There are several misconceptions about Skyward Sword that have to be ironed out:
1) The game is cel-shaded and a return to Windwaker's artsyle. First of all, SS isn't truly "cel-shaded" like Windwaker. It's actually much, much more different. The game doesn't apply a uniform shade of color to models to create the impression of depth and lighting. Cel-shading works like simpistic hand-drawn coloring, where there may only be two shades to a model in order to show shadows and where light is reflecting, as you can see below:
In short, just comparing Skyward Sword to Windwaker shows that there isn't true cel-shading in SS.
3D models have simple structural bodies in Windwaker and have limited shades of color to show lighting and depth, the actual cel-shaded art**** That's not to say Skyward Sword has a realistic graphic **** as it clearly doesn't, but it moves more towards realism than Windwaker does and environmental models and character models demonstrate more complex textures and geometry.
2) The motion controls looked really clunky and unresponsive. This is due to something called IR pollution. The Wii Remote is wireless and uses infrared tracking with the sensor bar. Cell phones, PDAs, smart phones, laptops, etc. all use infrared as well, because they are wireless devices that use IR signals to access networks. This interferes with the responsiveness of the motion controls and made things kind of laggy from the E3 stage performance. This is only to be expected on a stage in front of hundreds of other people with wireless devices interfering with the Wii's IR capabilities, not to mention that the stage performers were pointing their remotes away from the projector and towards the audience, where the sensor was behind them. Obviously, when you're playing this game in your house or in a place where there aren't hundreds of other people using wireless devices simultaneously, you won't experience unresponsive controls. Nintendo's official site has videos of the game in action, and there is footage from the press playing the demo for themselves. These show smooth, responsive, and intuitive 1:1 swordplay thanks to Wii Motion Plus.
These are the major complaints against SS and they are without ground. The Zelda fanbase has every reason to be stoked for this game, and the criticism surrounding it is unfair. The tech demo at E3 was just that; a short gameplay demo of the game with one tiny level. But we already saw the gorgeous new art****and the realistic motion controls that have made the swordplay in Zelda even more engaging. If you're not interested in the game for other reasons, fine; but if you're hating on it for these two reasons, you're misinformed.
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