my anticipation has been pretty timid in the months leading up.
Its the multiplayer that has really sparked my attention, combat system, and other particular details about the game.
Im not sure if the MP will hold up against GTA3/VC/SA on PC with 200 people online at once, but from what I have read on Kotaku its going to be a blast nonetheless.
Though yep the GTAIV MP looks damn amazing - especially those co-op missions.
Gotta pre-order it tommorow... and free 500ms points, gamer pics and gta number plate too - hurrah!
Through whom? I'm going to preorder the special edition. Duffle bag and security box FTW,....
[QUOTE="mentzer"]Is it me, or has the hype for GTA IV helped the PS3 more than 360?
Reports out of Europe show that GTAIV pre orders are thru the roof and running dangerously low.
And the #1 game on GS is GTAIV....................for PS3.
Michael Pachter says that GTA IV will sell more on 360, but sell more PS3's. I think his prediction is on the mark, but we will see.
The installed base of the 360 is made up of hardcore gamers who will pounce on GTA IV. But there is a broad swath of potential PS3 buyers who've been waiting for this game's release.
Pachter has been on a roll lately...but there is one tiny little problem with his statement...the BonusRound episode where Pachter made that statement was recorded before the PS3 GTA IV bundle was known. It was assumed at the time (for whatever reason) that GTA IV would be sold separate from PS3 and never bundled with it. Now that GTA IV is being bundled with the PS3, this should give a huge boost to both GTA IV sales on PS3 as well as PS3 sales in general. PS3 is already selling more than 360 on a monthly basis. Adding a GTA IV bundle will just add fuel to the fire. I don't even think DLC will help the 360 version sell better than the PS3 version.
360 GTAIV Multiplayer FAQ's
What game modes are available to play in multiplayer?
So far only a few have been announced, here are the ones we know about:
*Deathmatch & Team Deathmatch - Typical deathmatch and team deathmatch as in most games. IGN mentioned that most players only died 3 or 4 times in this mode, and that cover and positioning were key.
Kotaku: "Instead of winning with kill counts, both of these modes look at your cash total to see who won the match. Cash is earned by killing members of the other team and you can get extra cash by darting out to collect the money they drop when they die."
*Hangman's NOOSE - Up to 4 player co-op mission.
IGN: "These four-player missions are sort of halfway between the feel of a campaign mission and multiplayer madness. There's a little bit of story -- cutscenes introducing the mission and putting it to a close -- and few random elements. You have a start point and the same definitive endpoint each time you play. The change comes with upping the difficulty and altering the options to stiffen the challenge.
In Hangman's NOOSE, you and your 1-3 other cohorts must take down the cops guarding a crime boss, Kenny, who's on a grounded plane at the airport. On the harder difficulties, it can get pretty crazy as the cops attempt to flank your party. They'll keep coming until one of you parks a vehicle in front of Kenny's plane. The options are to swipe an armored van or an attack chopper. Either makes for a fun escape."
*GTA Race - A checkpoint-to-checkpoint race mode.
IGN: "Let's say you choose a car to start the race and realize it's not nearly as good as your buddy's? Just hop out of your car and jack his. Or better yet, get in the backseat and steal a ride. Take any car or run on foot. Get through the checkpoints anyway you want. Or ignore checkpoints altogether and just cause havoc for others. Set up a roadblock, wait for your opponents to wreck, then hit them with an RPG."
Gamespot: "If you're playing with weapons, you can collect pistols and grenades by driving over them, while heath kits restore any damage that you take to your car. If your vehicle does get damaged or you just fancy a change, then you can still jump out and steal one, but this does cost you valuable seconds of the race."
OXM: "compared to the person riding shotgun, backseat passengers have a limited range of fire, but their bullets are just as deadly"
*Cops 'n Crooks - Like a VIP gametype.
IGN: "Cops N Crooks puts players on two very different teams. One team spawns as crooks, with one of its members randomly selected to be the crime boss (or VIP). The other team spawns as cops in squad cars. The crooks need to help the boss get to a randomly selected escape points so he can flee the city. Most of these are along the water for a boat escape, though some have you extricated from a roof via helicopter. The cops win by either killing the boss or destroying the escape vehicle."
*Mafiya Work - Complete missions before the other teams.
Gamespot: "The aim of Mafiya Work was to complete missions before anyone else in the game. Missions are called in to your mobile from gang bosses all over the city; then, every player competes to carry them out and collect the cash. Once each mission had been issued, the objectives flash up on the map and it becomes a mad scramble for victory. Missions included stealing a certain car or delivering weapons to another location, with the player who has the most money at the end of the allotted time winning the game"
*Other Modes - These were not discussed, Free roam, Deal Breaker, Bomb da Base II
[QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="mentzer"]Is it me, or has the hype for GTA IV helped the PS3 more than 360?
Reports out of Europe show that GTAIV pre orders are thru the roof and running dangerously low.
And the #1 game on GS is GTAIV....................for PS3.
Michael Pachter says that GTA IV will sell more on 360, but sell more PS3's. I think his prediction is on the mark, but we will see.
The installed base of the 360 is made up of hardcore gamers who will pounce on GTA IV. But there is a broad swath of potential PS3 buyers who've been waiting for this game's release.
Pachter has been on a roll lately...but there is one tiny little problem with his statement...the BonusRound episode where Pachter made that statement was recorded before the PS3 GTA IV bundle was known. It was assumed at the time (for whatever reason) that GTA IV would be sold separate from PS3 and never bundled with it. Now that GTA IV is being bundled with the PS3, this should give a huge boost to both GTA IV sales on PS3 as well as PS3 sales in general. PS3 is already selling more than 360 on a monthly basis. Adding a GTA IV bundle will just add fuel to the fire. I don't even think DLC will help the 360 version sell better than the PS3 version.
You make a good point, but I'm waiting to see which regions the bundle will land in. If Sony is smart, they'll ship it for Europe and North America.
I agree w/ you that DLC will probably not be a major differentiating factor for most people (though it is for GTA nuts like me). Nevertheless, the 360 install base is so much larger and its attach rates are generally so much higher than PS3 games that I find it hard to imagine the PS3 version outselling the 360 version, at least in North America.
[QUOTE="AvIdGaMeR444"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"]Michael Pachter says that GTA IV will sell more on 360, but sell more PS3's. I think his prediction is on the mark, but we will see.
The installed base of the 360 is made up of hardcore gamers who will pounce on GTA IV. But there is a broad swath of potential PS3 buyers who've been waiting for this game's release.
Pachter has been on a roll lately...but there is one tiny little problem with his statement...the BonusRound episode where Pachter made that statement was recorded before the PS3 GTA IV bundle was known. It was assumed at the time (for whatever reason) that GTA IV would be sold separate from PS3 and never bundled with it. Now that GTA IV is being bundled with the PS3, this should give a huge boost to both GTA IV sales on PS3 as well as PS3 sales in general. PS3 is already selling more than 360 on a monthly basis. Adding a GTA IV bundle will just add fuel to the fire. I don't even think DLC will help the 360 version sell better than the PS3 version.
You make a good point, but I'm waiting to see which regions the bundle will land in. If Sony is smart, they'll ship it for Europe and North America.
I agree w/ you that DLC will probably not be a major differentiating factor for most people (though it is for GTA nuts like me). Nevertheless, the 360 install base is so much larger and its attach rates are generally so much higher than PS3 games that I find it hard to imagine the PS3 version outselling the 360 version, at least in North America.
What Pachter said could be true. Like you said, there's no way in hell that GTA4 is actually selling more copies on PS3 instead of 360 since the latter's install base is still much larger and GTA4 is the most anticipated and best-known 360 game this side of Halo 3.
But it is entirely possible that the game sells a lot of PS3s when you look at some of the other PS3 games that are coming out pretty damn soon, like MGS4, especially since there's gonna be a GTA4/PS3 bundle (presumably).
Anyone predicts a 360 GTA IV bundle ?ma7moud93
Well, yeah, there should be one. It would be stupid of them not to do it. If they don't do it, I think Sony would have paid R* to be the only ones making a GTAIV bundle.
Only somehting teh fanboys care about; 360 box art.
Let me just say all trailers (well atleast the 1st two) have been of 360 version, early previews were of the 360 version, only recently people got to see PS3 version.
lol, well, I'm not a fanboy but I care about that! I love seeing how companies market stuff like this! It's interesting for some reason to see what kinds of stuff they'll do.
Well I made my pre order today.
Only one thing nags in my mind.
I hope to god the games changes arent anything drastic in the Australian version.
If its just picking up hookers fine, if its cutting down on other characteristics of the game i'll consider cancelling and importing.
I just did that to get attention.
To the people who have contributed to this thread by posting screens, or vids, or info, previews, whatever, anything at all to do with GTAIV, can you please quote this post...
I want to add a "thanks to..." section to the OP since there's no way in hell I did all that by myself and I think everyone who contributed needs to be acknowledged, but I also can't remember all of your usernames. :oops:
I remember some of you, but not all, so just quote this and tell me to add you to the acknowledgment section... I'm not gonna check if you have contributed to this thread, so don't lie!
Now that I have your attention...
To the people who have contributed to this thread by posting screens, or vids, or info, previews, whatever, anything at all to do with GTAIV, can you please quote this post...
I want to add a "thanks to..." section to the OP since there's no way in hell I did all that by myself and I think everyone who contributed needs to be acknowledged, but I also can't remember all of your usernames. :oops:
I remember some of you, but not all, so just quote this and tell me to add you to the acknowledgment section... your username will link to your profile...
I'm not gonna check if you have contributed to this thread, so don't lie!
[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Well I made my pre order today.
Only one thing nags in my mind.
I hope to god the games changes arent anything drastic in the Australian version.
If its just picking up hookers fine, if its cutting down on other characteristics of the game i'll consider cancelling and importing.
It'll be less **** bombs dropped. That's what they did with GTA SA as well. I'm hoping it's just that for GTAIV too and nothing more.
Im sure its not swearing. SAs swearing seemed pretty much untouched in the Australian version - the 'f-bomb' was heard constantly, and that doesent seem to be what the OFLC is concerned about the most when it comes to rating games. Its usually certain violence or sex.God I hope the new ministers have more sense than the old ones.
[QUOTE="ma7moud93"]Anyone predicts a 360 GTA IV bundle ?the-very-best
Well, yeah, there should be one. It would be stupid of them not to do it. If they don't do it, I think Sony would have paid R* to be the only ones making a GTAIV bundle.
Only somehting teh fanboys care about; 360 box art.
Let me just say all trailers (well atleast the 1st two) have been of 360 version, early previews were of the 360 version, only recently people got to see PS3 version.
lol, well, I'm not a fanboy but I care about that! I love seeing how companies market stuff like this! It's interesting for some reason to see what kinds of stuff they'll do.
if ms didnt do a halo3 bundle what makes you think theyll do a gta4??? sony wouldnt restrict them like that. plus lets not forget they didnt even package halo 3 in with the h3 edition console.
The PS3 bundle is official:
It's only for Europe, I don't think America's getting one or we would know by now. The PS3 version now has a very good chance of outselling the 360 version- either way, it'll be very close.
The PS3 bundle is official:
It's only for Europe, I don't think America's getting one or we would know by now. The PS3 version now has a very good chance of outselling the 360 version- either way, it'll be very close.
You miss the big red letters before your post? :lol:
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]The PS3 bundle is official:
It's only for Europe, I don't think America's getting one or we would know by now. The PS3 version now has a very good chance of outselling the 360 version- either way, it'll be very close.
You miss the big red letters before your post? :lol:
An interesting read:
MS haven't been advertising the DLC well enough. GTA is still seen as a PlayStation game by the casuals, sounds like that $50 million could have been better spent on something else.
An interesting read:
MS haven't been advertising the DLC well enough. GTA is still seen as a PlayStation game by the casuals, sounds like that $50 million could have been better spent on something else.
I love how everyone on this site is a financial expert. Not a shot at you Floppy_Jim; however, if MS is able to move additional consoles due to the dlc and games that surpasses 50 million, then the move will be smart. Way too early to tell and one blog by someone isn't really anything to talk about. Let's just see.
An interesting read:
MS haven't been advertising the DLC well enough. GTA is still seen as a PlayStation game by the casuals, sounds like that $50 million could have been better spent on something else.
I love how everyone on this site is a financial expert. Not a shot at you Floppy_Jim; however, if MS is able to move additional consoles due to the dlc and games that surpasses 50 million, then the move will be smart. Way too early to tell and one blog by someone isn't really anything to talk about. Let's just see.
Edit: I am also shocked that they haven't advertised more, but maybe through their vendors and other sources word is getting out. Let's wait to see the numbers.
An interesting read:
MS haven't been advertising the DLC well enough. GTA is still seen as a PlayStation game by the casuals, sounds like that $50 million could have been better spent on something else.
If they get the bundle out and advertise it silly then it will crush the 360 imo.
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]An interesting read:
MS haven't been advertising the DLC well enough. GTA is still seen as a PlayStation game by the casuals, sounds like that $50 million could have been better spent on something else.
I love how everyone on this site is a financial expert. Not a shot at you Floppy_Jim; however, if MS is able to move additional consoles due to the dlc and games that surpasses 50 million, then the move will be smart. Way too early to tell and one blog by someone isn't really anything to talk about. Let's just see.
It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It does have an interesting point, but the slant in the tone is silly (what should I expect though, it is a blog). As noted in my edit, I am also surprised by the lack of the advertising; however, I have yet to see one GTA4 commercial. Has anyone seen one yet? I know that no one on this board needs a reminder that 4/29/08 is the day the earth stood still. ;)
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It does have an interesting point, but the slant in the tone is silly (what should I expect though, it is a blog). As noted in my edit, I am also surprised by the lack of the advertising; however, I have yet to see one GTA4 commercial. Has anyone seen one yet? I know that no one on this board needs a reminder that 4/29/08 is the day the earth stood still. ;)
Yeah, I'm in England and there aren't any TV commercials at all! The only advertising right now seems to be in magazines and the internet.
The day the earth stood still? Hell yes! I'm literally counting the days! (19 left!)
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It does have an interesting point, but the slant in the tone is silly (what should I expect though, it is a blog). As noted in my edit, I am also surprised by the lack of the advertising; however, I have yet to see one GTA4 commercial. Has anyone seen one yet? I know that no one on this board needs a reminder that 4/29/08 is the day the earth stood still. ;)
Nope, I'm in England and there aren't any TV commercials at all! The only advertising right now seems to be in magazines and the internet.
The day the earth stood still? Hell yes! I'm literally counting the days! (19 left!)
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It does have an interesting point, but the slant in the tone is silly (what should I expect though, it is a blog). As noted in my edit, I am also surprised by the lack of the advertising; however, I have yet to see one GTA4 commercial. Has anyone seen one yet? I know that no one on this board needs a reminder that 4/29/08 is the day the earth stood still. ;)
My theory is MS still probably doesn't even know what the content really is. You have one exec say it's bigger than the last two games and then R* saying it's random missions. How can you advertise something you can't give details on? It's not like MS can lie in their advertising.....they have to be careful about what they say this DLC is exactly. That's the biggest thing IMO....people want details and MS can't seem to give them. It's not like they can run a commerical and say exclusive downloadable content available in the future.......most won't even know what that means.
My guess is MS really wanted gamesites like this to push thsi information to others for them. What everyone fails to understand the majority of casuals that buy GTA will never know about this content until they have purchased the game (either on the PS3 or X360)
[QUOTE="dhjohns"][QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It does have an interesting point, but the slant in the tone is silly (what should I expect though, it is a blog). As noted in my edit, I am also surprised by the lack of the advertising; however, I have yet to see one GTA4 commercial. Has anyone seen one yet? I know that no one on this board needs a reminder that 4/29/08 is the day the earth stood still. ;)
My theory is MS still probably doesn't even know what the content really is. You have one exec say it's bigger than the last two games and then R* saying it's random missions. How can you advertise something you can't give details on? It's not like MS can lie in their advertising.....they have to be careful about what they say this DLC is exactly. That's the biggest thing IMO....people want details and MS can't seem to give them. It's not like they can run a commerical and say exclusive downloadable content available in the future.......most won't even know what that means.
My guess is MS really wanted gamesites like this to push thsi information to others for them. What everyone fails to understand the majority of casuals that buy GTA will never know about this content until they have purchased the game (either on the PS3 or X360)
We'll know when it gets here, but for $50 mil, you'd expect something good.[QUOTE="darthogre"][QUOTE="dhjohns"][QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It does have an interesting point, but the slant in the tone is silly (what should I expect though, it is a blog). As noted in my edit, I am also surprised by the lack of the advertising; however, I have yet to see one GTA4 commercial. Has anyone seen one yet? I know that no one on this board needs a reminder that 4/29/08 is the day the earth stood still. ;)
My theory is MS still probably doesn't even know what the content really is. You have one exec say it's bigger than the last two games and then R* saying it's random missions. How can you advertise something you can't give details on? It's not like MS can lie in their advertising.....they have to be careful about what they say this DLC is exactly. That's the biggest thing IMO....people want details and MS can't seem to give them. It's not like they can run a commerical and say exclusive downloadable content available in the future.......most won't even know what that means.
My guess is MS really wanted gamesites like this to push thsi information to others for them. What everyone fails to understand the majority of casuals that buy GTA will never know about this content until they have purchased the game (either on the PS3 or X360)
We'll know when it gets here, but for $50 mil, you'd expect something good.Im pretty sure that 50 mil did not just go for DLC. It probably went to making sure the 360 was the leading platform or some other things.
I mean thats enough to fund a brand new IP. Some game budjets aren't even that high.
[QUOTE="EuroMafia"][QUOTE="darthogre"][QUOTE="dhjohns"][QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]It's cool. The article has a point though- MS haven't really advertised the DLC at all and the game's out in just over 2 weeks. It's their big advantage over the PS3 version, yet the majority of people who want GTA4 probably don't even know about it.
It does have an interesting point, but the slant in the tone is silly (what should I expect though, it is a blog). As noted in my edit, I am also surprised by the lack of the advertising; however, I have yet to see one GTA4 commercial. Has anyone seen one yet? I know that no one on this board needs a reminder that 4/29/08 is the day the earth stood still. ;)
My theory is MS still probably doesn't even know what the content really is. You have one exec say it's bigger than the last two games and then R* saying it's random missions. How can you advertise something you can't give details on? It's not like MS can lie in their advertising.....they have to be careful about what they say this DLC is exactly. That's the biggest thing IMO....people want details and MS can't seem to give them. It's not like they can run a commerical and say exclusive downloadable content available in the future.......most won't even know what that means.
My guess is MS really wanted gamesites like this to push thsi information to others for them. What everyone fails to understand the majority of casuals that buy GTA will never know about this content until they have purchased the game (either on the PS3 or X360)
We'll know when it gets here, but for $50 mil, you'd expect something good.Im pretty sure that 50 mil did not just go for DLC. It probably went to making sure the 360 was the leading platform or some other things.
I mean thats enough to fund a brand new IP. Some game budjets aren't even that high.
True, may have something to do with advertising and such.[QUOTE="EuroMafia"]We'll know when it gets here, but for $50 mil, you'd expect something good.
Im pretty sure that 50 mil did not just go for DLC. It probably went to making sure the 360 was the leading platform or some other things.
I mean thats enough to fund a brand new IP. Some game budjets aren't even that high.
The 360 has been the leading platform for all of GTA4's development, not just when MS decided to buy exclusive content. The $50 million was partly for the content itself, and Rockstar's work on it, but it was mainly for exclusivity of it.
Having said that, $50 million is a lot of money. Too Human is the most expensive gaming project in history and has been in development for ages, and cost $100 million to develop. And that's a trilogy. So think of half of that being simply for downloadable content.
So there probably is something more to it other than exclusivity, and I think it has to do with the quality and/or the scale. Microsoft has a lot of money but they're not going to waste $50 mill on simple downloadable missions or whatnot (unless it's a lot of them). So the DLC is probably more significant than we realize.
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