With the recent announcement that Resogun is going to the Playstation Vita as well, I have a serious, genuine question right now- why exactly is this console selling? What does it have to warrant the sales?
Now, before we proceed, I need to establish one thing: judging by the trend of previous PlayStation consoles, I am confident that, four-five years down the line, as this generation winds down, the PS4 will be the best console to own. That's how it usually is, so I have no reason to doubt that it'll happen this time. This thread, however, is about the here and now.
In the here and now, the PS4 is absolutely worthless. Why exactly should I buy one? Let's look at its amazing lineup one year in:
- Resogun (also on PS Vita)
- Killzone Shadow Fall (a game so bad, even Sony fans admit it is bad, and when Sony fans are admitting that one of their games is bad, you know it's bad)
- Knack (lol)
- DriveClub (lol)
- Transistor (great game, also on PC)
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (great game, also on PC and PS4)
- Samurai Warriors 4 (good for what it is, also on PS3 and PS Vita)
- MLB: The Show (again, good for what it is and also on PS3 and PS Vita)
- Velocity 2X (great game, also on PS Vita)
- The Last of Us: Remastered (also on PlayStation 3)
- LittleBigPlanet 3 (also on PlayStation 3)
- inFamous: Second Son (this might be the only actual good game on this list; from what I understand, however, it's pretty unremarkable, outside of pretty visuals, and has no staying power)
That's pathetic. Really, it is. And before Sony fans come in and start railing against me because the console is only a year old, that is not an acceptable excuse- I want to point out exactly how much better than the PS4 the other two consoles are/were doing one year into their lifespan:
- Forza Motorsport 5 (apparently the worst game in the series since the first one, but mostly because of missing content)
- Dead Rising 3 (also on PC)
- Ryse: Son of Rome (lol. That said, if you do want to play it, it's also on PC)
- Killer Instinct (apparently a disappointment; exclusive only to Xbox One for all it's worth)
- Titanfall (also on PC and Xbox 360, and pretty much the same across all platforms; that said, I think the PC version at least is dead in terms of online population, which is a problem for an online only game, which means that the Xbox 360/One versions may be the only viable ones)
- Sunset Overdrive (great game. Exclusive)
- Kinect Sports Rivals (lol)
- Dance Central: Spotlight (good for what it is, but also on Xbox 360)
- Fantasia: Music Evolved (good for what it is, but also on Xbox 360)
- Project Spark (it's actually supposed to be pretty good, but it's also on PC)
- Forza Horizon 2 (great game, but it's also on Xbox 360. That said, I think Digital Foundry said the Xbox 360 version is terribly neutered. Whatever, I won't count it as an exclusive regardless)
- D4 (exclusive, pretty good from what I hear)
- Halo: The Master Chief Collection (the best way to play Halo, but it is not exclusive)
- New Super Mario Bros. U (good game, exclusive)
- ZombiU (polarizing)
- Nintendo Land (it's a good party game, nothing to write home about, however)
- Lego City Undercover (supposed to be pretty good and charming, but again, nothing to write home about. Like the inFamous: Second Son of the Wii U lineup)
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (also on 3DS, but the Wii U version is supposed to be the best one, with dual analog controls and online play)
- Game and Wario (lol)
- The Wonderful 101 (Hiddeki Kamiya's newest masterpiece, another example of Platinum's mastery over the action genre)
- Pikmin 3 (from what I gather, not the best Pikmin game, that's still 2, but a pretty good one regardless)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (remaster of a great game, but still ultimately a remaster)
- Sonic: Lost World (lol. That said, a version of this is also on the 3DS, albeit not as good, I gather)
- Super Mario 3D World (amazing game. Possibly one of the best Mario games, and a highlight of the Wii U's lineup one year in)
Writing this, several things occur to me:
- The Wii U got railed against for its lacking lineup one year in (its lineup only started getting praised this year), but looking at that, I am confused as to how exactly it as lacking. Especially considering how hysterically bad the Xbox One and PS4 is.
- 'Buh-buh multiplats!' Yeah, no. I didn't buy the PS4 to play games I can already play on my current consoles. Just as I didn't buy Wii U to play Mass Effect 3, Arkham City, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed 4, or Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I did not buy the PS4 (or would not buy the Xbox One) to play Destiny, Watch Dogs, Aliens: Isolation, or Shadow of Mordor (and two of those games are terrible anyway, with the other two, the ones not terrible, actually being perfectly fine on an Xbox 360 for anyone not too concerned about the number of lines on their TV screen)
I mean, shit. I knew the situation was bad, but making this thread showed me just how bad. The PS4 one year in is terrible- this may actually be the worst year, from a games perspective, that I can remember for any mainstream system on the market. I know the PS4 will eventually get loads of games- Bloodborne and Persona 5 (even though that one is a multiplat), I am looking at you two- but man, why exactly is it selling now? What does it have left to warrant those sales?
EDIT: Added Velocity and Transistor to the PlayStation section, removed point #2 from my 'Points to Note' as that was just wrong.
EDIT 2: Added missing Xbox One games pointed out by Blackace
EDIT 3: Added missing PS4 games pointed out by tormentos
EDIT 4: Changes to KI's descriptor
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