[QUOTE="4dr1el"]1st. being re-released doesnt mean it aged well. Its just Nintendo cashing in on the popularity OoT has among its fans
2nd. I played (well, tried too) play OoT last year when my neighbour lent me his N64. I coulnt even be bodered to finish it. That tells me it didnt aged well. Its not like I dont know wtf I'm talkin about
3rd. I agree U2 wasnt as groundbreaking as OoT at the time. Never said that. But there is no denying U2 had an HUGE impact this gen.
4th. Being a mix of various things does not nullfies its merit
5th. I CAN predict popularity. Do you even know what "prediction" means? Ironic that you call me stupid... I can predict ANYTHING. Does not mean it'll be right but thats what a "prediction" means i.e. prognostication
6th. People act like games this gen are shallow and not innovative enough to be remembered in the long future. You point DOOM as one classic when Wolfenstein 3D did everything DOOM did first. Uncharted 2 may not be the 1st of its kind but its impact between gamers is undeniable.
Do you honestly believe such an acclaimed game both by critics and gamers, a game that won multiple GOTY awards, will be easily forgotten? get a grip
That alone tells me what I need to know about you
Behold text chunks for responding to your numbers:You missed my point. The positive reception of the re-release is evidence that it does hold up well. I don't disagree with your inherent point I'm responding to, but the critical reception and popular opinion alone absolutely nullifies your counterargument. OOT holds up well, if you're actually going to attempt to say no then there's a good weight of positive critical opinion and popular opinion to argue against, this side of the actual game.
That tells me you couldn't finish it. That's it. I don't know how literate you are to games by age, I don't know how literate you are to genres or a scope of games. I could pop you infront of X-Com or Operation Flashpoint and you might not have half an idea of what's going on; despite these being games that do hold up well for what they do (very well in the formers regard). The only point I can take from this is that you struggled with it; you're offering no actual critical reasoning why. If you didn't enjoy it and couldn't get into it that's perfectly fine and I can't say your wrong for it. That doesn't mean your opinion is absolute in the slightest. Especially in light of the above point.
U2 didn't have a huge impact on this gen compared to other noteable titles. I'm talking about legacy - OOT had a legacy and massive impact because of its groundbreaking nature. U2 didn't. It's a game that has had an impact - particularly in driving the development of set piece led games resting heavily on scripts (which we have seen so many times over the last decade since 3D gaming matured; first Half Life then Medal of Honour, Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War - Uncharted mixed it with a modern day action-adventure-pulp adding some very light plat forming and puzzles for the sake of light variety and different characterisation and tone.
Cont. However UC2 is very much a recognisable hallmark game of 'this gen' for what it achieves - and that's some stellar production values, and a wonderful blend of mechanics and systems into a downright grand interactive experience. In terms of raw impact it simply isn't nearly as influential as Gears of War; despite being what I'd call a better game.
No it doesn't but it dilutes why it should be held on a pedestal, when you strip away the polish and sheen to the foundations, and its quite skeletal and done better in other games; there's not much meat. It's a great experience, by the sum of its merits - it isn't going to escape basic scrutiny.
Yes I wasn't saying you weren't allowed to predict (though that was dumb wording on my behalf - you're right I messed up there), you can predict what you choose and it's as good as anyone else's. SW is a forum based on stupid predictions. The only way we can tell about a games reception in terms of fond opinion is going to be over the years in retrospect.
I don't act like games this gen are 'shallow' and 'not innovative enough' - we're looking at games retrospectively, so obviously I'm going to be discussing games from this angle. if anything I think this generation has been absolutely superb and one of the most diverse in the history of games.As I said, Uncharted 2's impact is as good as Quake 2 was for its time as far as we can tell, we don't know if its a Medal of Honour yet, and its certainly not a Gears of War of this generation in terms of sheer impact and influence.
Cont. Wolf didn't do everything Doom did. That's an utter fallacy. The technology behind Doom was remarkably different to Wolf 3D which allowed actual complex and leveled level geometry; the pacing was different, Doom had network play - actual god-damn multiplayer and cooperative through the entire game - and you're missing the most cruical thing that has gone onto define 3D game rendering, artistry and design in general - it had actual environment based 3D lighting, which was a first of its kind, and has been massively influential in games (we take all of it for granted). Oh and it actually popularised mod support with a streamlined wads system - which is something massive in itself.
Cont. Doom was built on Wolf's foundations and was a groundbreaking game in its own right - in popular reception, pop-culture influence, trend setting games development to this day. Hell, there's a fantastic book about it and iD - this side of two decades worth of documentation and articles - it's a really good read if you're interested in gaming history or well, games in general. Doom is in a whole nother legaue in terms of impact and influence; it's a rare definitive game that's very much a product of the first 3D games.
Which is why Doom is so relevant and fondly remembered and Magic Carpet isn't.
My response to all that blah blah blah is no"
And that was delightfully informative about your sensibilities in general.
No seriously, can you blame me for being snarky at that when actual consderation is put down in text? Jeesh.
I hope you enjoyed writting all that cause I'm certainly not reading that wall of text
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