[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Way to much input of peoples preference in this thread. Button line is the PC is weak in upcoming releases of modern day Fighters and JRPG.
I mean anyone can use preference and say they don't like (insert anything) Hey I can say no PC game appeals to me. But even if I said no PC game appealed to me how would that change the fact that the PC has the most AAE and AAAE games? Oh wait it doesn't. So whether you don't like JRPGS or Fighters its not really they point. The PC doens't have an abundance of either on the radar or being released for them and you can't deny that fact.
True, you should of added WRPG to the "Dominent" list aswell though, and Simulation , and TBS and so forth.
I thought about adding WRPG as well Simulation but I'm not too well versed in either genre so I didn't want to post something that I really didn't know a lot about. TBS is turn based strategy correct? Don't games like Phantom Brave, Disgaea, Fire Emblem ect go into TBS?
Hmmm , JTBS? lol , I'm not so sure if you can include games like Fire Eblem, same as "Might and Magics" .. labeled as "Other STrategy" on gamespot.
Hmm so now we have a JTBS and WTBS strategy? Intersting indeed. We find out new things every day don't we 8)
Well the games are listed under Fantasy TBS.
:P . nah I'm sure Fire Emblem is considered an RPGs, if not its definatly in whatever category FF Tactics and "Heroes of Might and Magic" are in.
TBS is like Civilizations, Gal Civ, Total Wars ect.
Fire Emblem is in the exact same catagory that Final Fantasy Tatics is in :|
Just curious but have you played both?
- Disgaea
- Phantom Brave
- Tactics Ogre
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Shining Force
- Fire Emblem
These games are all in the same genre.
Yes, but they are not TBS .... they are RPGs ...
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