LOL seems like the PS4 is making a lot of people butthurt
There is one simple not too hard to understand answer as to why the PS4 is selling and thats because of.. games
now outside of SW nobody gives a single f**k about whether or not a game is only available on PS4, a lot of my friends for example who enjoy playing MMO's like FF14 got a PS4 just to play FF14 ( its literally the only game they play and been playing since FF14 came out ).
there are a lot of games on PS4 it ranges from many free to play games ( some are pretty fun like warframe ) to many more multiplayer games like Plants vs zombies and the extremely addictive Destiny.
now to speak of myself i have bought a PS4 because of Sony's great reputation on producing some of the best games in the industry and as a story focused fan thats why i go to playstation the place that introduced uncharted, last of us, infamous and god of war just to name a few. Currently there are way too many games on PS4 ts hard for me to keep up anymore as i am currently addicted to Destiny, FF14 and Plants vs zombies then in just few more days there is the ultimate addiction with Call of Duty: Advanced warfare ( is this game even on WiiU? LOL ) ( which i been hearing from those who got it early thats its VERY good ) not counting LBP3 which is a blast with friends.
in just less than 10 months we'll be getting The Order ( highly excited for this ), Bloodborne, Final Fantasy Type-0 ( not on WiiU lmfao ), Witcher 3 ( not on WiiU lol ) and then there is persona 5, disgaea 5, YS PS4, ratchet and clank, uncharted and oh man that quantic dreams game, santa monica games, etc
did you know that PS+>>> any other service?
why PS4 is selling? because it has games! its not rocket science
cant wait for the holiday sales gonna produce some similar butthurt threads o boy!
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