10. Deus Ex --------------- PC.
Great choice. the mixture of RPG, FPs, stealth and story telling was revolutionary
09. Half-Life 2 --------------- PC.
The way the story was told with out disrupting the flow of gameplay was revolutionary
08. Halo 3 --------------- Xbox 360.
This is i can not under stand. halo 3 didnt do any thing that hadnt been done before and it didnt perfect it either
07. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare --------------- PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3.
Same as halo 3 it didnt do any thing doesnt belong on the list.
06. GoldenEye 007 --------------- Nintendo 64.
Popularised mltiplayer for FPS on consoles so again good choice
05. Counter-Strike --------------- PC.
Multiplayer action that requires skill with out being complicated
04. Wolfenstein 3d --------------- PC.
Popularised the FPS genre some times mistaken as the first first person game.
03. Half-Life --------------- PC.
The same as Half life 2 only not as well but this came out first
02. Doom --------------- PC.
set a new standard of first person shooters
01. Halo: Combat Evolved --------------- Xbox.
Moved the FPS crowd to consoles arguably responsible to all he console FPS we have today (if thats a good thing or a bad thing is a different story)
you got the order completely wrong
my views on your list arein red
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