I'm gonna car jack a taxi, cruise around then do some taxi missions (whatever it's called)
[QUOTE="EuroMafia"]Yeah, but you need to get used to the controls first.Zeliard9
Yeah, but I'll probably play with a few pals, so we'll all have to get used to the controls and physics at the same time. Should be crazy. This game is insane. 100+ hour single-player game, that also contains massive replay value, and then a fully-featured muiltiplayer. Hell, more than fully-featured, since there's supposedly "more" than 15 different modes.
And the multiplayer "lobby" isn't actually a lobby, it's Liberty City. You wait for other players to join in the city itself, while messing around. This is the best value since the Orange Box.
In fact, Hilary Goldstein on the recent Three Red Lights podcast (which I recommend anyone looking forward to GTA4 listen to) was basically creaming himself over GTA4 multiplayer, and actually said that Rockstar could have probably gotten away with selling GTA4 for $90 and it'd be worth it.
He's also doing the GTA4 review along with David Clayman. They joked about how they gave Jade Empire a 9.9 and got some crap for it, but it does seem like GTA4 is gonna get a huge score from IGN. I predict no less than a 9.8, honestly. And if you listened to that podcast, you'd agree.
My excitement level is sky high :P
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