The Wii Gets Too Much Hate and To Be Honest, Its Getting Pretty Ridiculous.

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#251 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"] except that the droves of shovelware were the norm when the console WAS NOT the highest selling. it's a shovelware magnet because many devs aren't taking it seriously enough. they're putting their best talent on 360/PS3 games because they are tougher to make and require their talent to get done right. Wii games are enhanced Gamecube games. It's obvious dev houses aren't putting their best talent on Wii games. and it shows.Dreams-Visions

With the high cost of producing for 360 or PS3, cheap, quick wii games probably fund their bigger projects.

whatever the reason, it means more junk and less actually good games. not that the devs spitting out the trash were capable of making a truly good game in the first place, though.

I think part of the problem is that motion sensing is supposed to be new and exciting, so people will buy the simplest games as long as they have motion sensing attached.

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#252 AlexSays
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It's been proven in this forum that the first 2 years of the PS2 had a greater number of high quality games than the current wii library. hakanakumono
And that means exactly that. Unfortunately using the first two years of any console to accurately depict it's entire lifespan is absolutely crazy. Unless people on this site have a crystal ball I don't, there's no way of knowing what the future holds in store for any console. And to whoever started this, comparing the Wii to a system which arguably had the most quality games of any system ever is a little child/fanboyish. That's like saying my Elantra sucks because it only gets 30 miles per gallon, compared to the Prius which gets 40. Likewise I could say the Wii has a great lineup compared to that of the Virtual Boy's.
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#253 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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I think part of the problem is that motion sensing is supposed to be new and exciting, so people will buy the simplest games as long as they have motion sensing attached. hakanakumono
Kind-of hard for a technology to be "new" when it's been around since the 80s.
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#254 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

[QUOTE="hakanakumono"]It's been proven in this forum that the first 2 years of the PS2 had a greater number of high quality games than the current wii library. AlexSays
And that means exactly that. Unfortunately using the first two years of any console to accurately depict it's entire lifespan is absolutely crazy. Unless people on this site have a crystal ball I don't, there's no way of knowing what the future holds in store for any console. And to whoever started this, comparing the Wii to a system which arguably had the most quality games of any system ever is a little child/fanboyish. That's like saying my Elantra sucks because it only gets 30 miles per gallon, compared to the Prius which gets 40. Likewise I could say the Wii has a great lineup compared to that of the Virtual Boy's.

The problem is the wii seems to be losing speed, not gaining speed. It could turn out worse than the gamecube.

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#255 AlexSays
Member since 2008 • 6612 Posts
I had to import the only game worth playing in the last 6 months (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom) for those of us who don't want Animal Crossing.Dreams-Visions
Then sell your console. There's plenty of people out there would have loved to play games like De Blob, Boom Blox, Wario Land, Animal Crossing, Power Pros., and Tales 2. Sell your console and make someone else happy. Keeping a console for the sole reason of complaining about it on GameSpot doesn't make much sense, especially after seeing the large list of games you've yet to have opened for other consoles.
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#256 world69star69
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[QUOTE="SMR-Venom"]Quality Exclusives 7+ from Metacritic. Wii: 72/331 = 21.75% Xbox 360: 69/538 = 12.82% PS3: 45/269 = 16.72 % Disclaimer: I used Exclusives because they are used to define a console. I used Downloadable games for all consoles. There were no such things as "Console exclusives". These numbers may be off by 1-3 games, please go through all those games if you want to check :| These are console lifetime, not just 2008, games. BTW, Exclusive = if it is on any other system, be it PC, handheld or console for this generation, it is not exclusive. So, as you can see, Wii has great games.InsaneBasura

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

By doing what you have done you have excluded multiplatforms not on the Wii. For instance non-great games such as Fallout 3 and GTAIV which don't define the platforms. For the purpose of comparing the number and percentage of great games on each platform it is therefore completely stupid.

What you could do is count all games. Then you'd have something like this













Wow the ps3 seems to have the best I have always said... ps3 has more 70+ and 85+ games percent out of library, and the lowest amount of crap games...only 18 ps3 games got 40-, 360 falls in the middle and wii is the worst.
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#257 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

[QUOTE="hakanakumono"]I think part of the problem is that motion sensing is supposed to be new and exciting, so people will buy the simplest games as long as they have motion sensing attached. Stevo_the_gamer
Kind-of hard for a technology to be "new" when it's been around since the 80s.

How so? I mean, I would expect that the technology is something thats been around for a while, but has gotten better. But the 80s? Really?

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#258 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]I had to import the only game worth playing in the last 6 months (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom) for those of us who don't want Animal Crossing.AlexSays
Then sell your console. There's plenty of people out there would have loved to play games like De Blob, Boom Blox, Wario Land, Animal Crossing, Power Pros., and Tales 2. Sell your console and make someone else happy. Keeping a console for the sole reason of complaining about it on GameSpot doesn't make much sense, especially after seeing the large list of games you've yet to have opened for other consoles.

Maybe he bought the system and expected to get more out of it? Thats a valid complaint. He may not be in love with the system, but there may be games he still likes for it.

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#259 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="hakanakumono"]I think part of the problem is that motion sensing is supposed to be new and exciting, so people will buy the simplest games as long as they have motion sensing attached. hakanakumono

Kind-of hard for a technology to be "new" when it's been around since the 80s.

How so? I mean, I would expect that the technology is something thats been around for a while, but has gotten better. But the 80s? Really?

Motion-sensing technology has been around since the 80s, and ironically enough, it was researched and developed into by Microsoft with the Sidewinder Pro if memory serves me right.
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#260 world69star69
Member since 2005 • 1401 Posts

I have said it many times: The Wii has changed videogaming forever. A future has now been set, and Nintendo will be the ones to lead us into the next generations just like how Sony did last generation. You have 2 options:

  1. Hate the console and refuse to buy the quality titles the Wii offers and help doom the future of the videogame market OR
  2. Purchase the quality titles and support the system with what direction you think the industry should go.

There is always 1 argument with this: "Why don't I just not support the Wii at all and that will show my dislike for the casual crap".

My answer: Ignoring the console will do nothing because the system has already won the console war. However, if you support it with what games you want to see in the future, you really can help pave the future of videogaming just like how Sony did last generation.

More hardcore gamers need to support the Wii if you don't want to see a future of 'shovelware'. The Wii is the king of Niche gaming. Early 2009 for the Wii is almost pure niche love and those who consider themselves hardcore should look into them and find which few titles they find interesting.

Wow, such as sweeping statement, since you only give what seems to be two choices. It's totally like there are not any other alternatives. There are not other consoles called the Xbox 360 and the PS3 out there, my only choice is a wii or nothing. I dislike the wii and refuse to buy it along with the games because of where it's heading the industry. I want games to have story driven narratives and artistic merits towards them, nothing on the wii that shows that, and infact it's making us backpedal into the direction as games=for kids stuff. That's why this industry is not run by a monopoly and the only choice I have is a Wii. There are other systems called the Xbox 360 and the PS3 which actually offers this with games like GTA 4, Metal Gear, Mass Effect, Braid, Pixel Junk, ect ect. My choice is to support the people who are actually driving this medium into something artistic and on a level with movies as a narrative medium. The wii does not showcase that. The PS3 and 360 does. Therefore I support PS3 and 360.

You nailed it there...the ps3 and 360 have the story driven games bringing games closer to realism and art then back to kids toys like the wii does. The wii is going backwards. I realize a lot of you wii only supporters are kids so your view is probably different, but as a 30 year old gamer, I don't want pokemon or wii babiez or any of that type of crap....give me a game with an intense story that draws your emotion like good rpgs like the witcher, neverwinter nights 2, dragon age, valkyria chronicles, eternal sonata, or adventure games like Heavy rain, narrative fps/tps like bioshock, MGS4, GTA4, Action games like god of war 3, dmc4, next gen realistic driving games like burnout paradise and grand turismo etc... If I wanted casual games i would just play peggle and jewel quest on the web.
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#261 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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Oh okay, awesome. You're one of those, "I'm a gamer, so sales don't affect me" people, right? So on lonely nights do you still wonder why Okami isn't getting a sequel and how the Dreamcast failed? Oh, and do you play Halo, Call of Duty, or any major franchise? Guess what, you're playing SALES. Know why Nintendo is making another Mario? SALES. Know why Infinity Ward is making another Call of Duty? SALES. You play sales every day, my friend. Now that that's out of the way, I never said anything about me caring. I'm just smart enough to acknowledge Nintendo is the smartest company this gen and that's why they have won. They came in with a game plan, executed, and are now enjoying the results.AlexSays

I'm afraid Alex that you're overlooking the difference that is between "hardware" sales and "software" sales. One is important and key to a developers success in being stable and the other has no affect on you, as a gamer, whats-so-ever; however, there is that one exception. That exception is when a company is financially incapable of sustaining a viable console. So, of course, you could argue that Sega went under because of sales -- but such a one-sided view like that is horribly lacking a foundation. Sega's Dreamcast went under because of bad management -- how fast did Sega drop support for that console? Then you have the bad marketing attempt which derived from a limited marketing budget. And of course, you have to mention that the two of the biggest publishers didn't support it and the console before the Dreamcast was not successful at all, so you had a kind-of "bad taste" when you heard about a new console by Sega -- their entire financial success rested in Dreamcast, when you lay everything on the table like that... you're almost bound to failure. It was irresponsible. And not to mention Sony used ruthless business tactics to effectively kill the Dreamcast.

Okami sucked in the sales because no one knows what the **** it is. The only time people will see it is when they look in a game case and then go, "What's that? Who cares. Look! Mario Party, alright!" How do you expect to be successful with no advertising? You can't.All the big games which sell hugely is because of, the obvious, established brand name, and then you have the advertising. Microsoft spend 10 million on Halo 3, and they got in return 300 million in a frickin' week. Microsoft did some of the best damn advertising I've ever seen with Halo 3 and it became a huge success for them.

Call of Duty? Same thing, you have amazing marketing and an established brand name going for it. And because of this, the game goes out and sells big.

Again, it's really all about PR and marketing. Sony comes out and boldly proclaims that the PS2 can do "toy-story" level graphics, and gets going a hype machine and releases FFVIII on the same day as the Dreamcast -- and Sony tells game stores to move Dreamcast advertising to the back, or else they wouldn't be receiving any PS2 units-- and the game stores complied because they needed to fulfill their pre-orders.

With all that said. RIP Dreamcast, I own one and it leaps and bounds better than my PS2 at the time. Curse you misinformed gamers!

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#262 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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Wow the ps3 seems to have the best I have always said... ps3 has more 70+ and 85+ games percent out of library, and the lowest amount of crap games...only 18 ps3 games got 40-, 360 falls in the middle and wii is the worst. world69star69
Maybe you haven't noticed but the PS3 isn't the best platform to develop cheap and easy quick games for the quick buck because A) more expensive to develop for the PS3; B) longer development time; C) much smaller user base.
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#263 Dreams-Visions
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[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]I had to import the only game worth playing in the last 6 months (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom) for those of us who don't want Animal Crossing.AlexSays
Then sell your console. There's plenty of people out there would have loved to play games like De Blob, Boom Blox, Wario Land, Animal Crossing, Power Pros., and Tales 2. Sell your console and make someone else happy. Keeping a console for the sole reason of complaining about it on GameSpot doesn't make much sense, especially after seeing the large list of games you've yet to have opened for other consoles.

Your list of games certainly fails save DeBlob (so I'm not sure if that was supposed to impress someone or if you were just joking), but I think I'll keep it. thanks. there were a few 2009 titles I am looking forward to. Besides, someone else can buy one new for less than what they'd pay for mine. ;) and for future reference, the "sell your console" approach isn't a very valid one. doesn't support your argument in the slightest. only reminds people that you don't have an argument at all and are looking for a way to spin and misdirect your way away from the core issue. Sorry if the truth hurts. Instead of crying about the truth, how about hoping that the truth changes like the rest of us? oh no. the fanboyism won't stand for it, will it?
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#264 Asim90
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I agree to some extent. I like my Wii, I just wish it had more serious games on it. Theres nothing wrong with having casual minigame type games, but only if it offers enough for serious gamers too. I've had mine for a while and I only have four games - SMG, Mario Kart, SSBB and Wii Sports. To me there aren't many other games out there worth owning and its not like Nintendo are incapable of making games. That being said I understand it takes time to develop a game so I'll wait until 2009 until I judge it further.

Edit: Forgot its already 2009....:P I'll wait til later this year then..

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#265 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

[QUOTE="AlexSays"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]I had to import the only game worth playing in the last 6 months (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom) for those of us who don't want Animal Crossing.hakanakumono

Then sell your console. There's plenty of people out there would have loved to play games like De Blob, Boom Blox, Wario Land, Animal Crossing, Power Pros., and Tales 2. Sell your console and make someone else happy. Keeping a console for the sole reason of complaining about it on GameSpot doesn't make much sense, especially after seeing the large list of games you've yet to have opened for other consoles.

Maybe he bought the system and expected to get more out of it? Thats a valid complaint. He may not be in love with the system, but there may be games he still likes for it.

....and you would be correct. a couple of its games have been my favorites this generation. those 3 or 4 titles, however, do not excuse what I see as a dearth of quality games. it's the lack of a steady stream of them. a lack of legit games from major 3rd party devs like Capcom, Konami, Ubisoft, Criterion, Valve, iD, Bethesda, Square-Enix, etc. etc. etc. Some people are genuinely not bothered. Some people here are bothered by it, but instead channel their anger outwardly towards everyone who rightly criticizes the software selection (fanboys). Others are bothered by it and will say so (me). I really have neither the time nor the patience for people who pretend the issues don't exist. Who pretend the 3rd party catalog is as good as any current gen console on the market. Who suppose there is no huge swelling of shovelware that has been there for the Wii since day one. Those are the people who actually make the Wii ownership experience worse because they accept everything and show no resolve or standards when it comes to putting their money on the table for games that aren't worth a damn thing. It saddens me, really, to see hardcore gamers reduced to defending garbage just because that garbage is out on their favorite system. You won't see me do it. Sorry. Until I see otherwise, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is definitely the only game I've seen since DeBlob that is a great game. And even then, DeBlob only lasts so long. No...he gets it. he just doesn't want to admit it. I'll leave him with his wonderful thoughts.
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#266 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts
I agree to some extent. I like my Wii, I just wish it had more serious games on it. Theres nothing wrong with having casual minigame type games, but only if it offers enough for serious gamers too. I've had mine for a while and I only have four games - SMG, Mario Kart, SSBB and Wii Sports. To me there aren't many other games out there worth owning and its not like Nintendo are incapable of making games. That being said I understand it takes time to develop a game so I'll wait until 2009 until I judge it further.Asim90
blame the developers, not the console. that's what I do. the choices the developers are making has always been both my clear observation and my complaint.
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#267 Disturbed123
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[QUOTE="world69star69"] Wow the ps3 seems to have the best I have always said... ps3 has more 70+ and 85+ games percent out of library, and the lowest amount of crap games...only 18 ps3 games got 40-, 360 falls in the middle and wii is the worst. Stevo_the_gamer
Maybe you haven't noticed but the PS3 isn't the best platform to develop cheap and easy quick games for the quick buck because A) more expensive to develop for the PS3; B) longer development time; C) much smaller user base.

yeah, cuz when i go out to buy a ps3 games, the things taht run through my mind are "damn this game mustve bin expensive to develop for, long time to develop for, and has such a small user base" :roll: What are you? a dev? or a gamer?

Regardless, majority of Wii games have flopped. The only half decent titles are only from first party. I wouldve expected a game like Disaster:Day of Crisis to get atleast an 8, but after playing it, i can see why the game wasnt all taht brilliant. Wiifit? Wii Music? what were ninty thinking? innovation? Sorry, but i rather wait for a decent ps3 game that takes time to develop for than wait for ninty to use us as ginnypigs and try something "new" with gaming, and ends up flopping hard.

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#268 thegoldenpoo
Member since 2005 • 5136 Posts

Who can people only own a wii? it seriously boggles my mind how someone could intentionally miss out on practically a whole gen??

Yeah thats right, this generation is mainly on the PS3/360/PC. Many of the wii's 'quality titles' people keep going on about are ports. Games that were on the PS2 or GC, games i already have played on the original system. Games that gain little improvement from their predcessor.

How can someone know that they are missing out on those frankly amazing multiplats or duplats. Things like Fallout 3, Bioshock, Mass effect, HL2, L4D, The orange box and all related source engine games, Gears of War, CnC3 etc etc etc. i could list blockbusters and AAAs for hours!, what does the wii have that really can compete with that?

The OP satated "The Wii was never meant to compete with the 360/PS3" but the thing is it was and is, its beating them in the sales but when you look at any other factor the wii is indefenceable. The sheep here like to copare the sales but when you try to compare graphics/online/quality games they say "no no no, the wii is completely different"well it wasn't, the wii gets bashed so much here becuase when you do compare it to the 360/PS3/PC it gets hammered in every area but sales.

Wii hate has increased of late becuase of an even greater lack of games, anything over AA has been hard to come by on the wii this year. The casual focus of nintendo hasn't helped, only announcing things like a rehash of AnimalCrossing (check the reveiws, its a re-hash) and calling it hardcore and then things like "wii music" or "wii sports resort" then telling us "oh by the way, we fixed the wiimote. now pay us $60"

The wii gets hate for some justified reasons, we all know it has quailty games, its just when the 360 and PS3 can churn them out at such a rate t pales in insignificance

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#269 MikeE21286
Member since 2003 • 10405 Posts

  • Now, lets remember one thing -- The Wii was never ment to be in direct competition with the PS3 or the 360.
  • You will never see the big named titles, like GTAIV, Fallout 3, Metal Gear whathaveyou, Half Life, etc on the console.
  • The console is here for niche games


Holy mother of god what is going on around here

oh my.....Wii fans officially in back-pedal mode confirmed.

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#270 PandaBear86
Member since 2007 • 3389 Posts
Agreed. I am a PC gamer who plays Crysis on High settings and I still love the Wii despite the massive difference in graphics between Crysis and Mairo games. The Wii is not known for its graphics, it is known for its friendliness to people who don't know much about playing games. My friend was over my house a few days ago and we were playing Mario Kart for hours on end. And he's the kind of person who rarely has any time for video games, and that says alot. However, the Wii DOES have its weaknesses though. For a machine that costs $250, I would expect to see more storage capacity than a puny 512mb. Why not put a cheap 1.8" hard drive in there? Oh, and the online gameplay needs to be better too.
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#271 skingus
Member since 2006 • 2370 Posts
There's always people that hate on the winners, and things that are different. The Wii are both. Also remember that on this gaming forum there are alot of young people that hate on everything... if it's not theirs.
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#272 SpruceCaboose
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I am starting to feel like I wasted money buying the Wii since I never play the thing, but that could be just me. However, given how many people I know that sold theirs, I don't think I am.
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#273 scar-hawk
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No one has to buy those, but I mean if someone is gonna make shovelware, it'll probably be for the Wii.EuroMafia
Obviously. It's cheaper to make it on the wii and chances are it'll sell much better on the wii due to the enormous amount of people in the posession of a wii.
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#274 MrGrimFandango
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All I know is I got a Wii, traded in 360 for it for Mario Galaxy, dumbest choice ever, I also got a PC which I play most, Wii pretty much collects dust.

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#275 SapSacPrime
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[QUOTE="insanejedi"]Well a majority of the shovelware being sold is what people are buying 3rd party wise.Haziqonfire
Proof? Shovelware rarely sells well.

Red Steel was one of the first games to top 1 million :| I would class that as shovelware.
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#276 bballm10
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The Wii is obviously doing much better (sales-wise) then either the 360 or PS3. People get jealous that a platform that they have no interest in is doing the best. That's all it is.
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#277 OhSnapitz
Member since 2002 • 19282 Posts
The Wii is obviously doing much better (sales-wise) then either the 360 or PS3. People get jealous that a platform that they have no interest in is doing the best. That's all it is.bballm10
Ok so the wii is doing better sales wise and yet it misses out on practically EVERY blockbuster 3rd party game, and yet people are jealous? :|
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#278 haziqonfire
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[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]Well a majority of the shovelware being sold is what people are buying 3rd party wise.Dreams-Visions
Proof? Shovelware rarely sells well.

put together your list of the best the Wii brought to the table in 2008. I'll TRIPLE that list with junkware and shovelware. in fact, I might QUADRUPLE it. thought my issue isn't with shovelware; my issue is with the lack of a steady stream of games I'm interested in playing. For someone like me (grown man) who'd have no interest in Animal Crossing, there was damn near nothing to play on the Wii after Mario Kart/No More Heroes this entire year. Particularly if you have a 360 or PS3 (where you can play better version of sports multiplats). Wii needs a regular stream of decent looking and playing games NOT made by Nintendo. that's when I'll respect it. I had to import the only game worth playing in the last 6 months (Tatsunoko vs. Capcom) for those of us who don't want Animal Crossing.

I was talking about sales, not the games that came out in 2008. I even admit 2008 was pretty boring for the Wii, with only a few titles here and there that had my interest.
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#279 haziqonfire
Member since 2005 • 36392 Posts
[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]Well a majority of the shovelware being sold is what people are buying 3rd party wise.SapSacPrime
Proof? Shovelware rarely sells well.

Red Steel was one of the first games to top 1 million :| I would class that as shovelware.

Red Steel was not shovelware ... :|
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#280 AlexSays
Member since 2008 • 6612 Posts

  • Now, lets remember one thing -- The Wii was never ment to be in direct competition with the PS3 or the 360.
  • You will never see the big named titles, like GTAIV, Fallout 3, Metal Gear whathaveyou, Half Life, etc on the console.
  • The console is here for niche games


Holy mother of god what is going on around here

oh my.....Wii fans officially in back-pedal mode confirmed.


So you weren't here when Nintendo told everyone they weren't competing with anyone?

Not knowing what they're talking about - confirmed.

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#281 Rhubarb9
Member since 2006 • 2352 Posts

  • Now, lets remember one thing -- The Wii was never ment to be in direct competition with the PS3 or the 360.
  • You will never see the big named titles, like GTAIV, Fallout 3, Metal Gear whathaveyou, Half Life, etc on the console.
  • The console is here for niche games


Holy mother of god what is going on around here

oh my.....Wii fans officially in back-pedal mode confirmed.


So you weren't here when Nintendo told everyone they weren't competing with anyone?

Not knowing what they're talking about - confirmed.

So stop hanging on system wars and bringing up sales then.
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#282 haziqonfire
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So stop hanging on system wars and bringing up sales then.Rhubarb9
All sorts of people bring up sales, when its to their benefit -- its not just Wii fans.
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#283 The_Game21x
Member since 2005 • 26440 Posts

  • Now, lets remember one thing -- The Wii was never ment to be in direct competition with the PS3 or the 360.
  • You will never see the big named titles, like GTAIV, Fallout 3, Metal Gear whathaveyou, Half Life, etc on the console.
  • The console is here for niche games


Holy mother of god what is going on around here

oh my.....Wii fans officially in back-pedal mode confirmed.


So you weren't here when Nintendo told everyone they weren't competing with anyone?

Not knowing what they're talking about - confirmed.

Nintendo can say whatever they please but you'd be a fool to believe the Wii isn't in contention with the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
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#284 MikeE21286
Member since 2003 • 10405 Posts

  • Now, lets remember one thing -- The Wii was never ment to be in direct competition with the PS3 or the 360.
  • You will never see the big named titles, like GTAIV, Fallout 3, Metal Gear whathaveyou, Half Life, etc on the console.
  • The console is here for niche games


Holy mother of god what is going on around here

oh my.....Wii fans officially in back-pedal mode confirmed.


So you weren't here when Nintendo told everyone they weren't competing with anyone?

Not knowing what they're talking about - confirmed.

lol, oh no, I was there.....and then I was there immediately afterwards. :lol: And when I was there (whereas you obviously were not) and posted that exact quote in sales threads, the nintendo fanboys laughed and laughed and said "of course they are competing with Microsoft and Sony and they are crushing them" they have spun it into a defense of their own behalf based upon bleak circumstances I remembered now why this place is ridiculous and I haven't posted in quite awhile.
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#285 AlexSays
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[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"] Your list of games certainly fails save DeBlob (so I'm not sure if that was supposed to impress someone or if you were just joking), but I think I'll keep it. thanks. there were a few 2009 titles I am looking forward to. Besides, someone else can buy one new for less than what they'd pay for mine. ;) and for future reference, the "sell your console" approach isn't a very valid one. doesn't support your argument in the slightest. only reminds people that you don't have an argument at all and are looking for a way to spin and misdirect your way away from the core issue. Sorry if the truth hurts. Instead of crying about the truth, how about hoping that the truth changes like the rest of us? oh no. the fanboyism won't stand for it, will it?

What in the world are you talking about? You said there were no games worth playing in the last six months. Those are six games I've purchased, (Heck, they've even scored decent) and had fun with. There are other people that enjoy those games as well. You're trying to pass your opinion off as fact, which is why I've taken you seriously up to this point. "Sell your console" approach? An argument? You said there aren't enough games to justify your purchase. Then I say sell your console. There's no argument in that. You make money off of something you don't like, and you make someone else happy. The only argument I could think of would be about the Wii's library and I could care less about that one. I enjoy a decent amount of games on the system, you don't. Unless you'd like to argue about who's opinion is better (wouldn't surprise me if you did) it really doesn't matter. Crying about the truth? Fanboyism won't stand up for it? I always thought you to be a logical poster that refrained from having to use personal insults to get your point across. As for your "core issue", I have more games than I have time for, and I enjoy playing each and one of my games. If it gets drastically better, then great. But your misconception that I'm running away from the truth because I have fun with the console is absolutely laughable. Some people have fun with the console, some don't. Spin this into a larger issue if you want, but it always comes down to that. And for future reference, the fanboy usually tosses around the first F word. ;)
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#286 AlexSays
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Nintendo can say whatever they please but you'd be a fool to believe the Wii isn't in contention with the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The_Game21x
So you'd argue the fact that all consoles are are aimed towards casuals? [QUOTE="MikeE21286"] lol, oh no, I was there.....and then I was there immediately afterwards. :lol: And when I was there (whereas you obviously were not) and posted that exact quote in sales threads, the nintendo fanboys laughed and laughed and said "of course they are competing with Microsoft and Sony and they are crushing them" they have spun it into a defense of their own behalf based upon bleak circumstances I remembered now why this place is ridiculous and I haven't posted in quite awhile.

Uh okay. So you know the truth, had someone laugh at you for it, and now you disregard the truth? That's a strange way of going about things but if that's what you like then okay.
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#287 MikeE21286
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[QUOTE="MikeE21286"] lol, oh no, I was there.....and then I was there immediately afterwards. :lol: And when I was there (whereas you obviously were not) and posted that exact quote in sales threads, the nintendo fanboys laughed and laughed and said "of course they are competing with Microsoft and Sony and they are crushing them" they have spun it into a defense of their own behalf based upon bleak circumstances I remembered now why this place is ridiculous and I haven't posted in quite awhile.AlexSays
Uh okay. So you know the truth, had someone laugh at you for it, and now you disregard the truth? That's a strange way of going about things but if that's what you like then okay.

The truth has been switched around from denial of it being fact by nintendo fanboys to complete acceptance of it, and use it as a main defense for a reason to not compare it to the ps3/360. That is what happened....the only one laughing is me.
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#288 AlexSays
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The truth has been switched around from denial of it being fact by nintendo fanboys to complete acceptance of it, and use it as a main defense for a reason to not compare it to the ps3/360. That is what happened....the only one laughing is me.MikeE21286
So you agree it's truth? And that the people before were wrong? Awesome, we're on the same page then.
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#289 Funky_Llama
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It had a lot of potential, which was promptly buried under the tons of shovelware.
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#290 MikeE21286
Member since 2003 • 10405 Posts

[QUOTE="MikeE21286"]The truth has been switched around from denial of it being fact by nintendo fanboys to complete acceptance of it, and use it as a main defense for a reason to not compare it to the ps3/360. That is what happened....the only one laughing is me.AlexSays
So you agree it's truth? And that the people before were wrong? Awesome, we're on the same page then.

Yeah, I totally do......I just found that all the things I was saying and Nintendo fanboys were denying:

A. They are not competing with PS3/360
B. They are not ever gonna get the big games
C. It is a niche-games console (i.e. it's for casual-usage gamers for the most part)

were all said by me to them awhile back and now they are now being reiterated by the OP as a defense of sorts for the wii. And ALL those things were things that nintendo fanboys would never have admitted to say.....6 months ago or so, maybe longer. These are the things I bulleted in my initial post and the whole situation amuses me.

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#291 The_Game21x
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[QUOTE="The_Game21x"]Nintendo can say whatever they please but you'd be a fool to believe the Wii isn't in contention with the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. AlexSays
So you'd argue the fact that all consoles are are aimed towards casuals?

Aimed? No. Nintedo seems to be the only company this generation that is focusing entirely on the casual market. While Microsoft and Sony are trying their best to get a piece of Nintendo's pie, they seem to understand a thing or two about balance.

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#292 haziqonfire
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[QUOTE="AlexSays"][QUOTE="The_Game21x"]Nintendo can say whatever they please but you'd be a fool to believe the Wii isn't in contention with the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The_Game21x

So you'd argue the fact that all consoles are are aimed towards casuals?

Aimed? No. Nintedo seems to be the only company this generation that is focusing entirely on the casual market. While Microsoft and Sony are trying their best to get a piece of Nintendo's pie, they seem to understand a thing or two about balance.

It makes more sense for Nintendo to go after the casual market. The hardcore market was clearly not interested with the GC, so why bother?
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#293 AlexSays
Member since 2008 • 6612 Posts
Yeah, I totally do......I just found that all the things I was saying and Nintendo fanboys were denying:

A. They are not competing with PS3/360
B. They are not ever gonna get the big games
C. It is a niche-games console (i.e. it's for casual-usage gamers for the most part)

were all said by me to them awhile back and now they are now being reiterated by the OP as a defense of sorts for the wii. And ALL those things were things that nintendo fanboys would never have admitted to say.....6 months ago or so, maybe longer. These are the things I bulleted in my initial post and the whole situation amuses me.


Oh then you were 100% right.

Those people were wrong and you should be laughing. lol

Aimed? No. Nintedo seems to be the only company this generation that is focusing entirely on the casual market. While Microsoft and Sony are trying their best to get a piece of Nintendo's pie, they seem to understand a thing or two about balance.The_Game21x

Yeah I think that's it.

Nintendo is 100% casual and has always been.

They've always gone after the every day person, not the every day gamer.

Microsoft and Sony are trying to appeal to both demographics.

I wouldn't say Wendy's is in direct competition with Dairy Queen because they both go after people who like ice cream.

One ONLY goes after people who like ice cream and the other goes for other people as well.

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#294 deactivated-5967f36c08c33
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They've always gone after the every day person, not the every day gamer. AlexSays

Nintendo used to go after both quite evenly.Can't say the same thing now.

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#295 AlexSays
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They've always gone after the every day person, not the every day gamer. VGobbsesser

Nintendo used to go after both quite evenly.Can't say the same thing now.

Uh, you mean back when they packaged the NES with a toy robot?

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#296 The_Game21x
Member since 2005 • 26440 Posts

[QUOTE="AlexSays"] So you'd argue the fact that all consoles are are aimed towards casuals? Haziqonfire

Aimed? No. Nintedo seems to be the only company this generation that is focusing entirely on the casual market. While Microsoft and Sony are trying their best to get a piece of Nintendo's pie, they seem to understand a thing or two about balance.

It makes more sense for Nintendo to go after the casual market. The hardcore market was clearly not interested with the GC, so why bother?

Yes, it makes perfect business sense to go after a new demographic when the current one doesn't seem to want anything to do with you. In that sense, the Wii is probably the best decision they've ever made. The difference is, I don't care about that. Them chasing after the casual market doesn't benefit me as a gamer and, as it relates to my enjoyment of the Wii, is more of a detriment than anything else.
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#297 The_Game21x
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They've always gone after the every day person, not the every day gamer. VGobbsesser

Nintendo used to go after both quite evenly.Can't say the same thing now.

Exactly. I've never been disappointed by a Nintendo console before this generation.
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#298 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 50202 Posts

[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="world69star69"] Wow the ps3 seems to have the best I have always said... ps3 has more 70+ and 85+ games percent out of library, and the lowest amount of crap games...only 18 ps3 games got 40-, 360 falls in the middle and wii is the worst. Disturbed123

Maybe you haven't noticed but the PS3 isn't the best platform to develop cheap and easy quick games for the quick buck because A) more expensive to develop for the PS3; B) longer development time; C) much smaller user base.

yeah, cuz when i go out to buy a ps3 games, the things taht run through my mind are "damn this game mustve bin expensive to develop for, long time to develop for, and has such a small user base" :roll: What are you? a dev? or a gamer?

What in the world? Did you even have a clue to what I was referring too? The PS3 doesn't have the shovelware titles that the Wii and Xbox 360 have because of the reasons I listed.
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#299 AlexSays
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[QUOTE="Disturbed123"]yeah, cuz when i go out to buy a ps3 games, the things taht run through my mind are "damn this game mustve bin expensive to develop for, long time to develop for, and has such a small user base" :roll: What are you? a dev? or a gamer?


What in the world? Did you even have a clue to what I was referring too?

No. No he did not...

With all that said. RIP Dreamcast, I own one and it leaps and bounds better than my PS2 at the time. Curse you misinformed gamers! Stevo_the_gamer

That was actually a good read.

I just wanted you to know that yes I did read that so you didn't think you typed up that whole thing for nothing. :P

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#300 bballm10
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[QUOTE="bballm10"]The Wii is obviously doing much better (sales-wise) then either the 360 or PS3. People get jealous that a platform that they have no interest in is doing the best. That's all it is.OhSnapitz
Ok so the wii is doing better sales wise and yet it misses out on practically EVERY blockbuster 3rd party game, and yet people are jealous? :|

No, I meant people are jealous that a system like the Wii is doing the best when they feel their console has better games, features, etc.