Preferrably, action adventure games shouldn't be so linear and have terribly boring platforming sections. Uncharted 2 was great (and prob in my top 10 this gen though I frankly think the gameplay is one of the weaker aspects of its whole package (though certainly not bad by any means).
Here is the thing, every game is linear, no matter jow you try and shake it, the game in your sig is linear but it doesnt stop it from being one of the best platformers this gen does it?
Here is one of the most persistent myths in SWw, that a game cant have a focused path and be good. Every game has to be an open world sandbox or else its 'Linear'.
In UC2 barring the the set-peice moments, you actually have the various opportunities at points in the game to tackle the environment and enemies however you want.
As for the platforming, well, its An Action Adventure game not a platformer, the platforming is forgiving in order to give the facilitate the gameplay, not alot games have you shooting while hanging off ledges for example
The hell? UC2 is linear beyond linear. You approach almost all of its design in one specified way. There are certain parts (not many) where you have a little bit of creative play but for the most part its all done exactly one way. In an action adventure game preferably you should get some creative leeway to do things with a bit of open nature. Zelda is linear but for example in "A Link To The Past" you can approach the world given to you in a lot of different ways. You can explore and be extremely rewarded or you can follow the rough path and still get a very solid and memorable experience. I don't endorse this bs about every game being linear so uncharted over bearing linearity is okay. Its not. Even in SMG (a platformer in which one set path is more understandable) the game lets you skip entire worlds encourages you to search to find star coins as well as hidden secrets and star. Linearity isn't bad, being as Linear as uncharted is bad plain and simple even if they still are able to craft something great where they are holding your hand.
Also please cut the crap with this whole "everything has to be a sandbox" bs. My favourite genre is platformers of which are pretty much entirely linear. I like action adventures (uncharted is a shooter however, there is no advdenturing to be had in this series that isn't hand held). U2 has certain points that let you have some creativity with the gun play (one of the games weaker aspects) and super limited but existant parts where you can platform in "slightly" different manners. The platforming in uncharted is bad from someone who plays platformers and is better of not there. Fill it with something fun to do, not **** auto jump set pieces with no reason to exist besides looking at graphics and distracting you from the good but not amazing shooting sections.
Sure Uncharted is a shooter, and GTA is a driving sim, and POP is a hackn slash thenI spose? God forbid you have other gameplay elements
An action Adventure without the adventure? what?:?
the story is the adventure
what point are you trying to make exactly? That becausesmg lets you hunt for star and coins it gives you more to do? I recall you having to hunt for treasure in UC2.
How about you cut the crap
Critisizing Uncharted for its platforming is like Criticizing Marion galaxy for its story telling.
you want good platforming, I propose you stick to your mario games
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