1. Tiny Memory
I filled mine up after six months and got tired of always having to make room every time I wanted to download something. It is a hassle, especially when the other systems offer large, convenient memory. But, according to Nintendo, large memory space "is for geeks." It doesn't matter if they apologized for the comment. It showed their true colors. The damage has been done. It goes to show you how smug Nintendo is these days sitting on top of their mountain of money to insult a large percentage of their fans.
2. Gimmicky, Poorly-designed Motion Controls
Blame it on whoever you want- developers or Nintendo itself. It doesn't change the fact that the majority of games for the Wii suck strictly because of the motion controls. To prove it further, Nintendo is set to release the "Motion-Plus," which is basically a repair to a faulty control scheme. With this, entire genres of games are missing from the Wii because Nintendo's dependency on the motion controls. Where are the basketball games, the wrestling games, fighting games?
3. Misleading Marketing about the Virtual Console
When Nintendo first began marketing the Wii before it's release, they said that there would be three games released each week. Not one. Not seven. Three. For the past five weeks, Nintendo has only released one game a week, as they have during other weeks earlier this year. With this, they failed to also mention that the Virtual Console would be devoid of any licensed games (a HUGE portion, including any movie, comic, official sports, etc.) and any other games that happen to be on other consoles or remade on the DS. Many people bought a Wii for the Virtual Console according to the original marketing and many people have been left deeply disappointed.
4. Towering Mountains of Shovelware
Never before in history has a system has so many poorly reviewed games in comparison with quality games. All one must do is stand before the Wii shelves at the local Gamestop. It's laughable. The number of quality games are so few that on the major gaming web site's Top Ten most viewed Wii games, the same games have appeared for a year- Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Wii Fit (is that even a video game?)
5. Weak Hardware
Epic games like Fallout, GTA, Street Fighter 4 will never see the light of day on the Wii. As reported by Capcom, the Wii "can't handle Resident Evil 5's Title Screen." Remember that commercial with the ditzy, skinny blonde chic representing the Wii and the fat girl as the PS3? Ironic, isn't it? Yeah, the Wii is a toy. A pea-brained, irritating, disappointing toy.
6. Fluff
Wii-motes, nunchuks, Classic Controllers, Motion Plus add-ons, steering wheels, spatulas...Spatulas?!
7. Most of the "Good Games" aren't even that Good.
Zelda: TP sucked. The graphics were horrible and it brought nothing novel or original to the series.
Super Paper Mario was one of the biggest abominations to a video game series in history. They took the one aspect that made Paper Mario fun and original- the turn-based combat on a stage with crowd appeal and sacrificed it for a gimmicky motion-controlled nothing that was more irritating than anything. Horrible, just horrible.
Metroid Prime 3: Pure rehash.
Mario Kart: More rehash with gimmicky controls.
Animal Crossing: Almost an exact clone of its predecessor.
I've been playing video games for twenty years. I have bought almost all the major consoles during that time. I was a die-hard fan of Nintendo and defended them during the N64 days when everyone was jumping on the PS CD wagon. I have never experienced more disapointment in video gaming than I have with the Nintendo Wii. It's a peice of crap from top to bottom.
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