[QUOTE="Maddie_Larkin"][QUOTE="tormentos"] This is another kind of hypocrite post. So you have been for 6 years trowing on consolites how ram starved their consoles are,now all of a sudden sony say hey we will have 8GB of GDDR5 which not even $1000 dollar cards have and suddenly Ram is sh** ram is not important oh the ram is the new Cell.. Ram without question is one of the most important parts of a PC,even Crytek highly this many other developers to,maybe they know something you don't. The PS4 has more than 1 advantage over PC,is not just ram,the whole system architecture is build from ground up to be simply more efficient,from the Apu point of view GPU and CPU on the same die with a common memory address,which will increase efficiency and lower latency,to been push right to the metal something that on PC can't be done now.. There are more like having to carry a bloated OS,having multiple chips to help with task rather than let them to the CPU and use its resources. Sure there is always the crazy fan but is not always that way,and some hermit are so blinded that they basically ignore open quote from developers them self,the people who make the games they play with.tormentos
And this dumb ass post is why Cows are considered the worst. Where have I stated that the 8 GBs are not a good thing? You would find I have often refered to it as a good thing, but what do you know about the specs? Do tell me, how does the CPU work, how fast does it calculate? Just how good is the GPU (and THIS is one of the most important hardware parts in a console). How does the OS work, and how much overhead does it use? How is the infrastructure and pipelinge set up?
You know nothing about what you hype, blind faith, you are indeed one of those near religious people Ive pointed out are a huge problem across all platforms.
You see, you know jack, yet you claim that you know. Calling people hipocrites when they leverage a point towards you. Where are your info on the system? Do give me the measurements. You are as big of a hypocrite as they come, and you do exactly what is critizised, you only mention the Ram. ANd tell you what read up on ram in average, you might learn, but ofcourse you are afraid of that. Afraid of learning about what you put that blind faith in. Ram are important, but it is not THE ONLY important part.
So basicly you know nothing about me, nor the posts Ive posted on here since you claim that I dismiss ram, crawl back to your hole Troll.
But you are generalizing all the cows,that is what i just did generalize all the hermits.. Fair is fair don't you think.? Dude the OS on PS4 is handle by a separate on board chip ARM like,so that means the CPU doesn't have to break a suet on the OS,the features of recording video done by a separate chip as well,CPU and GPU on the same die 1 memory pool which eliminates having to share information back and forward between the GPU and CPU and eliminate the wait between communication AKA latency.. Ram will deliver a bigger blow to your graphics than power will,i debate this with actual link here how one GPU for having less ram would received a bigger impact on a game,than having a stronger GPU. Test was done on 2 7850,1 with 1GB of memory and the other with 2GB,same memory same speed sane GPU. The 7850 with 1 GB loss 33FPS just on 1080p vs the 2GB model of the same card,imaging how much bigger the impact would have been on even higher resolution,the text was on Slyrim. The difference between the 7970 vs the 7850 in BF3 at 2560x1600 on Ultra is actually 21 FPS,so the 7850 got a bigger hit by been ram starved in Skyrim,than the 7850 took on BF3 on ultra 2560x1600 vs the 7970 a much more powerful GPU at least on Teraflops..But the difference is that you walsed in here underlining that you are indeed one of those cows in question, I do not identify myself as a Hermit. Yet you consider me a hypocrite. Basicly You underlined why you are part of the problem, while accusing me of being the same, and you still do not know how the PS4 OS work, and what is limited to the rumored Arm running its OS, and how much bleeds over to the standard Processor (Ie how the hooks for the seperate decoder and arm overlaps overlays, and directly hooks into the games, which no one can tell apart from the devs themselves, since they approach the archetecture differently)
So basicly any expression on uncertainty of what known, is met by hostility by you. Hypocrite to the last fiber, or troll. Either case lost cause.
Also GDDR5 IS worse for none GPU related processes, while I consider th GDDR5 the best option for an APU it is not universalliy considered The Be all end all. How they utilize it I do not know, but the difference between us is that I have no fear expressing the unknown while hoping for the best. You and the Cows like you get overly agressive with anyone daring to express doubt that it will be the be all end all that Cows make it out to be.
So again console again, you base all you claim on things you can not measure, again blind faith and no solids. Very much like the religious fanatic I pointed out that they were. I find it fun that you are so certain, and I garantee you that the GPU processor often offsets WAY more then the Ram on the GPU, While too little RAM hinders and hampers a GPU, it is often seen that Producers of the cards often slap a ton of ram on the card, which in practice can not really be used by the card.
You see, we can not state jack **** about the PS4, simple fact that unless you are a DEV or involved with production you have no acess to the dev kits and thus no idea what the console can do. How well the parts work together.
And I know very well how an APU works thank you, I also know what jobs are made by a cpu and GPU usually, information sharing is faster, but the CPU can have a very real chance of choking the GPU. While the closed platform makes the GPU perform better overall, it is STILL not some magical option that shatters the laws of physics.
And yet you claim Hermits are agressive? Don't make me laugh. There are about 2 pages of very real reasons why you find Hermits aggrivated.
You have stated blind guesses, no solids, you lash out at any worries, and you claim outright stupid claims. So yeah, I know that personal attacks are not allowed on SW, but In your case I will risk the possible Admin lashout since you are pretty much central to the question of the OP.
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