Valve doesn't "hate" the PS3. Developing for 360 and PC is just a preference. Same as Naughty Dog and Polyphony developing only for PS3 and not the other platforms.
Naughty Dog and Polyphony aren't doing anything just as a preference. They are Sony.
Forgot about Hideo Kojima and Entire japanese Developers hating PC :P These sony fanboys When Developers not making a game for their console that means they are lazy. OK then Hideo Kojima and Entire japanese are lazy :PI don't quite follow. I don't think Valve or Kojima are lazy, I think every company has a preference though. However, I just wanted to point out his example didn't work, since he was unaware of Sony's Companies. He was wrong, and he just needed to understand he was wrong, that's all. Those devs he used are Sony, so of course, Sony makes games for itself, just as Nintendo, Capcom, etc.
Adobe has been around for years, so I was surprised to find he never learned this information.
I don't even use the lazy argument regarding companies.I hope that clears things up?
As far as differences though, I think what people notice is that in the Valve vs. Kojima case for example, Kojima is making an Upcoming Xbox game, Metal Gear Rising. Sure, it's also on PC and PS3, but it's on 360 as well. The other issue is that Valve has said the PS3 is too hard to work on, and other devs are well past that since we are in year 3 of the PS3. Regarding the Nameless Japanese devs you mention, unless you get specific, I can't comment. However, if a game was Japanese centric, and not going to be made for a market outside of Japan, considering the 360's sales are so poor in Japan, it's probably just fiscal sense. Conversely, when we look at the PS3's install base, it's much much more evened out, at about 30 million. About 5-6 million less than the 360. So, devs skipping over the PS3 may actually be losing out on money, when they can clearly make games on both machines. Just looking at the demographics.
That's not to say that I have made any lazy arguements, but rather, I'm just showing you what I see in the industry as truthfully as I can say. I have a 360, so It doesn't matter to me, but since I'm quite knowledgable in these matters, it's not to hard to see what's going on in some situations. :P
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