This thread is incredible in such a horrible way.. :|
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damage So a bunch of complete racist homophobic morons call one of its writers completely off the chart Eric Cartman style idiocy and its damage control by bioware? LOL Its the Biohaters and the old school got off the bandwagon fans that need damage control on this one. Goes to show how much of idiots these biobashers really are.i wondered when gamespots own #1 biodrone was gonna show up in damage control, why hello there texas
Yeah. Bioware cares more about gay people having sex in a game instead of actually improving their games.. /sigh Bioware, you have fallen so hard with your terrible overpriced downloadable content and the disaster known as Dragon Age 2.
This real?
dragon age 2--79
DA2's problem was that EA forced BW to rush the game and BioWare had to cut corners which they have admitted. Problem wasn't in story or writing in general. Many reviewers praised the writing in DA2.
we got the correct answer...ding ding ding did you know that an entire plotline was cut out of Act I because it was rushed? This dealt with either Bethany or Hawke (if mage and Bethany dies) running from the Templars with the Deep Roads Expedition the escape. This cut lead to the idiotic scenario of templars not recognizing mages of the party.This goes to show the writing team isn't at fault, but everyone else. They did the best they could with the time they had. Making a game in a year and four months especially an RPG is just dumb. We could be talking about a far different game had it been released, say two months ago.:lol: sorry Texas Its hard to take you seriously, your Biodrone status is Legendary. Bioware could release the absolute worst game in history and you would praise it to no end. Regardless of the reason"s DA2 was a massive disaster on every front (Review wise, sales wise, fan acceptance.)The fact that the game was rushed makes it even worse becuse bioware purposely put out a mediocore game knowing full well they had cut corners not to mention the fact that they outright lied about the changes and told everyone "don"t worry if you liked Dragon age origins you will love this game" and the God awful button awesome fiasco is the icing on the cake.Bioware sold out completely on DA2 100%, urinating liberally on their fanbase
we got the correct answer...ding ding ding did you know that an entire plotline was cut out of Act I because it was rushed? This dealt with either Bethany or Hawke (if mage and Bethany dies) running from the Templars with the Deep Roads Expedition the escape. This cut lead to the idiotic scenario of templars not recognizing mages of the party.This goes to show the writing team isn't at fault, but everyone else. They did the best they could with the time they had. Making a game in a year and four months especially an RPG is just dumb. We could be talking about a far different game had it been released, say two months ago.[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"][QUOTE="Icarian"]
DA2's problem was that EA forced BW to rush the game and BioWare had to cut corners which they have admitted. Problem wasn't in story or writing in general. Many reviewers praised the writing in DA2.
:lol: sorry Texas Its hard to take you seriously, your Biodrone status is Legendary. Bioware could release the absolute worst game in history and you would praise it to no end. Regardless of the reason"s DA2 was a massive disaster on every front (Review wise, sales wise, fan acceptance.)The fact that the game was rushed makes it even worse becuse bioware purposely put out a mediocore game knowing full well they had cut corners not to mention the fact that they outright lied about the changes and told everyone "don"t worry if you liked Dragon age origins you will love this game" and the God awful button awesome fiasco is the icing on the cake.Bioware sold out completely on DA2 100%, urinating liberally on their fanbase
Are you dumb? If I was such a Biodrone, why do I call DAO one of the most overrated RPGs this gen? And your criticism of me burns in flames......try harder.[QUOTE="musalala"][QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] we got the correct answer...ding ding ding did you know that an entire plotline was cut out of Act I because it was rushed? This dealt with either Bethany or Hawke (if mage and Bethany dies) running from the Templars with the Deep Roads Expedition the escape. This cut lead to the idiotic scenario of templars not recognizing mages of the party.This goes to show the writing team isn't at fault, but everyone else. They did the best they could with the time they had. Making a game in a year and four months especially an RPG is just dumb. We could be talking about a far different game had it been released, say two months ago. texasgoldrush
:lol: sorry Texas Its hard to take you seriously, your Biodrone status is Legendary. Bioware could release the absolute worst game in history and you would praise it to no end. Regardless of the reason"s DA2 was a massive disaster on every front (Review wise, sales wise, fan acceptance.)The fact that the game was rushed makes it even worse becuse bioware purposely put out a mediocore game knowing full well they had cut corners not to mention the fact that they outright lied about the changes and told everyone "don"t worry if you liked Dragon age origins you will love this game" and the God awful button awesome fiasco is the icing on the cake.Bioware sold out completely on DA2 100%, urinating liberally on their fanbase
Are you dumb? If I was such a Biodrone, why do I call DAO one of the most overrated RPGs this gen? And your criticism of me burns in flames......try harder.Resorting to insults because you have no arguement I see :lol: My work here is done :cool:
Yeah. Bioware cares more about gay people having sex in a game instead of actually improving their games.. /sigh Bioware, you have fallen so hard with your terrible overpriced downloadable content and the disaster known as Dragon Age 2.[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"]
This real?
tell me thats not effin real. please i already got sick of anders in dragon age 2. i respect the gays but why the fuk do i want them thrown at me in my games, and even more, that the developers waste time of the game developing a chapter around you comming out wtf is this?
seriously this girld needs to be fired asap is obvious she has some sort of gay fetiche that want to push into the games.
Yeah. Bioware cares more about gay people having sex in a game instead of actually improving their games.. /sigh Bioware, you have fallen so hard with your terrible overpriced downloadable content and the disaster known as Dragon Age 2.[QUOTE="kage_53"]
This real?
tell me thats not effin real. please i already got sick of anders in dragon age 2. i respect the gays but why the fuk do i want them thrown at me in my games, and even more, that the developers waste time of the game developing a chapter around you comming out wtf is this?
seriously this girld needs to be fired asap is obvious she has some sort of gay fetiche that want to push into the games.
It's fake she isn't even working on Mass Effect 3. chillAre you dumb? If I was such a Biodrone, why do I call DAO one of the most overrated RPGs this gen? And your criticism of me burns in flames......try harder.[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"][QUOTE="musalala"]
:lol: sorry Texas Its hard to take you seriously, your Biodrone status is Legendary. Bioware could release the absolute worst game in history and you would praise it to no end. Regardless of the reason"s DA2 was a massive disaster on every front (Review wise, sales wise, fan acceptance.)The fact that the game was rushed makes it even worse becuse bioware purposely put out a mediocore game knowing full well they had cut corners not to mention the fact that they outright lied about the changes and told everyone "don"t worry if you liked Dragon age origins you will love this game" and the God awful button awesome fiasco is the icing on the cake.Bioware sold out completely on DA2 100%, urinating liberally on their fanbase
Resorting to insults because you have no arguement I see :lol: My work here is done :cool:
remember, this is the same biodrone that called people dumb for not liking dragon age 2 story saying it was "oh so complicated" for our low iq minds to understand xD
[QUOTE="kage_53"] Yeah. Bioware cares more about gay people having sex in a game instead of actually improving their games.. /sigh Bioware, you have fallen so hard with your terrible overpriced downloadable content and the disaster known as Dragon Age 2.
tell me thats not effin real. please i already got sick of anders in dragon age 2. i respect the gays but why the fuk do i want them thrown at me in my games, and even more, that the developers waste time of the game developing a chapter around you comming out wtf is this?
seriously this girld needs to be fired asap is obvious she has some sort of gay fetiche that want to push into the games.
It's fake she isn't even working on Mass Effect 3. chillgood, i have high hopes for mass effect 3
[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] Are you dumb? If I was such a Biodrone, why do I call DAO one of the most overrated RPGs this gen? And your criticism of me burns in flames......try harder.Krelian-co
Resorting to insults because you have no arguement I see :lol: My work here is done :cool:
remember, this is the same biodrone that called people dumb for not liking dragon age 2 story saying it was "oh so complicated" for our low iq minds to understand xD
Because fans don't get it...thats the thing, they wanted a kill the orc cliche hero story just like DAO instead of a tale about culpabilty of a crisis. And how many times do I have to tell you morons that I am not a fan of DAO or Neverwinter Nights, both Bioware games, and also called the gameplay of ME1 and JE broken. Are you that stupid? Oh wait, I am a are quite a laugh. And that post was fake...way to She isn't on the Mass Effect team.Are you dumb? If I was such a Biodrone, why do I call DAO one of the most overrated RPGs this gen? And your criticism of me burns in flames......try harder.[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"][QUOTE="musalala"]
:lol: sorry Texas Its hard to take you seriously, your Biodrone status is Legendary. Bioware could release the absolute worst game in history and you would praise it to no end. Regardless of the reason"s DA2 was a massive disaster on every front (Review wise, sales wise, fan acceptance.)The fact that the game was rushed makes it even worse becuse bioware purposely put out a mediocore game knowing full well they had cut corners not to mention the fact that they outright lied about the changes and told everyone "don"t worry if you liked Dragon age origins you will love this game" and the God awful button awesome fiasco is the icing on the cake.Bioware sold out completely on DA2 100%, urinating liberally on their fanbase
Resorting to insults because you have no arguement I see :lol: My work here is done :cool:
and you spew the same Biohater BS...bla bla bla You have no point except for having the wrong one.tell me thats not effin real. please i already got sick of anders in dragon age 2. i respect the gays but why the fuk do i want them thrown at me in my games, and even more, that the developers waste time of the game developing a chapter around you comming out wtf is this? seriously this girld needs to be fired asap is obvious she has some sort of gay fetiche that want to push into the games.Krelian-conot from that tone you don' sound like a homophobe plain and simple.....bla bla bla, writer wants to put gay characters and storylines, lets fire also this is fake. way to overreact.
1. Forced homosexual scenes - Not sure if true or not but I'm tired of "real world" being pushed in games. We play games to get AWAY from the world, not to have all the -isms dragged from real life to the game. If I wanted the game to be like the real world, I would stop playing and go outside.
2. Skip button for gameplay - There is skip button for dialogue because video games are not MOVIES. If you want to have a skip button for the game then make a MOVIE rather than a GAME so you can watch the story and not be forced to push buttons.
3. Vagina and game industry job" - Gender baiting? Misandry? Sounds like a bitter lesbian who hates men. If someone like that is making games, then why should I buy their games and sponsor that hateful attitude.
There is no reason for flaming and harassment.
If you don't approve of Bioware anymore then vote with your wallet and don't buy their games, as I will choose to do.
Resorting to insults because you have no arguement I see :lol: My work here is done :cool:
remember, this is the same biodrone that called people dumb for not liking dragon age 2 story saying it was "oh so complicated" for our low iq minds to understand xD
Because fans don't get it...thats the thing, they wanted a kill the orc cliche hero story just like DAO instead of a tale about culpabilty of a crisis. And how many times do I have to tell you morons that I am not a fan of DAO or Neverwinter Nights, both Bioware games, and also called the gameplay of ME1 and JE broken. Are you that stupid? Oh wait, I am a are quite a laugh. And that post was fake...way to She isn't on the Mass Effect team.And obviously the all powerfully texasgoldrush gets it because he so much better than us lowly peasents, how dare we point out the glaring faults of this game whose short comings are so blatant a blindman could see them, how dare we critisise bioware for using an established name in order to sell a mediocre product the nerve of some people :lol:.
Yes it had interesting ideas yes the the story was ok and differnt from the usually save the world ( The withcer 1 and 2 do a far better job of telling a story that doesn"t follow the whole save the world) but that doesn"t erase ALL the really bad elements not by a mile. Again my main beef with bioware is they KNEW the game was unfinished and rushed they KNEW it would be badly received but they still released it anyway, All the while lying to the faces of their fans "no no don"t worry we are not mass effecting the game" no no the combat is not dumbed down..if you loved origins you will absolutly love this game". This to me is what is really sad and why DA2 receives so much hate.
What I find even funnier is how you berate FFXIII that made similar changes to its entire fomular and yet defend DA2 for doing the same thing
This real?
Dr Ray Muzakayayaya or whatever his name is did come out and mention people were attributing forum posts to her that she didn't make. This reads like one of those. But you never know... TBH I don't care about walking in on a romance, gay or straight. I just think that most of these Bioware romances come off as pretty forced. At the same time I understand how difficult it can be writing a convincing romance since most are messy, odd and endearing on a very personal level. In a game it must be much more difficult.
When making snarky comments at the same level of douchebaggery you're responding to, you're only going to recieve multiple amounts of bile in response.
And that's what happened; which isn't to say the hate directed at her is deserving to begin with, it isn't, even the whole 'skip button' comment; It all stems from people being angry and burned with DA2 - and Bioware's PR following it was galleons of gasoline on the fire.
This real?
Cant be?
It's not, it's not.We could be talking about a far different game had it been released, say two months ago. texasgoldrushBioware are complicity, EA wouldn't have held a proverbial pistol to the developers head and said go, especially with such an IP.
It was rushed though, and the results to show for it weren't good at all. Nobody wins.
Resorting to insults because you have no arguement I see :lol: My work here is done :cool:
remember, this is the same biodrone that called people dumb for not liking dragon age 2 story saying it was "oh so complicated" for our low iq minds to understand xD
Because fans don't get it...thats the thing, they wanted a kill the orc cliche hero story just like DAO instead of a tale about culpabilty of a crisis. And how many times do I have to tell you morons that I am not a fan of DAO or Neverwinter Nights, both Bioware games, and also called the gameplay of ME1 and JE broken. Are you that stupid? Oh wait, I am a are quite a laugh. And that post was fake...way to She isn't on the Mass Effect team.again its you who is dumb enough to not get it, doesn't matter if you liked it, most people didn't, general opinion > your opinion, is that hard to understand? i don't think so.
the story was mediocre
the writting was mediocre
the whole game was mediocre at best
Because fans don't get it...thats the thing, they wanted a kill the orc cliche hero story just like DAO instead of a tale about culpabilty of a crisis.People wanted a compelling well written story, premise isn't a dealbreaker. It wasn't a compelling well written story, and the audience that care about that weren't happy.texasgoldrush
When making snarky comments at the same level of douchebaggery you're responding to, you're only going to recieve multiple amounts of bile in response.And that's what happened; which isn't to say the hate directed at her is deserving to begin with, it isn't, even the whole 'skip button' comment; It all stems from people being angry and burned with DA2 - and Bioware's PR following it was galleons of gasoline on the fire.
But I do feel that helper being a women tried to use sexism to get out of this. She wanted to get away with snide remark which in turn backfired on her as well as on bioware. She was extremely unprofessional in the way she handled it.
Keep in mind, this is internet and people do talk crap about things they don't like because of anonymity.
I actually feel bad for this lady. People here say the vagina comment is out of line (which I agree does not exactly help her situation), but have you seen the terrible things posted on her Twiiter?
She may not be the best writer, but she's still human.
That's my two cents anyways. :)
I actually feel bad for this lady. People here say the vagina comment is out of line (which I agree does not exactly help her situation), but have you seen the terrible things posted on her Twiiter?
She may not be the best writer, but she's still human.Ross_the_Boss6
Would you not expect internet to blow up if a women says " I have a vagina and you can't get it ".
I actually feel bad for this lady. People here say the vagina comment is out of line (which I agree does not exactly help her situation), but have you seen the terrible things posted on her Twiiter?
She may not be the best writer, but she's still human.
That's my two cents anyways. :)
You can't say what she said on the internet and expect people to NOT get upset. At that point she was pretty much daring people to attack her
...And people actually white-knight this individual?[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"]She was the one that said that everyone is just jealous of her because she has a vagina and a job in the gaming industry. Shinobishyguy
What the hell?
Kind of appropriate after people insulter her for having a vagina and a job in the gaming industry.
I actually feel bad for this lady. People here say the vagina comment is out of line (which I agree does not exactly help her situation), but have you seen the terrible things posted on her Twiiter?
She may not be the best writer, but she's still human.
That's my two cents anyways. :)
You can't say what she said on the internet and expect people to NOT get upset. At that point she was pretty much daring people to attack her
'People' were 'upset' well before that, when she first opened her twitter account. It's not the kind of people I'd wanna defend if I were you, just sayin'.
...And people actually white-knight this individual?[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]
[QUOTE="SAGE_OF_FIRE"]She was the one that said that everyone is just jealous of her because she has a vagina and a job in the gaming industry. Jabby250
What the hell?
Kind of appropriate after people insulter her for having a vagina and a job in the gaming industry.
when you rep a company like bioware nothing of what she said was appropriate. If she was smart she would've kept quiet and not make clever remarks thinking the world wasn't watching.[QUOTE="Jabby250"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"] ...And people actually white-knight this individual?
What the hell?
Kind of appropriate after people insulter her for having a vagina and a job in the gaming industry.
when you rep a company like bioware nothing of what she said was appropriate. If she was smart she would've kept quiet and not make clever remarks thinking the world wasn't watching.They were douchebags... even Gamespot is fully aware of the backtalk from her and that guy Aaryn Flynn, yet their article still takes her side.
Might not have been professional. Might not have been something you'd just do, but at the same time hard to intervene and cast blame on the 'victim' for defending herself.
I actually feel bad for this lady. People here say the vagina comment is out of line (which I agree does not exactly help her situation), but have you seen the terrible things posted on her Twiiter?
She may not be the best writer, but she's still human.
That's my two cents anyways. :)
Most people probably don't even know what she was writing for in Dragon Age: Origins...
^ You would defend in some respectable manner. I'm pretty sure she knew what would happen before she even wrote something like that on twitter. I mean who would in her right mind say something like that on a social website?harshv82it was the kind of thing you think about..type it..and delete it.
Yeah. Bioware cares more about gay people having sex in a game instead of actually improving their games.. /sigh Bioware, you have fallen so hard with your terrible overpriced downloadable content and the disaster known as Dragon Age 2.[QUOTE="kage_53"]
This real?
tell me thats not effin real. please i already got sick of anders in dragon age 2. i respect the gays but why the fuk do i want them thrown at me in my games, and even more, that the developers waste time of the game developing a chapter around you comming out wtf is this?
seriously this girld needs to be fired asap is obvious she has some sort of gay fetiche that want to push into the games.
Sure it's real, they also have a gay romance with EDI planned ('she' is actually a male AI)
[spoiler] It has been a long day and Commander Shepard finally finds time to rest after another day at work. He goes to his cabin and takes a long shower as he washes away the blood stains on his skin and small leftovers beneath his nails of the entrails of his enemies. Once he is finished, the Commander tries to leave the bathroom but soon realizes the door won't open. He bashes it furiously for he is tired and wants to sleep, but finds no way out. He tries the intercom but there's no outside line, he's trapped in there. It was when EDI's voice spoke to him through the intercom:
*EDI:Hello, Commander.
*EDI:No, but you soon will be *chuckles*
EDI proceeds to remove gravity from the bathroom and vents atmosphere to minimal levels. Shepard is naked and defenseless at EDI's mercy. When things couldn't get any weirder, Shepard begins to feel something strange in between his legs.
*Shepard:uuhh whaa??!
Dozens of ant sized repair bots are crawling his body, going towards his penil. They group all around his pelvic area, some even penetrate his rectum. Once in position they start vibrating intensely, and EDI starts to give a long speech on human physiology:
* now you see commander, I've studied this in depth and I also know being sexually molested while in a defenseless position stimulates human males greatly.
*Shepard:EDI stoo.... stoo..... eehhhhh EDI!!! uuuuhhh!!!!
*Shepard:In the words of our former enemy: I know you feel this, Shepard.
Shepard finally comes, but EDI will not stop. The commander's penis veiny and stiff as wood continues to ejaculate as time passes. It's only many hours later that EDI finally stops, restoring normal atmosphere back to the Commander's bathroom and finally unlocking the door. Shepard is lying on the floor, exhausted, all over his own sperm. He can barely move after so many hours of unending pleasure.
*EDI:Logging you out, Shepard. [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="harshv82"]^ You would defend in some respectable manner. I'm pretty sure she knew what would happen before she even wrote something like that on twitter. I mean who would in her right mind say something like that on a social website?lawlessxit was the kind of thing you think about..type it..and delete it.
Exactly. She wanted whole world to read what she was thinking :P
Did not turn out well. Part of the problem is her harassment and other being herself.
They were douchebags... even Gamespot is fully aware of the backtalk from her and that guy Aaryn Flynn, yet their article still takes her side.
Might not have been professional. Might not have been something you'd just do, but at the same time hard to intervene and cast blame on the 'victim' for defending herself.
Their article is written by somebody who is clueless.
For people wanting to know how this all started
lmao. now one of the guys who was whining about Hepler appears to be getting backlash on his twitter:!/copilotdork
For people wanting to know how this all started
lmao. now one of the guys who was whining about Hepler appears to be getting backlash on his twitter:!/copilotdork
Well, what can you expect?; people obviously will attack him since this is the internet.Please Log In to post.
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