There are LOADS of 2D fighters on PC.
But yea no JRPGs
Still thats less than the HUGE amount of genres console dont have
This topic is locked from further discussion.
I've always floated in and out of the genre but as of prolly two years ago I got real hardcore into it. Video Games started lacking in games that could be played competitively. Enter the fighting genre. Which is a highly competitive genre. Not only that but it can be played in quick bursts. Combine that with the fact that they are a low key/niche/retro breed of gaming ****and I had to have them all. I think I researched Arcade Sticks for abot 4 monthes before I decided on the X-Arcade. The Price, the awards/reviews, and the life time warrenty were just too much to pass up.
There is nothing better then bringing down a a bunch of games and hooking them up to the big screen in the lobby at the dorms and just playing with your friends.
Its just a genre that brings much enjoyment and you can always get better and better. Timing can never be 100% perfect but you can damn near play and practice until it gets close to it.
Fighters to me is a what a good example of video games are meant to be. Fun, full of depth, competitive, and person to person.
It also helped that the consoles started getting good conversions. Lets be serious I couldn't afford a Neo Geo, PS1 got crap ports, and Saturn bottomed out too early.
Jeez you sound the same as me lol.
I'm at the stage of moving in and out, but I'm slowly being attracted to the features only fighting games can offer.
Sounds good lol.
By the way, what college do you attend? Just wondering, coz it sounds pretty darn cool with that dorm/fighting setup. Just wonder if the UCLA has a chance of having this....
If you check on the forum I linked you (shoryuken), they don't like it too much. But again, many people in there like to play competitively. If you are not into fighting games all that much, you will most likely be fine with the[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"]Hmm...
What do you think about Blackbond's setup? That X-play one.
" The Happ FAQ/Information thread.
Happ Joysticks:
Happ makes four models of joysticks that are/were used in fighting game cabinets. Their sticks generally use Cherry-brand microswitches, have a circular range of movement, and have long throws with the microswitches only being activated near the end of the throw. In comparison, Sanwa joysticks have a long throw with sensitive microswitches which makes dashing difficult IMO. Seimitsu joysticks have a short throw with even more sensitive microswitches which is why they are preferred for almost all shmups.
Competition: The Competition is widely considered to be best Happ stick for fighers that is currently in production. It comes in a multiple colors, has a medium spring , and uses a square actuator to hit the microswitches ( picture of base). If you prefer the harder feel of a Super or p360, then you can replace the medium spring with a heavy one that can be purchased from many retailers including Lizard Lick.
Perfect 360: The p360 has the hardest spring of any Happ stick and uses completely silent optical sensors similar to those used in the Sanwa Flash instead of the more common microswitches. It was originally manufactured by Wico as a replacement for their malfunction-prone leaf switch sticks but is now being manufactured by Happ due to Wico's closure. Unfortunately, the switch brought about a number of severe manufacturing/design flaws such as misaligned diodes and messed up washers. It only comes in black and is generally considered to be the best joystick for Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
Super: The Super has a hard spring and uses a circular actuator to hit levered microswitches (picture of base) that make it a **** to hit diagonals. An upside to the Super's "diagonal shortcomings" are that it is excellent (and much better than the competition) for games that only require movement in four directions such as Pac-Man. Like the p360, it also comes in any color you want as long as it is black. The X-arcade and Street Fighter Anniversary joysticks both use **** knock offs of this stick."
The most popular stick is pretty much the Japanese's Sanwa JLF (which is one of the options on arcadeinabox). That Sanwa stick also comes with HRAPs (Hori Real Arcade Pro). The highest quality that you will find is Sanwa and Seimitsu (both from Japan) and Happ. Some prefer American sticks over Japanese ones.
Quick quote from another thread over there:
Sanwa: The largest and most popular Japanese arcade parts manufacturer. Best known for their flagship JLF-TP-8Y joysticks and OBSF/OBSN buttons. You can download their latest catalogue here (courtesty of TheRealNeoGeo and Akihabara Shop):
Seimitsu: The second largest and most popular Japanese arcade parts manufacturer. Best known for their LS-32/LS-32-01 joystick and their PS-14-G/PS-14-GN buttons. You can download their latest catalogue here (courtesy of TheRealNeoGeo):
Happ: The largest and most popular US arcade parts manufacturer. Best known for their Competition joystick and Competition buttons."
It depends on how much you like fighters.
That's a helluva lot to learn. For almost any competitive gaming standards.
Looks like I'll be visiting shoryuken more often now lol.
There are LOADS of 2D fighters on PC.skrat_01
Indeed, there's quite a few of them out there. I play Melty Blood daily (sig,) I'm not a huge fighting game fan though.
Other than that, I really only enjoy the King of Fighters franchise. Console-only gamers can keep their 3D fighters :P
That's a helluva lot to learn.
Looks like I'll be visiting shoryuken more often now lol.
It's not all that much... unless you wanna learn how everything works and such. For me, eventually I will buy extra parts when I have the chance and test for myself.
But yeah, some guys over there at shoryuken do know a lot about arcade sticks.
That's a helluva lot to learn.
Looks like I'll be visiting shoryuken more often now lol.
It's not all that much... unless you wanna learn how everything works and such. For me, eventually I will buy extra parts when I have the chance and test for myself.
But yeah, some guys over there at shoryuken do know a lot about arcade sticks.
They almost make it sound as if each game would be better in a different setup though.
Which leads me to think these guys may just have several custom setups for a variety of games....
Well, PC's have lock on other genre's too. It's not all about FPS, MMO and RTS, take a look:
2D platformers
Fighters? ..... We have a few, but I stay away from JRPG's.... a mutual agreement between me and the genre.
[QUOTE="OremLK"]The thread starter's complaint is a bonus for me, since I think JRPGs and fighters are the two worst genres out there.
Fighters are too focused on buttonmashing and pressing combinations of buttons at the expense of actually controlling your character. They're overly simplistic and just plain frustrating to play.
So let me get this straight.
Fighters are focuced on button mashing and pressing combinations of buttons. Well man those statements contradict eachother because Button Mashing like a rookie isn't pressing buttons in combination. They you go on to say that you use button mash and use a combination of inputs at the expensive of control. Yet the fighting genre requires the most precise control out of any genre out there. Hence the reason why there is no such thing as online competitive fighting. The slightest hickup can mess things up. Not to mention Arcade sticks are amongst the most expensive controllers out there.
Its obvious you know nothing about the fighting genre. Seroiusly why did you even bother? Overly simplistic and yet frustrating to play? Please stop contradicting yourself I mean you do it in the same exact sentence.
Let me expand upon what I said to be clear:
For normal players who don't want to spend hours upon hours memorizing button combinations and the exact moments to use them, fighters are simplistic and frustrating and require only buttonmashing to play.
For insane hardcore folks, you must memorize every move and the right moment to use it.
There isn't really any in between. Players trying to exercise some control over the game without having spent loads of time practicing are going to get crushed, even by a beginner mashing buttons.
What I said was not actually a contradiction; unclear, perhaps, but not a contradiction.
Also, precise control does nothing for fighting games because movement is so impeded in most of them. That's where the Smash Bros. series excelled, by the way--they took some of the concepts of fighting games and whipped the whole thing around so that you actually have control over your character's movement. They also removed the issue of memorizing combos by making the controls for every move simple and intuitive, and consistent across all of the characters. If all fighters were like that, I would actually enjoy playing them.
Unfortunately, they're not, and it's a crappy genre.
You are absolutly right. The PC lacks fighters and JRPGs. Why? Those games are built for controllers.
The console can't do MMORPGs or RTSs well. The PC can't do fighters well and there just aren't any JRPGs for the PC.
That what people said about FPS never to succeed in the console world becuase of lack of prescision of a mouse and the scheme of the keyboard. But they did it and now its there to stay. Not only that but the PC has an abundance of controllers.
The PC lacks fighters because of a high risk of failure for the platform, Omtimizing to support the different specs of a PC is hard enough. it just won't sell. I mean seriously, I dont think many would pay the full price for a game that is not as competitive. When even if you were to include online support, 1-on-1 online isn't all that great, especially on PC. Too many escuses (the lag factor, I play on a keyboard, my IM alerted me, and glitches) Not as fun as it would be on a console w/ big screen or an arcade. JRPGs, that exactly what it is Japaneese. PCs not that popular in Japan, hence they stick to consoles.
All in all, I wish they can prove me wrong and successfuly bring games to the PC, not ports and emulated crap. Its sad to see the PCs not taken too seriously when it comes to these genres( and dont forget multiplatforms) especially when you see that its the console that try to become like a PC.
[QUOTE="Wasdie"]You are absolutly right. The PC lacks fighters and JRPGs. Why? Those games are built for controllers.
The console can't do MMORPGs or RTSs well. The PC can't do fighters well and there just aren't any JRPGs for the PC.
That what people said about FPS never to succeed in the console world becuase of lack of prescision of a mouse and the scheme of the keyboard. But they did it and now its there to stay. Not only that but the PC has an abundance of controllers.
The PC lacks fighters because of a high risk of failure for the platform, Omtimizing to support the different specs of a PC is hard enough. it just won't sell. I mean seriously, I dont think many would pay the full price for a game that is not as competitive. When even if you were to include online support, 1-on-1 online isn't all that great, especially on PC. Too many escuses (the lag factor, I play on a keyboard, my IM alerted me, and glitches) Not as fun as it would be on a console w/ big screen or an arcade. JRPGs, that exactly what it is Japaneese. PCs not that popular in Japan, hence they stick to consoles.
All in all, I wish they can prove me wrong and successfuly bring games to the PC, not ports and emulated crap. Its sad to see the PCs not taken too seriously when it comes to these genres( and dont forget multiplatforms) especially when you see that its the console that try to become like a PC.
I think a couple of pages back would prove that the fighting genre is pretty competitive.
They almost make it sound as if each game would be better in a different setup though.I've only heard about P360 sticks being preferred for Marvel VS Capcom 2.Which leads me to think these guys may just have several custom setups for a variety of games....
I can't talk about P360s because I just own a HRAP2 (Sanwa JLF) at the moment, but that stick could indeed be better for MVC2 like the guy explains in one of the quotes the throw of that Sanwa stick which is a little more difficult for dashing. I have MVC2 but I don't like it anyway, so it's not a problem for me.
That's the stick I have:
[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"]They almost make it sound as if each game would be better in a different setup though.I've only heard about P360 sticks being preferred for Marvel VS Capcom 2.Which leads me to think these guys may just have several custom setups for a variety of games....
I can't talk about P360s because I just own a HRAP2 (Sanwa JLF) at the moment, but that stick could indeed be better for MVC2 like the guy explains in one of the quotes the throw of that Sanwa stick which is a little more difficult for dashing. I have MVC2 but I don't like it anyway, so it's not a problem for me.
That's the stick I have:
Yeah I really like that type of button positioning. Actually mimics the length of your fingers.
Nice stick by the way.
Anyways, I'm tired of looking at the computer. I'm gonna bounce.
Thanks.Yeah I really like that type of button positioning. Actually mimics the length of your fingers.
Nice stick by the way.
Anyways, I'm tired of looking at the computer. I'm gonna bounce.
You can ask for that layout on arcadeinabox I think (96.34% sure).
I'm also leaving... going to sleep. See ya.
Yes this is a legit PC complaint. Not another misconeption thread lol but a legit PC gaming complaint. You really can't argue with the fact that the PC has these three genre's on lock
Not to mention that it has tons of games both AAE and AAAE. Hell we all know that it has the most quality games out there. But at the end of the day it still has one glaring weakness to me.I need to play Fighters and I need to play JRPGs. The PC just doensn't have an abundance of either of them nor does it really ever get high profile releases of either in this genre. Yes there is Guilty Gear for PC but I can't play Tekken, Soul Calibur, Shin Megami Tensei ect on a PC.
So while the PC remains strong on most fronts it does it does have two weak points in my view. Yes two isn't alot but they are two reasons that do warrent a purchase of at least one console in my book.
Well okay its not a weakness which leads to the utter destruction of PC gaming lol (come on guys work with me here :P ) But no matter how good PC gaming is it just doesn't cut it when it comes to JRPG's and Fighters. For that I need my console. Preference aside the PC doesn't offer much in these two genre's and although it is an immensly strong platform I don't see how anyone can argue against the point that PC isn't weak in these two genres.
I enjoy how you utilize photos when you post. Its spices things up a bit when reading
Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
You're imposing a double standard by saying that the PC's biggest weak point is fighters and JRPG's because they appeal to you and then saying that it doesn't matter how many AAAE and AAE games the PC has based on likable genres. That may be a weakness for you on the PC, but most of us PC gamers find fighters boring, although I do enjoy some JRPG's, but only a few of them. So basically it's a double edged sword.
The way I see it the PC has loads of weaknesses. But so do consoles.
For a more complete gaming experience, I finds its best to own a PC/Laptop in conjunction with at least one console. A PC or consolealone cannot fulfill all your gaming needs, and if it does, you must have extremely specific and narrow taste in games. At least having one of both means the strenghts of one will offset the weaknesses of the other.
For example, I use my PC to play Rome: Total War and other strategy games, and my (at the moment Gamecube) to play JRPG's
The way I see it the PC has loads of weaknesses. But so do consoles.
For amore completegaming experience, I finds its best to own a PC/Laptop in conjunction with at least one console. A PC or consolealone cannot fulfill all your gaming needs, and if it does, you must have extremely specific and narrow taste in games. At least having one of both means the strenghts of one will offset the weaknesses of the other.
For example, I use my PC to play Rome: Total War and other strategy games, and my (at the moment Gamecube) to play JRPG's
You're using your PC to play RTS's and your gamecube to play JRPG's, and you're calling users of only 1 system narrow minded when it comes to games? lol
PC's have a strong grip on FPS, RTS, WRPG's, and with most 3rd person shooters, they are on both console and PC, so it's even there. Not to mention fun minigames like Peggle and stuff like that.
[QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]DoA online is coming as an exclusive to PC...
Anyway buying a PS3 just for 2 genres is kinda sad...
Man I never thought I'd get to say this. But seeing as how I don't own a PS3 and I said console I finally get to say this lol.
So DOA Online (remember Xbox and Xbox 360 already have online DOA's) is coming to PC huh? So I um gotta, lets see....oh yeah. I gotta WAIT right?
With all due respect, you have to wait for good JRPGS and Fighters on the PS3 aswell atm . :P
Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
True, you should of added WRPG to the "Dominent" list aswell though, and Simulation , and TBS and so forth.
I claimed that about 2D fighters and yes there are plenty fightersAdrianWerner
No you claimed that the PC is the platform for 2D fighters yet all the ones that are played in the fighting community aren't on there.
What proof? That some 2D fighters were ported to PC? :)AdrianWerner
Seriously stop this stuff. I keep asking you to provide me a link to the games I listed on the PC, not just some 2D fighters but the ones I listed which so far you haven't prooved are on the PC and I did research and none of them are on there. And so now to cover yourself your changing the topic from "Are the current popular 2D Fighting games in the fighting genre that are taken serious in the fighting community are on the PC?" to "Are there any 2D Fighters ported to the PC?". And what you're going to do is probably just list the same games you've been constantly listing thus making it seem that you "owned" me, when in reality all you did was change the subject from the question I was asking. I listed the games, give me links to the ports.
Majority of SNK fighers included are few? AdrianWerner
SNK published hundreds of 2D fighting games and there are less then 2 dozen on there and only 3 series that are all on the PS2.
Install and upload? What the hell are you talking about?
And why would I keep two Playstation2 consoles just to be able to play Arcana Heart? Or are you suggesting I should mod my console? Why go through all the trouble when it runs on PC?
You said upload to your PC. Also Arcana Hearts neither the other games I listed are on the PC, I did a search and they aren't and everytime I ask this of you you keep dodging my questions.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="AdrianWerner"]playable through emulation
Seriously man :|
Yeah...I know...without the specific PS2 lights shining brightly under TV it just isn't the same :D
That's not what he was refering to.
EDIT - Seems I waited so long to post that this thread is already at a different tune and topic. :(
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"]Emulation, yo.DementedDragon
Illegal yo. :P
Not if you use your own system's BIOs. That's legal. Matter of fact, I play Final Fantasy XII on PC for quicker loading time.
ANNNNND.... PC has the best fighting game. M.U.G.E.N.Has the largest fighter community, including English, Spanish, Portugues, Japanese, Chinese, and some other incoming groups. Deepest customization, and you can download any characters you want.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
You're imposing a double standard by saying that the PC's biggest weak point is fighters and JRPG's because they appeal to you and then saying that it doesn't matter how many AAAE and AAE games the PC has based on likable genres. That may be a weakness for you on the PC, but most of us PC gamers find fighters boring, although I do enjoy some JRPG's, but only a few of them. So basically it's a double edged sword.
You're miss understanding me. I'm well aware the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games out there. I'm saying that someone saying they don't care for the JRPGS and Fighters on PC is like someone saying they don't care for all the AAE and AAAE on PC. Regardless of preference their still facts. You can't deny either of them and I certainly didn't deny the AAE and AAAE games PC has. I'm well aware that the PC has the most high quality titles.
I'm just saying if someone says who cares about those genre's anyways I don't like them how is it any different then someone saying who cares about (Insert PC games) anyways they don't like them anyways. Basically I'm saying eliminate the preference and look at it for what it is.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]DoA online is coming as an exclusive to PC...
Anyway buying a PS3 just for 2 genres is kinda sad...
Man I never thought I'd get to say this. But seeing as how I don't own a PS3 and I said console I finally get to say this lol.
So DOA Online (remember Xbox and Xbox 360 already have online DOA's) is coming to PC huh? So I um gotta, lets see....oh yeah. I gotta WAIT right?
With all due respect, you have to wait for good JRPGS and Fighters on the PS3 aswell atm . :P
Persona 3, KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core and Virtua Fighter 5 now with Online...? Not to mention the latest Nippon Ichi title was AA on Gamespot. I am not waiting I am playing.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
True, you should of added WRPG to the "Dominent" list aswell though, and Simulation , and TBS and so forth.
I thought about adding WRPG as well Simulation but I'm not too well versed in either genre so I didn't want to post something that I really didn't know a lot about. TBS is turn based strategy correct? Don't games like Phantom Brave, Disgaea, Fire Emblem ect go into TBS?
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
True, you should of added WRPG to the "Dominent" list aswell though, and Simulation , and TBS and so forth.
I thought about adding WRPG as well Simulation but I'm not too well versed in either genre so I didn't want to post something that I really didn't know a lot about. TBS is turn based strategy correct? Don't games like Phantom Brave, Disgaea, Fire Emblem ect go into TBS?
Hmmm , JTBS? lol , I'm not so sure if you can include games like Fire Eblem, same as "Might and Magics" .. labeled as "Other STrategy" on gamespot.
Persona 3, KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core and Virtua Fighter 5 now with Online...? Not to mention the latest Nippon Ichi title was AA on Gamespot. I am not waiting I am playing. BlackbondIncluding PS2 games?
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
True, you should of added WRPG to the "Dominent" list aswell though, and Simulation , and TBS and so forth.
I thought about adding WRPG as well Simulation but I'm not too well versed in either genre so I didn't want to post something that I really didn't know a lot about. TBS is turn based strategy correct? Don't games like Phantom Brave, Disgaea, Fire Emblem ect go into TBS?
Hmmm , JTBS? lol , I'm not so sure if you can include games like Fire Eblem, same as "Might and Magics" .. labeled as "Other STrategy" on gamespot.
Hmm so now we have a JTBS and WTBS strategy? Intersting indeed. We find out new things every day don't we 8)
Well the games are listed under Fantasy TBS.
[QUOTE="DementedDragon"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"]Emulation, yo.redneckdouglas
Illegal yo. :P
Not if you use your own system's BIOs. That's legal. Matter of fact, I play Final Fantasy XII on PC for quicker loading time.
ANNNNND.... PC has the best fighting game. M.U.G.E.N.Has the largest fighter community, including English, Spanish, Portugues, Japanese, Chinese, and some other incoming groups. Deepest customization, and you can download any characters you want.
MUGEN is so cool lol. I saw some clips on youtube where they had Peter Griffin VS Homer Simpson. Homer won I think.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Persona 3, KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core and Virtua Fighter 5 now with Online...? Not to mention the latest Nippon Ichi title was AA on Gamespot. I am not waiting I am playing. VandalvideoIncluding PS2 games?
Oh I'm sorry. PS2 isn't dead yet. Its still getting new releases.
Including PS2 games?[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Persona 3, KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core and Virtua Fighter 5 now with Online...? Not to mention the latest Nippon Ichi title was AA on Gamespot. I am not waiting I am playing. Blackbond
Oh I'm sorry. PS2 isn't dead yet. Its still getting new releases.
Its funny that you would include PS2 games. Anyway, your point is quickly becomming outdate. More and more fighting games and action games are making their way to the PC every yaer, not to mention the exclusive DOA title for the PC that was recently announced. We also have a few JRPGs, and if everything keeps going at this rate, I'm sure those will also start coming to the PC in bulk.[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
True, you should of added WRPG to the "Dominent" list aswell though, and Simulation , and TBS and so forth.
I thought about adding WRPG as well Simulation but I'm not too well versed in either genre so I didn't want to post something that I really didn't know a lot about. TBS is turn based strategy correct? Don't games like Phantom Brave, Disgaea, Fire Emblem ect go into TBS?
Hmmm , JTBS? lol , I'm not so sure if you can include games like Fire Eblem, same as "Might and Magics" .. labeled as "Other STrategy" on gamespot.
Hmm so now we have a JTBS and WTBS strategy? Intersting indeed. We find out new things every day don't we 8)
Well the games are listed under Fantasy TBS.
:P . nah I'm sure Fire Emblem is considered an RPGs, if not its definatly in whatever category FF Tactics and "Heroes of Might and Magic" are in.
TBS is like Civilizations, Gal Civ, Total Wars ect.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Including PS2 games?[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Persona 3, KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core and Virtua Fighter 5 now with Online...? Not to mention the latest Nippon Ichi title was AA on Gamespot. I am not waiting I am playing. Vandalvideo
Oh I'm sorry. PS2 isn't dead yet. Its still getting new releases.
Its funny that you would include PS2 games. Anyway, your point is quickly becomming outdate. More and more fighting games and action games are making their way to the PC every yaer, not to mention the exclusive DOA title for the PC that was recently announced. We also have a few JRPGs, and if everything keeps going at this rate, I'm sure those will also start coming to the PC in bulk.How is it funny that I include PC games? Would you disinclude PC games that are released with lower requirements? Oh man you are ridiculous in saying my point is out of date. More and more fighting games are making their way to PC each year? Um yeah you are getting games we played how many years ago? You still aren't getting any of the modern dary released fighters. You still aren't getting KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core, Soul Calibur 4, DOA4, Virtua Fighter 5, and Tekken 6 amongst others.
Wait you get a DOA Title for PC that was announed? No way lol. I mean congratulations man I'm really happy that you get one game. Yes you do have a few JRPGS. But to say that if everything keeps going at this rate they will be coming to PC in bulk is just the most ludicrious Hermit statement I have ever heard.
FIGHTERS and JRPGS will NEVER be released in bulk on PC at a present modern release date unless something changes in the forseeable future. For you to say that it will if things keep going in the way they are in just laughable at best.
But yes I do like your future site. Its up there with the cows. I'msure those will also start coming to PC IN BULK. Oh lordy lord.
How is it funny that I include PC games? Would you disinclude PC games that are released with lower requirements? Oh man you are ridiculous in saying my point is out of date. More and more fighting games are making their way to PC each year? Um yeah you are getting games we played how many years ago? You still aren't getting any of the modern dary released fighters. You still aren't getting KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core, Soul Calibur 4, DOA4, Virtua Fighter 5, and Tekken 6 amongst others.Wait you get a DOA Title for PC that was announed? No way lol. I mean congratulations man I'm really happy that you get one game. Yes you do have a few JRPGS. But to say that if everything keeps going at this rate they will be coming to PC in bulk is just the most ludicrious Hermit statement I have ever heard. FIGHTERS and JRPGS will NEVER be released in bulk on PC at a present modern release date unless something changes in the forseeable future. For you to say that it will if things keep going in the way they are in just laughable at best. But yes I do like your future site. Its up there with the cows. I'msure those will also start coming to PC BlackbondWay to misinterpret my post. I just foudn it ironic that you were including PS2 games. NEVER-THE-LESS. The PC itself is growing exponentially, and more and more console games are making their way to the PC. The current trend does show many different types of games that previously didn't exist on the PC making their way here. With an exlcusive title on one of the the highest rated console fighters, its only a matter of time until more go the way of the PC. Its called trends, and its going to happen. Your point, as shallow as it may be, is extremely finite, and won't last long. JRPGs and Fighters will inevitablly make their way to PC, and theres nothing you can say that will change that.
As much as I do like some fighting games and JRPGS. I think I don't care as much for them as I do for FPS, RTS, and PC RPGs like Never Winter Nights 2 and the Witcher. I like them too, I mean I emjoy Virtua Fighter 5 for my PS3 all the time and Street fighter collections + Tekken Reserrections for the PSP. It is just that to me those games don't hold as much value as the other games. Neither do racing games and I really couldn't care less if sports games just disapeared all together tomorrow. The thing is that if you buy a controller for the PC there are some good fighting games and racing games on the PC as well but RTS games on the Console are just completely a joke. Those also who think RTS games are boring have never been in a 1000 unit battle in Supreme Commander or a 4 on 4 Starcraft battle. Either way, to each his own. Saying though that all shooters are like doom is just lashing out with anger and not thinking first, I can easily say that every RPG before and after FF7 is garbage and that pretty much every RPG since than is trying to live up too it. Ofcourse, I don't want to say that...I am giving it as an example. Just understand people that PC gaming is going nowhere, it is here to stay and the same is true for console games. Honesetly though, at the end of the day the console is nothing but a low end PC stuck in a box with a controller hooked up to it.
I can't imagine playing something like Virtua Fighter on KB/M.Considering the PC can hook up to a TV, be played from a couch, and use a gamepad, NOTHING will change.
Even with a gamepad, something just won't feel right. :oMoldOnHold
[QUOTE="froidnite"]What exactly is the point of this thread?
Isn't this same as making a thread that consoles don't have good RTS, Sim games, TBS games etc.:|
You are correct. But there are still a few who would disagree to the point.
I don't think there are people who believe that PC can currently compete directly with consoles in JRPG/Fighting genre.[QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]I can't imagine playing something like Virtua Fighter on KB/M.Considering the PC can hook up to a TV, be played from a couch, and use a gamepad, NOTHING will change.Yes, well, I'm not one of those people who has their PC next to their TV, or have a VGA cable, or have a gamepad for that matter.
Even with a gamepad, something just won't feel right. :oVandalvideo
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="MoldOnHold"]I can't imagine playing something like Virtua Fighter on KB/M.Considering the PC can hook up to a TV, be played from a couch, and use a gamepad, NOTHING will change.Yes, well, I'm not one of those people who has their PC next to their TV, or have a VGA cable, or have a gamepad for that matter.
Even with a gamepad, something just won't feel right. :oMoldOnHold
Furthermore, consoles have the racing and platforming genres - two of my favorites, down pat.MoldOnHoldAs do PCs, in bulk actually. The PC was leading in racers until very recently.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]How is it funny that I include PC games? Would you disinclude PC games that are released with lower requirements? Oh man you are ridiculous in saying my point is out of date. More and more fighting games are making their way to PC each year? Um yeah you are getting games we played how many years ago? You still aren't getting any of the modern dary released fighters. You still aren't getting KOF XI, Guilty Gear Accent Core, Soul Calibur 4, DOA4, Virtua Fighter 5, and Tekken 6 amongst others.Wait you get a DOA Title for PC that was announed? No way lol. I mean congratulations man I'm really happy that you get one game. Yes you do have a few JRPGS. But to say that if everything keeps going at this rate they will be coming to PC in bulk is just the most ludicrious Hermit statement I have ever heard. FIGHTERS and JRPGS will NEVER be released in bulk on PC at a present modern release date unless something changes in the forseeable future. For you to say that it will if things keep going in the way they are in just laughable at best. But yes I do like your future site. Its up there with the cows. I'msure those will also start coming to PC VandalvideoWay to misinterpret my post. I just foudn it ironic that you were including PS2 games. NEVER-THE-LESS. The PC itself is growing exponentially, and more and more console games are making their way to the PC. The current trend does show many different types of games that previously didn't exist on the PC making their way here. With an exlcusive title on one of the the highest rated console fighters, its only a matter of time until more go the way of the PC. Its called trends, and its going to happen. Your point, as shallow as it may be, is extremely finite, and won't last long. JRPGs and Fighters will inevitablly make their way to PC, and theres nothing you can say that will change that.
Way to misinterpret your post? I read what you type, don't blame anyone but yourself for that. How is it ironic that I include PS2 games? They are still being released so why wouldn't I count them?
God damn Vandel and here I thought the cows were bad with their crystle ball I can see the future complex but you're being just as bad.
All that translates into is JUST WAITman.
You show me a comprehensive list of the two above and yeah I'll admit ownage like a man.
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