The Xbox One has a problem- you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
It's not just one problem, either- everything from the console's hardware resources to its third party support, and more, is in question right now. But I am not going to make this thread about any of those problems and issues- they have been discussed at length before, often in discussions initiated by me.
The point of discussion here is the simple fact that thus far, no single Xbox One exclusive has actually managed to live up to the hype.
Now, this discussion is a very unfavorable one for Xbox to begin with, since the console has very few true exclusives- but if one were to wrangle with the definition of the word to include a lot of other games, you still end up with games that have, on the whole, failed. Not failed at being good games- I think in general, the Xbox One lineup has been good. But failed at being truly 'great,' at capturing the imagination of gamers and the media worldwide to get the kind of unanimous praise and attention that Xbox exclusives of the past used to.
Put simply, the Xbox One has not yet had its Halo or Gears of War or Mass Effect moment- every exclusive game it has received has been good- but that's about it. There's nothing great, nothing system selling, nothing to expand the appeal of the console beyond the initial Xbox fanbase, nothing to excite the imagination.
Just have a look at this:
- Forza has seen a comedown from its Xbox 360 heyday- from a high of consistent 90+ Metascores (Forza 3 and 4 were 92 and 91 respectively) to a low of 79 on the Xbox One (though I suppose Forza 6 is at least 87). Very important here is the fact that Forza was never a big seller, but it had its place as a prestige franchise- however, with declining critical scores and excitement for the games thanks to the predictable bi-annual cycle, it seems to be losing even that sheen.
- Halo is the biggest casualty- we went from a high of 94 down to 85. That's 10 points in Metascore, almost- but in terms of review scores, Halo is still doing great, if not excellent like it used to be. However, the brand has gone from being the prestige shooter synonymous with console FPSs, and an industry defining event, to a run of the mill shooter. It has lost popularity immensely, to the point that where Halo 2 and Halo 3 set industry wide records when it came to sales, Halo 5, a numbered entry, failed to stay in software charts, failed to boost Xbox One hardware sales, and failed to sell much itself- Microsoft even refuses to confirm any sales numbers for the game beyond just 1 million shipped worldwide. 1 million- that's what Halo has been reduced to. Of course, the elephant in the room here is the Master Chief Collection, but the less said about that disaster, the better.
- Fable was canceled on Xbox One, so this isn't even a comparison.
- Gears of War has gone from consistent 90+ Metascores to 82- and like Halo, it is struggling to excite on a commercial or perception based level.
- Quantum Break would be directly comparable to Alan Wake- like Alan Wake, Quantum Break has seen a decline in terms of its critical reception. Its final sales potential remains to be seen, but it has put a dampener in terms of Remedy's perception as a prestige studio, which was a narrative often cited by Xbox fans.
- Let's consider some other Xbox One games- Sunset Overdrive: good, but not great, Metascores, flopped at retail. Ryse: Son of Rome: Horrific scores, poor sales performance. Killer Instinct: to the best of my knowledge, this game has largely done well for what it is, though it still continues to have the smallest pool of fighters at EVO every year, indicating a small community. Rise of the TombRaider received rave reviews, and then went on to sell a million copies worldwide across two platforms, before jumping ship to non Xbox platforms not even three months after its launch. Titanfall was never exclusive to begin with, though it did do well in the end, so there is that.
But have you noticed this trend? Xbox One games aren't doing too well- by most standards, they are falling behind their Xbox 360 counterparts, where applicable, or just failing to meet expectations in other cases. They are doing poorly by all metrics- by their total sales, by their review scores, by awards won, by public perception. I am sure that I will get some Xbox fans telling me in this thread that they enjoyed Quantum Break or Halo 5, and why should they care? But that's not the point here- I enjoy playing through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, doesn't make that a not shitty game. You enjoying or not enjoying a game is independent of the facts, and the facts are clear- Xbox's lineup is disappointing on all fronts.
So... what's going on? Here we have a console which is weaker than the competition, with less support from third parties, meaning literally the only reason to buy it is the exclusives. Now, it's not like Xbox One has any true exclusives- it shares most, if not all outright, of its exclusives with some other platform- mostly PC. The few 'exclusives' it does get seem to be failing to excite on the most fundamental levels, good enough to cater to the people who already bought the Xbox, but hardly worth anything to sell it to a wider audience. Those exclusives too, incidentally, play better on PC, which adds insult to injury, but that's not the point here- the Xbox One being weaker than any other high end system has been long established. Instead the point is that on a first party/exclusives front, the Xbox One has, incredibly enough, managed to end up in an even worse spot than it was in a few months ago- and as most people will attest to, it was pretty damn bad a few months ago to begin with.
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