[QUOTE="delta3074"]valve are not lazy, they just don't want to take the risk with the PS3, it costs more to develope for and has a lower softwrae attach rate, there is no gaurantee you can recoup your developement costs through sales, the 360 however is cheap as chips to develope on and has a high software attach rate, meaning they spend less and get more money back,basic business, the 360 equals low cost and high return, the ps3 equals increased cost at lower return, also MS has been known to offset some of the development costs of games on the 360, hell the practically funded the PS3 version of ToV, so going with Ms was the smart thing to do from valves point of view, the ps3 is a great machine and can probably do better graphics than the 360, but is it worth the risk with such a low software attach rate? do developers really want to spend more money and get less back in return? the answer to both those questions from a business perspective is NoRadecSupreme
Will you stop using that excuse, its already been disproven by that fact that every other 3rd party makes multiplatforms for the PS3.
whether or not there are 3rd parties making multiplats for the ps3 doesnt mean what delta3074 isnt the general truth of the matter
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