OK, how on earth would a console do levels like onslaught and assault?
Before we go any further, we need to establish one point. It is that, as I am sure many of you consolke fans have read, Crysis is defined by it's large open environments. Assult, you start off with a huge battle. You look off into the distance and there is a whole war going on. You have some objectives to take out some AA vehicles. You basically choose your own route through this warzone going on. The are little villages, you go via the road or across the water or a combination of both. You can take the AA guns out in any particular order. Once you have done that you then take down a frigate in the harbor.
The point I am trying to make is that, how on earth could you scale that down??? I mean, sure we've already talked about how the visuals can be scaled down but how could you break a huge battlefield like that down into sections.
If you reduce all the chaos and number of units in the level then it is no longer a warzone....right?
If you reduce the size of the level then you change how it plays, i.e. you dont have a battlefield again...right?
I mean, sure if you really wanted to you could make the game play something like Call of Duty's battles or similar shooters but, I think you would agree, you would be changing the game so much it would no longer be what we appreciate as Crysis. Seriously, it would still have the same name probably but is this what you consolites would want?
No matter how you spin it, you cannot have game like crysis on consoles. The best way I can put it is:
Crysis = scale x physics x no.of units + graphics
In that equation, you can take scale down the graphics but when you take out the other 3 components, you're changing the game into a different experience. PC gamers can reduce the graphics down to low levels but you can't scale down a level like Assault! Play it and you will see why!
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