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The GameSpot Review is 8.0
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Please keep everything Uncharted here. Too many threads about it has been surfacing. Ignore this thread and face moderation!
The GameSpot Review is 8.0
IS the review supposed to go up tonight?MikeE21286Only the admins know when the review will be posted
It's gonna flop.smokeydabear076
I highly doubt. It's officially hyped AA, even though most cows have been hyping it up as a AAA title as of late. I don't see this one flopping at all.
[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"]It's gonna flop.solidgamer
very hard
You seem pretty confident, why don't you go bet your account on it in SW Bets?Just picked it up about 10 minutes ago. When is the review going up, every other site has had it up for days now.B1ACK_MAGE
no chance for AAA... theres no launch center :D....or maybe gamespot has stopped making launch centers for ps3 games coz they think that ps3 exclusives will always flop :lol:anshul89
no chance for AAA... theres no launch center :D....or maybe gamespot has stopped making launch centers for ps3 games coz they think that ps3 exclusives will always flop :lol:anshul89
ign gave it AAA and it had no launch center
I'm going to get Uncharted along side with Assassin's creed. Best weekend ever. :D
It will score AA to AAA here on GS.
[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"]It's gonna flop.BioShockOwnz
I highly doubt. It's officially hyped AA, even though most cows have been hyping it up as a AAA title as of late. I don't see this one flopping at all.
Oh I thought it was hyped AAA.[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="smokeydabear076"]It's gonna flop.smokeydabear076
I highly doubt. It's officially hyped AA, even though most cows have been hyping it up as a AAA title as of late. I don't see this one flopping at all.
Oh I thought it was hyped AAA.It is hyped to be AAA but not hyped by alot of ppl. Assassins Creed was hyped by alot of ppl.
I think it is possible for it to get a 9.0. But Possible and probable are two different things. the probable score is 8.0-8.5.. unfortunately.
all we can do is hope Gamespot likes it as much as a lot of others do.
We need to be more positive than that. There is no point crying if we say we expect them to give an 8.5 when we really think it deserves a 9.0 or above. Then they will just give it an 8.5 coz they think that is what most ppl believe it is worth.
Ofcourse we all know that this game deserves AAA status and therefore at least 9.0
We shouldn't be afraid of having our expectations blown just because it is more likely that gamespot will give a ps3 game a low score like rachet and clank.
Fact is and it's clearly demonstrated by the other big name review sites that Uncharted kicks ass and easily deserves a 9.0 score. It's tripple AAA all the way. If gamespot give it any lower then they will face the same or bigger backlash as their rachet and clank review. Fair enough that the rachet and clank review was that guys opinion. But thing is that if that opinion does not match up with what most OTHER gamers experience, then it isn't really assisting a gamer in knowing if the game is worth purchasing or not.
Gamespot should also look at other scores given to other games on the platform when making a decision on the score to give a game. Like someone mentioned earlier. IGN gave a poor review to heavenly sword. They gave it 7/10. Now more recently they gave 6.7 to a game like Conan. Now I'm no expert reviewer but Heavenly Sword is going to be a heck of a lot better than conan and for it to just get 0.3 points difference between it and Conan illustrates there are some BIG problems with the way people review games.
Lets hope Gamespot exercise some common sense and do a fair review for uncharted.
In the end, their reputation is at stake. All the money they make from banner adverts on their website will count for nothing if they hurt their reader demographic.
They may have to give this a pity review to make Sony fans happy so I'm guessing a 4.5 at leastBig_Gamer_Al
That shouldn't necessary. Just review it with a focus on what the average gamer would like in a game. The game is clearly AAA (9.0)
It is Gamespots Credibility that is on the line here. If they give it a crap score then gamers will turn away and not use gamespot as a credible place to read reviews.
Gamespot do have good reviewers that write well, so I have every confidence in their ability to do their job well.
They may have to give this a pity review to make Sony fans happy so I'm guessing a 4.5 at leastBig_Gamer_Al
thats going to be the exuse when this game gets AAA
bu...but teh pity score
I got it :D And first thing I do when I get home? Get on system wars to show you all lol. wow.. how sad :cry:
hahaha, you're right.....that is sad :P
I'll be picking up this and Assassin's Creed as soon as my DualShock 3 comes in from yesasia (shipped yesterday :D )
[QUOTE="0rin"]I think it is possible for it to get a 9.0. But Possible and probable are two different things. the probable score is 8.0-8.5.. unfortunately.
all we can do is hope Gamespot likes it as much as a lot of others do.
Gamespot should also look at other scores given to other games on the platform when making a decision on the score to give a game. Like someone mentioned earlier. IGN gave a poor review to heavenly sword. They gave it 7/10. Now more recently they gave 6.7 to a game like Conan. Now I'm no expert reviewer but Heavenly Sword is going to be a heck of a lot better than conan and for it to just get 0.3 points difference between it and Conan illustrates there are some BIG problems with the way people review games.
[QUOTE="wisdomWarrior"][QUOTE="0rin"]I think it is possible for it to get a 9.0. But Possible and probable are two different things. the probable score is 8.0-8.5.. unfortunately.
all we can do is hope Gamespot likes it as much as a lot of others do.
Gamespot should also look at other scores given to other games on the platform when making a decision on the score to give a game. Like someone mentioned earlier. IGN gave a poor review to heavenly sword. They gave it 7/10. Now more recently they gave 6.7 to a game like Conan. Now I'm no expert reviewer but Heavenly Sword is going to be a heck of a lot better than conan and for it to just get 0.3 points difference between it and Conan illustrates there are some BIG problems with the way people review games.
I totally agree with you!
One thing I would add though or emphasise is that when a person reviews a game they bring all of their natural likes and dislikes to a genere. So for example, if I'm a reviewer and I enjoy ONLY sport games, and I try to review uncharted, well I might be inclined to say that it is crap. Because it isn't may favourite genere. But a reviewer must be smarter than this. Yes they must give your personal opinion but they are also trying to present a recomentation to buy the game or avoid the game.
So even though they may hate a game genere etc, well, if they want to remain credible, they need to put themselves into the shoes of the average gamer who probably loves that genere. So they need to score accordingly.
If I only liked sport games and then I had to review Uncharted, then I would be adding points as a result of my bias against a genere. I would also look closely at gamer opinions and impressions of the demo (all of which were extremely favourable for Uncharted). People are geninuiely excited for this game and it hasn't been hyped like other games either.
Like you, I'd be extremely dissappointed if Gamespot gave the game anything less than a 9.0 score. (especially after what happened to the Rachet and Clank review--it's like we were robbed of a AAA game) Lets hope they don't rob us of another clearly AAA game in Uncharted.
To flop, it'd have to get a 7.5 or less, and while we can't be sure, I doubt it's gonna get less than 8.
I still think 8.5 here. Looks like a fun title. By the time I get a PS3 it should be cheap too.
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