GOTY....Really? It is disgusting how much this game is being allowed to get away with.
I agree with every single point this guy says. people here act like they are afraid to call out Skyrim on its sh*t, and its faults, like they HAVE to think its the best game ever, or like it does something new or above average.....
(I know I said Skyrim was GOTY a few days ago, but that was to get fanboys riled up).
-The animations are TERRIBLE and the characters are lifeless emotionless maniquins.
-The dialogue is so laughable, and emotionless its not even funny. The NPCs just repeat the same lines over and over again and it just breaks the immersion so much
-When I first got the game, I racked up like 14 hours on the "playtime" counter without actually playing, just because I left my 360 running in the background for hours at a time without touching the controller, because I found surfing the internet THAT much more engaging. That is how boring and unengaging this game is. Ive said this before in other threads, but I had to keep moving the analog stick to make the 360's "your system will shut off soon" indicator go off.
-I only have one thing to describe the A.I. in the game: :lol::lol::lol:
-The gameplay is so weak, shallow, undeveloped, uninteresting, is below average at best. Really this is GOTY worthy?
-boring, uninteresting story lines with ZERO immersion. I already know what your response is going to be...."bu..bu..bu... none of the games have been about worthwile plots with actual development and immersion"....and this is a good thing? Are we enabling Bethesda to think they can just release ANYTHING just because that same flaw was in the last game?
-The loot and merchant system is so terribly unbalanced its not even funny. You never have that feeling of "looting" because you always have to run around and look for a merchant to sell your items to, and the majority of the time they never have enough gold to buy all of your items, so hoarding items with the intention of selling them later is almost pointless in the game. This is a problem ive noticed in all of Bethesda's games. There is also no real feeling of "grinding", like there is something you are working or playing towards.
-lastly but not least, it is such a laughably glitchy, bug ridden MESS! Again, I already know what the responses will be to this.....
"bu..bu..bu....the other games were buggy!!!". Newsflash.....IT WAS A PROBLEM ON THE OTHER GAMES AS WELL. Again, are we just going to enable Bethesda to think they can just release glitchy bug ridden, unpolished mess like this and get away with it, let alone REWARD them for it? Really?
"bu..bu..bu....I didnt see any bugs"......Fine. You are special. Is that what you wanted to hear? and all the reviewers and (thousands) of disgruntled fans and the general consensus are just SOL, and you are lucky and special.....there you go ;)
"bu..bu..bu.....its teh massive world and scope of the game.".......Red Dead Redemption, L.A. Noire, Infamous 2. /arguement
If we truely analyze this game (and fanboys, take your goggles off and be true to yourselves for ONE damn minute before you flame me) and look at EVERY aspect of the game, EVERY single aspect of the game is eithe AVERAGE or BELOW AVERAGE at best, or just straight up terrible.............EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE FEATURE ALONE:
How much stuff you can do.
Based on my own experiences, and from the general consensus of others, the ONLY redeeming factor that stands out (or is above average) about this game is the amount of quests/things to do. before you act on knee jerk reaction, truely re-read that last sentence, and actually think about whether im right or not. The gameplay, voice overs, animations, A.I., combat, immersion, plot, atmosphere, EVERYTHING about it is either underwhelming, or simply average at best. Nothing we havent seen before.
But lets analyze this even further. Even this PRO about the game is overrated for the fact that the game is so casualized and there is no development at all. NOTHING you do matters. Period. Just follow the arrow, talk to whatever NPC the arrow points at, click through the text incoherently without listening to anything until ANOTHER arrow shows up showing you your next designation. Follow the next arrow to the next room, kill whatever so happens to start attacking you in that room, pick up whatever item the arrow points at, follow the arrow back to the NPC, click through absolutely worthless filler text again.....
And this is "revolutionary" why again? Meaningless filler fetch quests have been around for like a decade. :?
If Blizzard made a console WRPG based in the Warcraft universe, you can bet your ass it would run olympic marathons around Skyrim.
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