Was a really mediocre game I thought. Unremarkable in all ways except for graphics I guess. Voice acting was pretty good too.
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Was a really mediocre game I thought. Unremarkable in all ways except for graphics I guess. Voice acting was pretty good too.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Who wants to do some coop in Uncharted 2? :]BlabadonCount me in, add me, lifeSONG. I'll send you a FR. :]
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Who wants to do some coop in Uncharted 2? :]BlabadonCount me in, add me, lifeSONG. Oh me too, finally gonna play my ps3, haven't done that since I built my rig.
Psn is in sig
Count me in, add me, lifeSONG. Oh me too, finally gonna play my ps3, haven't done that since I built my rig.[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Who wants to do some coop in Uncharted 2? :]parkurtommo
Psn is in sig
Alright, I'll accept Stevo's in a few hours and add you. Three player co-op here we come!Count me in, add me, lifeSONG. Oh me too, finally gonna play my ps3, haven't done that since I built my rig.[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Who wants to do some coop in Uncharted 2? :]parkurtommo
Psn is in sig
Added you both. :]SH!T. My friend has my Uncharted games, God of War games, RDR, and a hell of a lot my games right now. Do you guys have any other co-op or MP games that we all have?BlabadonI am disappoint. Only coop games I have are Demons Souls, Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3.
I am disappoint. Only coop games I have are Demons Souls, Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3.[QUOTE="Blabadon"]SH!T. My friend has my Uncharted games, God of War games, RDR, and a hell of a lot my games right now. Do you guys have any other co-op or MP games that we all have?Stevo_the_gamer
I am disappoint. Only coop games I have are Demons Souls, Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3.[QUOTE="Blabadon"]SH!T. My friend has my Uncharted games, God of War games, RDR, and a hell of a lot my games right now. Do you guys have any other co-op or MP games that we all have?Stevo_the_gamer
I personally enjoyed it but I hate to admit that it has had more to do with all the exclusive games on PS3 left me cold and with a very mediocre experience. So really it was the end of an era of kinda mediocre games for PS3, and the beggining of some amazing games for PS3 with games like Heavy Rain, and LBP2 showed that PS3 could have truly great exclusives. When it comes to games this gen Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain will probably be the longest remembered.
Uncharted 1 was a fun but severely flawed game. It had great characters, a pretty good story, and nice graphics. Unfortuantely it also had absurdly clunky combat, enemies that take entire clips to bring down, and like someone else mentioned, random spikes of difficulty. The AI was also had a habit of using their grenades more than their guns. Still, the combat was not horrible, just awkward and frustrating. What was horrible though was the puzzles. It's kind of ridiculous how the game outright gives you the answers.
Uncharted 2 greatly improved the combat. Enemies still took way too much to bring down, but at least the guns didn't feel like plastic toys. All round, it just had better presentation. I'd argue that the core gameplay was near perfect to be honest. It was much faster than UC1, but not as cheap. Sadly, the platforming and puzzles were still horrible. Not to mention that final boss... I don't understand how ND possibly thought it was okay to put such an embarrassment in an otherwise excellent experience.
Now, onto Uncharted 3. Unlike Uncharted 2, the set peices weren't handled well. It was about 3 times more scripted, with a dull story full of plot holes. The parts that weren't completely scripted might have been fun if they didn't completely butcher the gameplay. This was a result of a greater emphasis in melee combat. you can't close in on enemies, or else the game puts you in a lame QTE that leaves you completely vulnerable and murders the pacing. You can't swiftly take down opponently with melee like in the previous tow games. You have to partake in an awkward transition between shooting and punching which is almost always a bad idea. And agian, it still had the problems of the previous two games. Ridiculous.
This is all anyone needs to read on the subject matter. Agree with this 100%
Ive been playing UC2 due to the free DLC and it's very hard to find a game but when I do it's as good as I remember it. Im so adjusted to UC3 co-op it bugs me that I can't join a game straight away when I die instead have to wait till the round is over, and the fact I can't high five or bro fist, lol. Game looks great though, graphically superior to UC3 online at least the character models definitely are.
Drake's Fortune (9.0) > Among Thieves (8.5) > What could've been > Drake's Deception (6.5)
UC3 is disappointing because its a 'me too' in the franchise without any real surprise like in past games but it perfects the set pieces and animation. It's still quintessential Uncharted from gameplay point of view so I don't understand how you found it worse. UC2 was such a praised game it's a shame people had unrealistic expectations. The 4th game definitely needs to innovate that's for sure.
UC3 took a step back IMO. The gameplay was too restrictive and wasnt as fun as the first two. Too many sequences were scripted, some to the point of absurdity. Most of the gunfights happened in narrow alleys or locations with little cover or opportunity to move around. -ArchAngeL-777-
Yemen was plenty open, Shipyard definitely was as well as being the best set piece with waves moving boats/ships, ghost town had a lot of cover etc and the game gave plenty of control despite the set pieces and such. Strictly from a gameplay point of view it was nothing new but as good as UC2. Most of the failing happens in the story and lack of that 'wow' factor. Im certain if a person went into playing UC3 without trying the games before it they will be blown away, it's just having played UC2 the sequel feels the same.
[QUOTE="-ArchAngeL-777-"]UC3 took a step back IMO. The gameplay was too restrictive and wasnt as fun as the first two. Too many sequences were scripted, some to the point of absurdity. Most of the gunfights happened in narrow alleys or locations with little cover or opportunity to move around. Swift_Boss_A
Yemen was plenty open, Shipyard definitely was as well as being the best set piece with waves moving boats/ships, ghost town had a lot of cover etc and the game gave plenty of control despite the set pieces and such. Strictly from a gameplay point of view it was nothing new but as good as UC2. Most of the failing happens in the story and lack of that 'wow' factor. Im certain if a person went into playing UC3 without trying the games before it they will be blown away, it's just having played UC2 the sequel feels the same.
Thank you. Its pretty juvenile that people absolutely have to have a favorite. One is automatically the best and one is automatically the worst. In reality they will probably both be looked back upon fondly.[QUOTE="-ArchAngeL-777-"]UC3 took a step back IMO. The gameplay was too restrictive and wasnt as fun as the first two. Too many sequences were scripted, some to the point of absurdity. Most of the gunfights happened in narrow alleys or locations with little cover or opportunity to move around. Swift_Boss_A
Yemen was plenty open, Shipyard definitely was as well as being the best set piece with waves moving boats/ships, ghost town had a lot of cover etc and the game gave plenty of control despite the set pieces and such. Strictly from a gameplay point of view it was nothing new but as good as UC2. Most of the failing happens in the story and lack of that 'wow' factor. Im certain if a person went into playing UC3 without trying the games before it they will be blown away, it's just having played UC2 the sequel feels the same.
lol, so much truth. UC3 gets lambasted here for being dissapointing even though it improved on UC2's puzzles, enemies and gameplay options and ups the set peices
[QUOTE="parkurtommo"]Dude, I'm stuck on the first level of Demon's Souls for the past two days...On second thought, my soul level is probably way too high for you noobs. :p
I'll help you out bro!
I actually have been looking for a reason to get back into it, I really want to get the platinum trophy but I need people to trade with since its nealry impossible to find certain items (especially with my luck, which is level 15).
Dude, I'm stuck on the first level of Demon's Souls for the past two days...[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="parkurtommo"]
On second thought, my soul level is probably way too high for you noobs. :p
I'll help you out bro!
I actually have been looking for a reason to get back into it, I really want to get the platinum trophy but I need people to trade with since its nealry impossible to find certain items (especially with my luck, which is level 15).
will you help me too? :(
I am stck in the first castle/dungeon whatever, I keep getting fried by those dragons
[QUOTE="Blabadon"] Dude, I'm stuck on the first level of Demon's Souls for the past two days...Zaibach
I'll help you out bro!
I actually have been looking for a reason to get back into it, I really want to get the platinum trophy but I need people to trade with since its nealry impossible to find certain items (especially with my luck, which is level 15).
will you help me too? :(
I am stck in the first castle/dungeon whatever, I keep getting fried by those dragons
The game is region locked if you have a Euro copy and Good ol Spyde has an NA copy he wont be able to help you. But er, I just might :P[QUOTE="Zaibach"][QUOTE="SPYDER0416"]
I'll help you out bro!
I actually have been looking for a reason to get back into it, I really want to get the platinum trophy but I need people to trade with since its nealry impossible to find certain items (especially with my luck, which is level 15).
will you help me too? :(
I am stck in the first castle/dungeon whatever, I keep getting fried by those dragons
The game is region locked if you have a Euro copy and Good ol Spyde has an NA copy he wont be able to help you. But er, I just might :PReally Boss? I could use a knight, but are you the Hero I need or the Hero I deserve?!:o
[QUOTE="ristactionjakso"]I am inclined to believe that you just suck at it +1Cool i guess......to bad the MP sucks in uncharted games...
Dude, I'm stuck on the first level of Demon's Souls for the past two days...[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="parkurtommo"]
On second thought, my soul level is probably way too high for you noobs. :p
I'll help you out bro!
I actually have been looking for a reason to get back into it, I really want to get the platinum trophy but I need people to trade with since its nealry impossible to find certain items (especially with my luck, which is level 15).
I got it done today, thanks. :DReally Boss? I could use a knight, but are you the Hero I need or the Hero I deserve?!ZaibachNeither, Im the hero you must summon ;)
[QUOTE="-ArchAngeL-777-"]UC3 took a step back IMO. The gameplay was too restrictive and wasnt as fun as the first two. Too many sequences were scripted, some to the point of absurdity. Most of the gunfights happened in narrow alleys or locations with little cover or opportunity to move around. Zaibach
Yemen was plenty open, Shipyard definitely was as well as being the best set piece with waves moving boats/ships, ghost town had a lot of cover etc and the game gave plenty of control despite the set pieces and such. Strictly from a gameplay point of view it was nothing new but as good as UC2. Most of the failing happens in the story and lack of that 'wow' factor. Im certain if a person went into playing UC3 without trying the games before it they will be blown away, it's just having played UC2 the sequel feels the same.
lol, so much truth. UC3 gets lambasted here for being dissapointing even though it improved on UC2's puzzles, enemies and gameplay options and ups the set peices
Well I dont think it improved on anything. Most people dont. I mean from the first scene where you had to run away as kid Drake which restarted any time you took a wrong turn...I pretty much got through that part and wondered why they didnt spare me the frustration and make it a cut scene. There were several parts in UC3 like that where I felt like it was a waste of time to play. The Shipyard scene was definitely cool. Its the only part of the game I enjoyed. The rest of the way, I was bored out of my mind. Would I think its that bad if it was the first? Maybe not. But its not the first, its the third game. We've seen the combat and everything before. I agree it lacked the wow factor, especially with the story and lackluster use of supporting characters. You pretty much have to love Uncharted combat alone to think this game is on the level of UC2 IMO. Also, Im not counting Multiplayer...just single.[QUOTE="SPYDER0416"]
I can tell you one thing, Uncharted 2 will not be remembered later down the line. It's grandeur and praise was mostly do to high end production and presentation rather than purely gameplay mechanics. When visuals improve and impressive scenarios are possible on the fly without having to be heavily scripted, Uncharted will be forgotten.
Yeah everyone has totally forgotten about Half-Life and Far Cry by now because of how much better games look and play. There's no way we'll remember a revolutionary title once new games come!
Dont reply to this guy, I think uncharted 2 killed his puppy or something, he bum-rushes every UC thread and spews the same vitriol.
On topic
UC2 was an excellent game, its everything an Action Adventure should be, but UC3 was better :P
Preferrably, action adventure games shouldn't be so linear and have terribly boring platforming sections. Uncharted 2 was great (and prob in my top 10 this gen though I frankly think the gameplay is one of the weaker aspects of its whole package (though certainly not bad by any means).
Yeah everyone has totally forgotten about Half-Life and Far Cry by now because of how much better games look and play. There's no way we'll remember a revolutionary title once new games come!
Dont reply to this guy, I think uncharted 2 killed his puppy or something, he bum-rushes every UC thread and spews the same vitriol.
On topic
UC2 was an excellent game, its everything an Action Adventure should be, but UC3 was better :P
Preferrably, action adventure games shouldn't be so linear and have terribly boring platforming sections. Uncharted 2 was great (and prob in my top 10 this gen though I frankly think the gameplay is one of the weaker aspects of its whole package (though certainly not bad by any means).
Here is the thing, every game is linear, no matter jow you try and shake it, the game in your sig is linear but it doesnt stop it from being one of the best platformers this gen does it?
Here is one of the most persistent myths in SWw, that a game cant have a focused path and be good. Every game has to be an open world sandbox or else its 'Linear'.
In UC2 barring the the set-peice moments, you actually have the various opportunities at points in the game to tackle the environment and enemies however you want.
As for the platforming, well, its An Action Adventure game not a platformer, the platforming is forgiving in order to give the facilitate the gameplay, not alot games have you shooting while hanging off ledges for example
Dont reply to this guy, I think uncharted 2 killed his puppy or something, he bum-rushes every UC thread and spews the same vitriol.
Dude... I dunno if you knew this, but Uncharted 2 did kill his puppy.
It was just a random system warrior monday afternoon, browsing the forums and playing some pikmin when all of a sudden, Nathan Drake busted down the door in cinematic flash. He ran down the linear corridors of the house as if it was all he knew until he found the puppy. There he killed the puppy in cold blood, all the while, cracking jokes as he murdered. He escaped the crime scene using cookie-cutter-hold-your-hand-platforming.
When the police finally got him, they tried to press charges but Drake got away with it because his graphics were too good.
Uncharted 2 will not be remembered later down the line.
1st. You're not Nostradamus to know that
2nd. Going by the amount of people that put U2 in their top 5 games of all time (and trust me, they're not few, mostly because many only started gaming this gen) I can safely say you're wrong. Many people loved U2. I'm pretty sure it'll be remembered down the line
The ship leve was the best part of UC3. I agree while the story had a more dark deep side to it the plot seem to fall apart at the end. The pacing was horrible for the first 12 chapters. UC3 was a good game but paled in comparison to UC2's SP story. I will say the MP in UC3 is better over all and I still play it to this day. UC1 had a better overall pacing then UC3 except some of the those firefights became a pain. UC1 just felt like a natural story and was great first effort. UC2 just evolved so much more the gameplay over UC1. Unfortunately it seemed that UC3 was a bit rushed especially at the end(ch.20-22 sucked) otherwise it could have been as good as UC3. I hope UC4 changes things up and gets away from the heavy scripting of UC3 and allows a little bit more exploring and alternate routes to battle. UC2 is a masterpiece and my favorite game this gen and deserves all the praise it got. I understand some people don't like linear games and that is fine but the game is enjoyable by most if you look at the sales and the praise it got.
Dont reply to this guy, I think uncharted 2 killed his puppy or something, he bum-rushes every UC thread and spews the same vitriol.
Dude... I dunno if you knew this, but Uncharted 2 did kill his puppy.
It was just a random system warrior monday afternoon, browsing the forums and playing some pikmin when all of a sudden, Nathan Drake busted down the door in cinematic flash. He ran down the linear corridors of the house as if it was all he knew until he found the puppy. There he killed the puppy in cold blood, all the while, cracking jokes as he murdered. He escaped the crime scene using cookie-cutter-hold-your-hand-platforming.
When the police finally got him, they tried to press charges but Drake got away with it because his graphics were too good.
excellent post, I lol'd
Dont reply to this guy, I think uncharted 2 killed his puppy or something, he bum-rushes every UC thread and spews the same vitriol.
Dude... I dunno if you knew this, but Uncharted 2 did kill his puppy.
It was just a random system warrior monday afternoon, browsing the forums and playing some pikmin when all of a sudden, Nathan Drake busted down the door in cinematic flash. He ran down the linear corridors of the house as if it was all he knew until he found the puppy. There he killed the puppy in cold blood, all the while, cracking jokes as he murdered. He escaped the crime scene using cookie-cutter-hold-your-hand-platforming.
When the police finally got him, they tried to press charges but Drake got away with it because his graphics were too good.
lol nice
[QUOTE="mitu123"]What...the...f***?:| Everything. ...Are you fvcking high?[QUOTE="Blabadon"] False. Everything but graphics was better in the first, and even then the first looked better sometimes. Blabadon
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