[QUOTE="musalala"][QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] Because fans don't get it...thats the thing, they wanted a kill the orc cliche hero story just like DAO instead of a tale about culpabilty of a crisis. And how many times do I have to tell you morons that I am not a fan of DAO or Neverwinter Nights, both Bioware games, and also called the gameplay of ME1 and JE broken. Are you that stupid? Oh wait, I am a biodrone.....you are quite a laugh. And that post was fake...way to respond...lol. She isn't on the Mass Effect team.texasgoldrush
And obviously the all powerfully texasgoldrush gets it because he so much better than us lowly peasents, how dare we point out the glaring faults of this game whose short comings are so blatant a blindman could see them, how dare we critisise bioware for using an established name in order to sell a mediocre product the nerve of some people :lol:.
Yes it had interesting ideas yes the the story was ok and differnt from the usually save the world ( The withcer 1 and 2 do a far better job of telling a story that doesn"t follow the whole save the world) but that doesn"t erase ALL the really bad elements not by a mile. Again my main beef with bioware is they KNEW the game was unfinished and rushed they KNEW it would be badly received but they still released it anyway, All the while lying to the faces of their fans "no no don"t worry we are not mass effecting the game" no no the combat is not dumbed down..if you loved origins you will absolutly love this game". This to me is what is really sad and why DA2 receives so much hate.
What I find even funnier is how you berate FFXIII that made similar changes to its entire fomular and yet defend DA2 for doing the same thing
And is Hepler, Gaider, Kirby, and the rest of the writing team responsible for the rushing of DAII? Think. In fact several reviews thought that the writing was the games STRENGTH, including Gamespy, who only gave it an 80. Same with Gamesradar. In fact, think about, DA2 an d DAO: Awakenings can make Bioware a better company, as they learn not to rush games. And really, notice how ME3 got pushed back 5 months. And wrong, while I criticize FFXIII for its changing of some of its formula, what stayed the same is worse, the same old cliched storytelling. Notice I trash XIII and XIII-2's narrative more than its gameplay.:lol: Saying DA2 STRENGTH was the writing is like pointing out a small portion of unifected skin on a leprosy ravaged body. I bring up FFXIII because you love focusing on the negative, the narrative ( which could have been damaged because of translation from Japanses to english) and ignore everything else ( the incedible graphics, the great combat system, the vast amounts of end game content) But when it comes to DA2 you want to ignore all the bad (the dumbed down action combat, the repetitive environmnets , the mediocre graphics, the stripping of many rpg elements, the mass effecting of the game) and instead focus on the writing ( which is touch an go most of the time there is some good stuff then there is some cringe worthy stuff)
Now I am not saying final fantasy XIII doesnt deserve the criticism because yes many of those decisions were really bad but DA2 is just as guilty if not more so. But we never ever see you making disparraging remarks against DA 2
Also Mass effect 3 was delayed for multiplayer they were ready to release the game in november but delayed it for multiplayer so don"t make it seem like its delayed because bioware have suddenly seen the light and are interested in polishing their games.
And finally your qoute in bold can be applied similarly to DA2 what the changed made the game worse and is reflected in the reviews , the sales and fan feedback
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