Once again, multiplats always left off the list or downplayed when accusing PS4 of having zero games to play.
Sheep don't like to mention how valuable multiplats can be because their own console has been a complete failure in getting them. Notice how quiet it's been this year when the Wii U lost both huge Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty franchises in the same year. How stupid does a company have to be to make a home console that can't even get those games? (they finally got AC and quickly lost it, like a doofus with a license revoked, again).
At launch, Sheep talked a lot more about sales and eagerly speculated on the upcoming third-party games coming to the Wii U ("we finally getting games we missed during the Wii years!!!"). But after the initial sales test failed, the third-party support quickly followed, and they were left looking foolish (both company and fanboys). The Wii U kept falling rung after rung. Now that the current, abysmal Wii U state doesn't match what they envisioned and boasted about at launch, we're going to have to listen to "Phase 3" of Sheep excuses about how multiplats don't count since you can get it on PC. Or that anything with long cinematic cutscenes and walking 20 feet in straight line doesn't count as a game (but they go nuts over Fatal Frame like it was a killer exclusive).
PS4 gamers have recent choices like Shadow of Mordor, Alien: Isolation or Destiny, to upcoming games like GTA V, DA:3, AC:Unity, Far Cry 4, COD: AW, WWE 2K15 all in this same month. And even if you have zero interest in all of those (liar), there's still a back catalog that is decent and can sometimes be gotten for less than $50-$60 now (TLOU:R, Metro: Redux, Wolfenstein, Infamous:SS). I see quite enough games there that have potential to be fun and substantial "time sink" games and worth their price. The overall diversity and balance of genres (RPGs, open world, action, online shooters, MMO, sports, etc) is still better represented on the PS4/X1 than it is on the Wii U. The only one the Wii U really has more of are those 2D platformers you keep saying are the only "real games." You say that only because that's what Retro made, and that's what Nintendo makes. Meanwhile you're begging for Star Fox and Metroid on the Wii U, which aren't platformers. So are the only "real games" 2D/3D platformers or just what Nintendo 1st and 2nd happens to make for your abandoned console?
And getting back to genre talk, PS4 gamers will have played and enjoyed the long campaigns of Dragon Age: Inquisition and The Witcher 3 to satisfy their RPG craving in the next few months, while Wii U owners are staring at the same 720p videos of "X" which still has no release date. That's one reason why the Wii U is failing. Same damn videos, lack of news, too much waiting - and all of this for one game, because there are no other substitute games like DA:I or Witcher 3 coming to the Wii U.
PS4 gamers also bought the system because they know they will get even more games and first-priority attention from EA/Bioware, CD Projekt and Bethesda. Pathetic Nintendo won't get any of these - it's like this multi-billion dollar company doesn't exist to the most important AAA publishers out there. Defenders will make up for this embarrassing neglect (and lack of playtime) by talking more on message boards about how these games are worthless or don't count as games.
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