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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was definitely better than Uncharted 2 in some ways, I wouldn't say all. Both are fantastic games regardless. I loved both of them and played them to death! Uncharted 2 will be the one that gets remembered though, and rightfully so. I don't think that game will be forgotten any time soon.
Uncharted 3? Garbage. It was terrible compared to the first 2 and even the Vita release. The multiplayer was crap, the environments were uninspired, and the story was the weakest of the trilogy.
Samesies. Too much movie, not enough game.Not a fan of super cinematic and linear games but it's okay, I guess.
I think it has some of the worst gameplay in gaming and is one huge step towards the ultimate casualization and quick time eventization of gaming
Could be one of the worst things that have happened to gaming ever, every good score it got is one huge step towards non games and movie like games with zero gameplay
Hopefully they will stop making such garbage and next gen will be about gameplay and not pretty cut scenes
Thankfully there are stil sites that can appreciate a good game and differentiate it from garbage, that is why Demons Souls got GOTY here
I think it has some of the worst gameplay in gaming and is one huge step towards the ultimate casualization and quick time eventization of gaming
Could be one of the worst things that have happened to gaming ever, every good score it got is one huge step towards non games and movie like games with zero gameplay
Hopefully they will stop making such garbage and next gen will nbe about gameplay and not pretty cut scenes
Fable the Journey is less casual?
False. Everything but graphics was better in the first, and even then the first looked better sometimes.Honestly, how could you prefer the first to the second? The first was rendered pretty much redundant by Among Thieves, everything was better in the sequel.
I think it has some of the worst gameplay in gaming and is one huge step towards the ultimate casualization and quick time eventization of gaming
Could be one of the worst things that have happened to gaming ever, every good score it got is one huge step towards non games and movie like games with zero gameplay
Hopefully they will stop making such garbage and next gen will nbe about gameplay and not pretty cut scenes
Fable the Journey is less casual?
Any RPG is less casual and deeper than any shooter
[QUOTE="balfe1990"]False. Everything but graphics was better in the first, and even then the first looked better sometimes. What...the...f***?:|Honestly, how could you prefer the first to the second? The first was rendered pretty much redundant by Among Thieves, everything was better in the sequel.
False. Everything but graphics was better in the first, and even then the first looked better sometimes. What...the...f***?:| Everything.[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="balfe1990"]
Honestly, how could you prefer the first to the second? The first was rendered pretty much redundant by Among Thieves, everything was better in the sequel.
[QUOTE="balfe1990"]False. Everything but graphics was better in the first, and even then the first looked better sometimes.Honestly, how could you prefer the first to the second? The first was rendered pretty much redundant by Among Thieves, everything was better in the sequel.
Shooting was clunky, platforming was awkward and imprecise, there were massive and totally random spikes in difficulty where it got to the point of cheapness.
Not to mention the crappy vehicle sequences in the first. Ever try the up-river jet-ski ride on Crushing? I don't recommend it.The cast of characters were also much better in the second.
I agree the first was nice-looking but UC2 was in a league of it's own from literally the first level. But whatever, I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just genuinely shocked someone could prefer the first to the second.
Uncharted 2 is my 2nd favorite PS3 game behind Demon's. I was very surprised considering I found the first to be mediocre. I still have yet to play 3 but most say it's inferior to 2. Though I don't play the multiplayer anymore it was fun for what it was.tagyhag
Where did you get your sig gif ?
[QUOTE="tagyhag"]Uncharted 2 is my 2nd favorite PS3 game behind Demon's. I was very surprised considering I found the first to be mediocre. I still have yet to play 3 but most say it's inferior to 2. Though I don't play the multiplayer anymore it was fun for what it was.loosingENDS
Where did you get your sig gif ?
Four leaf clover site.I was very disappointed in it.
It's way too linear and overly scripted.
I can't believe I paid $60 for that mediocre game.
$60 for a 10 hour campaign. What a rip off. It wasn't even very fun. Is more tedious than it was fun.
Which is why I won't buy Uncharted 3.
The only thing "fun" about the series (if you can call it fun) is watching the cinematic cutscenes.
But that's a really bad thing when the cutscenes are more entertaining than the actual gameplay.
2 was the only remotely enjoyable game in the series (from a single player standpoint).
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune: 8.0
The first game had the best setting and story, but other than that, some of the worst gameplay I have ever played in a 3rd person shooter:|. Terrible shooting mechanics, terrible physics that make the character feel detatched from the world/floating, etc, and god awful level design that felt outdated even in 2007. Plays like a PS2 game. The entire franchise lacks game mechanics and structure, and is plagued by incredibly broken gameplay.
Uncharted 2: Among Theives: 9.0
The gameplay itself is better than Uncharted 1, although the game is still plagued with poor shooting mechanics, awkward physics that feel detatched from the world, and terrible level design/progression. The graphics are better, but Uncharted 1 had a better story and more gameplay variety (even though the actual mechanics were worse). The con about Uncharted 2 is that its also plagued with a forgettable story, cringeworthy dialogue that tries way too hard, and in general feels like a game that serves no purpose in existing other than they wanted to make an Uncharted 2. The best levels of the game were the Monastary levels, the levels when Schaeffer's village got raided, and the train wreck level.
The game was good, but posters on this forum get so rediculous about this game's quality its not even funny.
Hannah Montanna: The Movie (PS3/360):
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception: 5.0
Absolutely atrocious game. Worst single player campaign I have EVER played this gen, specifically the first 12 chapters of the game. (dead serious, opinion not up for debate). Bug ridden, low budget, most uninspired environments. Game can be beaten in two sittings on first playthrough. Everything about it, the graphics look like the game shipped in pre alpha stage. the broken unbalanced combat, the fact that it took until 5 chapters into the game to put a gun in your hands and have actual unscripted "gameplay". Another thing is that this game seriously lacked combat sequences. Ill give it the fact that it picked up during the cruise ship chapter, the airport chapter, and the desert chapter, but those sequences felt like they werent very long. The entire time building up to the games release, they were hyping up the "desert" levels to be this big part of the game, but it felt like you spent 20-40 minutes there and then the game was over. There was also no reason for that scripted sequence to have not been gameplay.
The game's only saving grace was its multiplayer, which while alot of people hate on it, it is MUCH better than Uncharted 2's. It is certainly not up to standards of Halo, Gears, or Call of Duty, its still somewhat enjoyable. I put over 120 hours into it, and was in both betas for the game. The final product that shipped is NOTHING compared to the first beta for the game back in June 2011.
Those are for the multiplayer though :/Not a fan of super cinematic and linear games but it's okay, I guess.
I think it has some of the worst gameplay in gaming and is one huge step towards the ultimate casualization and quick time eventization of gaming
Could be one of the worst things that have happened to gaming ever, every good score it got is one huge step towards non games and movie like games with zero gameplay
Hopefully they will stop making such garbage and next gen will be about gameplay and not pretty cut scenes
Thankfully there are stil sites that can appreciate a good game and differentiate it from garbage, that is why Demons Souls got GOTY here
There are hardly any QTE at all in U2. I am starting to doubt you have a PS3. And it's full of gameplay. Play the games first before you say anything.
I'm definitely getting these as soon as possible! I'm finally gonna turn my ps3 back on after at least 2 months :P
They were free a while ago, plus the U2 online is ultra dead. 0 daily players, and you'll never find a game. Everyone moved to U3Nengo_Flow
I dont even see why this is worth mentioning considering EVERY one of the DLC maps came as standard maps in Uncharted 3, andconsidering the U2 maps have been free with the GOTY edition of the game since 2010.
False. Everything but graphics was better in the first, and even then the first looked better sometimes.[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="balfe1990"]
Honestly, how could you prefer the first to the second? The first was rendered pretty much redundant by Among Thieves, everything was better in the sequel.
Shooting was clunky, platforming was awkward and imprecise, there were massive and totally random spikes in difficulty where it got to the point of cheapness.
Not to mention the crappy vehicle sequences in the first. Ever try the up-river jet-ski ride on Crushing? I don't recommend it.The cast of characters were also much better in the second.
I agree the first was nice-looking but UC2 was in a league of it's own from literally the first level. But whatever, I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just genuinely shocked someone could prefer the first to the second.
I appreciate this not turning into a argument, and it's not that I'm one of those people who find it hard to see why people liked the second one over the first. I just felt the first was the much superior experience overall.
Shooting wasn't clunky, I still don't get where this comes from. The AK-47 isn't 100% precise like it should be, the shotguns are well ranged, the pistols work like they should, turrets are fine, snipers line up nicely, shooting from the hip actually requires some effort and isn't OP, grenades weren't over-simplified like they were in the latter games (and grenade throwback was a mechanic I thought would work well in 3's campaign, but took out a lot of challenge, took Drake out of cover occasionally, and just didn't work that well). Everything worked fine in the first, and headshots were easy to line up when they should be.
The difficulty spikes (airplane wreck, Blue Room [my favorite Uncharted series level], outside the church) even on Crushing just required skill, timing, and knowledge. The best way I would describe it would be Demon's Souls in shooter form. I for one am not an advocate of difficulty spikes, but DF made it so there were appropriate build-ups to the more difficult parts). Uncharted 1's Crushing really made me feel a level of tactical-ness I would never expect out of a TPS. Running back for previous locations ammo, who to melee and when, if hanging from something and using a pistol made more sense, when to hip fire, Brutal Combo (why did they get rid of this :cry:), etc. 2's and 3's didn't have this feeling from me.
Platforming was the same through both games. In the first one, it wasn't needed so much, just sparingly. It could also be used as a cover mechanic for more experience players. 2 actually told more players to use this, and it was mandatory at some points, which was fun. I put them at equal here.
And of course I've played DF's Crushing. I've beat the game over 20 times. :P
The jetski part wasnotdifficult, even on Crushing. First time, you see where the barrels are, see where the baddies are, and blow them up. Second time, it's just more tactical. You've got to use the crumbling buildings around you as cover. It's easy to learn and master. Then from there, one must also realize that the pistol has a long range that must be used. Learn all that, and it's not hard at all.
Out of The Frying Pan was fun. It was a nice change in pace, that's all. :D
I liked characters in the first the best. Three people, you learn about them, they become buddies, they actually react with each other easily. No poorly done "love triangle" or Jeffs in the first one. And there's Sully in prime form.
I've beat 2's Crushing and never even attempted 3's because it was so boring the first time.
Of course, 2 does have the better notebook by far. :D
I think it has some of the worst gameplay in gaming and is one huge step towards the ultimate casualization and quick time eventization of gaming
Could be one of the worst things that have happened to gaming ever, every good score it got is one huge step towards non games and movie like games with zero gameplay
Hopefully they will stop making such garbage and next gen will be about gameplay and not pretty cut scenes
Thankfully there are stil sites that can appreciate a good game and differentiate it from garbage, that is why Demons Souls got GOTY here
There are hardly any QTE at all in U2. I am starting to doubt you have a PS3. And it's full of gameplay. Play the games first before you say anything.
It's still extremely linear and scripted. The combat system is a quicktime event.[QUOTE="themajormayor"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
I think it has some of the worst gameplay in gaming and is one huge step towards the ultimate casualization and quick time eventization of gaming
Could be one of the worst things that have happened to gaming ever, every good score it got is one huge step towards non games and movie like games with zero gameplay
Hopefully they will stop making such garbage and next gen will be about gameplay and not pretty cut scenes
Thankfully there are stil sites that can appreciate a good game and differentiate it from garbage, that is why Demons Souls got GOTY here
There are hardly any QTE at all in U2. I am starting to doubt you have a PS3. And it's full of gameplay. Play the games first before you say anything.
It's still extremely linear and scripted. The combat system is a quicktime event. So you haven't played it then?Uncharted 2 is a masterpiece, that's undeniable. It was extremely well made, but as a series it's lacking in many aspects.
[QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="themajormayor"]It's still extremely linear and scripted. The combat system is a quicktime event. So you haven't played it then? I have and it's one of my favuorite games of all time ;) That doesn't stop me from saying, that it is extremely linear and scripted. :]There are hardly any QTE at all in U2. I am starting to doubt you have a PS3. And it's full of gameplay. Play the games first before you say anything.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was definitely better than Uncharted 2 in some waysRandomWinnerI couldn't imagine which ones.
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