I don't remember seeing achievements points for worlds.shockwave04
You even posted in the thread lol.
EDIT: Well achievements were never talked about I don't think, but we were joking about them in the thread.
nothing yet on pricing but a monthly fee could be a possibility mjk1
I really hope it doesn't. I might not play it if it has a fee. I hope they do something like Guild Wars, make it free to play online and just make a lot of expansion packs. Or just do something like Hellgate: London and make it so its free to play online, but if you pay a monthly fee you can get exclusive gear and can make more characters.
but do u guys honestly think its going to be a good game?
i mean i cant see it being a good game man...
but do u guys honestly think its going to be a good game?snoopeymasterYes I do. But all we have seem of it so far is just concept art.
Q & A with Kevin Balantine, Senior Marketing Manager at Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment.
2. One of the main things talking about MMORPGs is the character progression for players. Talking about that we can see 2 different models, the Ultima Online one focused in skills and the EverQuest one focused in levels. To which one will appeal more Stargate Worlds? Can you explain a little how it will work?
Stargate Worlds will have a level-based progression for characters, but there will be a variety of skill trees for each character archetype to allow customization. The system is both accessible to players new to MMORPGs and familiar to longtime players. For an example of how this system will work, let's take a look at the Soldier archetype. Each archetype has three possible specialties. For the Soldier, those specialties are command, automatic weapons and heavy weapons. Command abilities give the players access to limited healing technology and team targeting buffs, while heavy weapons and automatic weapons abilities improve the character's ability to deal damage to enemies.
3. You have confirmed that Stargate Worlds won't be a MMOFPS because you want to use a more tactical combat. Can you explain us more about it?
Our tactical combat system will be something completely new in the MMORPG segment, yet it will be familiar to anyone who has played one before. Two things that really set our system apart are the importance of cover and the capability of the AI.
Cover has to form the core of any system trying to model modern combat in any sort of realistic manner. Standing out in the open during a firefight is suicide, and that will be reflected in Stargate Worlds where even high-level characters will hesitate to take bullets from low-level characters.
4. Stargate fans are wondering what will happen with vehicles. Players will be able to use them either in planets or in space?
There will be vehicles in the game, but they will not be player controllable at launch. Player-controlled vehicles may make sense in a future expansion, but for launch we are focusing on core gameplay elements.
5. Will players be able to access ships in space and combat inside them? Something like to board the ship and gain control of it instead of having to destroy it in a large battle?
Boarding actions are one of many types of quests that can be included in Stargate Worlds. If you look at the types of quests that Stargate SG-1 handled during the run of the series, there are almost endless ideas that we can draw on, plus we aren't restricted in budget in the same way a television series is limited.
6. That last question forces us to ask the following. What will players find about teleportation? They will be able to teleport to enemy ships, or exact locations in planets? For example, my squad has been surrounded by lots of enemy Jaffas, will we able to request teleportation to a nearby allied spaceship in planet's orbit?
In some circumstances, Asgard beaming technology may be available to players and the Ring Transporters will of course also be available where appropriate.
7. In the series all the characters are using always all kind of stuff like alien devices, teleportation rings or turrets. Will players be able to use them too? Can I take control of a Jaffa turret to defend myself from an enemy attack?
The Stargate series are all about getting new technology to use in the fight against the Goa'uld and other enemies, and Stargate Worlds will reflect those goals. It's about more than gaining an edge on a battlefield, it's about the survival of your home world. Characters will be able to explore multiple tech trees to create advanced weapons and equipment that will give them a vital edge on their foes.
8. For last but not the less important. What is the actual status of development of Stargate Worlds? We will have to wait more for a first trailer or know your beta plans?
We are in full production and steaming ahead for a late 2008 launch. We currently have our first trailer in development and we'll be debuting that early next year.
SGW-MP : Your team realizes the "world," but can you tell how big you're planning on making it? How many kilometers?
Josh Kurtz :Our size will be determined by the needs of our content team and how much space we feel we need to get the players from min to max level while at the same time giving them space to explore and adventure in non combat pursuits. That being said I would say that it's safe to say that we will be in the triple to quadruple digits in square kilometers. I don't want to get too detailed because we may decide to make changes based on the needs of our players.
SGW-MP : What kinds of planets/environments should we expect?
Josh Kurtz :You should expect a spectrum of very Earthlike environments; Forests, plains, deserts, mountains, snowy fields. But we will also be creating a few alien landscapes that we hope will be very cool for players to explore and adventure within. We want players to have a wealth of places they can go so that they never feel like they are in just another one of "Those" worlds.
SGW-MP : In games like Dungeons & Dragons Online or Guild Wars that most instanced the dungeons or instanced parts of a city... Will Stargate Worlds have instancing, and where?
Josh Kurtz :We will in fact have instances, we like the effects on gameplay and story that an instance can provide. I would like to save the exact details of them for now, give you something to ask next time.
SGW-MP : Will SGW have PVP/PVE, or something totally new?
Josh Kurtz :We are planning content for players who enjoy both PVE and PVP. We don't want to force players to play in such a way that they won't enjoy, we want players to be able to play the game their way. To facilitate that we have some designs that will allow players to do PVE if they want to engage in that activity and PVP if they really enjoy killing their fellow players. We even have a few designs we are playing with that will incentivize players to step outside their comfort zones once in a while.
SGW-MP : Are you in charge of the NPC's? Can you tell us more about them? Maybe some scripting like when a NPC come to me to ask me if I can escort him?
Josh Kurtz :I am in charge of non quest related NPC's; so any mob's that you would fight or vendors you would buy from or sell to and any trainers who you might gain skills or abilities from. I'm not ready to go into details but we do have a fairly robust set of tools for placing and scripting these NPC's and I am looking forward to some of the things we can do with them.
SGW-MP : Will there be housing in the game?
SGW-MP : Will we need to buy the latest, biggest computer or can we play with our present PCs?
Josh Kurtz :Sure ask me the tough ones. I can't go into too much detail on this but I can tell you that our engineering team is working long and hard to provide an engine that is scalable so that players with a wide variety of machines will be able to enjoy the game we are creating.
SGW-MP : Will Worlds work on other platforms beyond Windows?
Josh Kurtz :If I were to try to answer that question you would get a lot of Umm's and err's and me trying to sound all tech savvy when in fact the best people to answer that would be our engineering team.
SOURCE: Stargate Worlds Mondes Persistants
you'll be sleeping for a long time. No gameplay footage but some more 'non information' like kurushio said
Warcry: Everyone is very happy with the team's decision to allow other playable races beyond humans. What can you tell us about some of the changes to the races that we might not have seen in the series?
Kevin Balentine: Those familiar with the series will know the Goa'uld. The Goa'uld are these parasites that enter into a host, have godlike tendencies, and even godlike powers. If you watched the series you know that late in season 9 there was an episode called Strong Hold where Baal is talking to Teal'c. Baal is on a tangent were he believes that the Goa'uld need to rethink the whole god portrayal. The Goa'uld of Stargate Worlds have followed this line of thinking. They are still megalomaniacs, and lust for power; they have just stopped pretending to be gods.
Warcry: We know that the classic races will make an appearance, but can we expect to see such races as the Ori?
Kevin Balentine: When we launch the game we are focusing on the earlier episodes, and as such the Ori would not be part of that context. Most of what the player will be part of is a pre-Atlantis setting. There has been a lot of talk about making Atlantis our first expansion pack. The Ori don't appear in the time period we have chosen, but that does not mean they won't appear down the road. We want to be clear that we are not retelling the story of Stargate, we are giving the player a chance to make a new story.
Warcry: What kind of communication do you have with the writers and team that worked on the television series?
Kevin Balentine: We have Wright and Cooper's thumbs up on everything we are doing. We send them what we are working on, and we are on the script distribution for the show.
Warcry: The big question on the lips of the fan base is, when can we see beta invites being to happen?
Kevin Balentine: We want to launch next year, so that in its self should give you an idea, but we are not announcing beta as of yet.
I know for certain that structure - not dialogue - is the most important job the writer has as well as his or her primary responsibility, and this job is so important that it eclipses almost every other thing the individual has to do."That's a pretty bold statement there, Chris. We thought this article was going to tell us about storytelling in MMOs, not this thing you call 'structure.'"
well now that the writing lesson is over, can we get some info about the GAME! :| for some reason i was reminded of mel gibson when reading this, oh yeah...
General: And being that we are all big Mel Gibson film fans, we thought maybe you could help us.
Mel Gibson: Aww, my nipples they HURT! They hurt when I twist them.
General: Yes, umm, I don't suppose you have any creative ideas how to fight these terrorists.
Mel Gibson: How 'bout this. You have that video tape that the terrorists made right? Well maybe if you did a background check on that video tape you might find somebody who doesn't belong. Somebody who doesn't fit in Imaginationland. (twists nipples) AWW!
Lieutenant: Hey, that's not a bad idea.
General: Yeah. Say what you want about Mel Gibson but the son of a b*tch knows story structure. Get the video tape and do a background check on everyone in it.
Mel Gibson: (twists nipples) AWW! Yes!
South Park "Imaginationland"
I was reading an article on stargateworlds website about some charity/auction thing they are doing where you have a change to win beta keys for the game, which i thought was cool and i read on....
"For Stargate Worlds, it's a chance to win one of 10 beta keys for the upcoming game, due to be released in the fourth quarter of 2008."
so my question is when is this game coming out ? if the beta keys are released in Q4 08 will they still have time to release the game in Q4 08 or is it more likely to be released Q1 09 ?
I was reading an article on stargateworlds website about some charity/auction thing they are doing where you have a change to win beta keys for the game, which i thought was cool and i read on....
"For Stargate Worlds, it's a chance to win one of 10 beta keys for the upcoming game, due to be released in the fourth quarter of 2008."
so my question is when is this game coming out ? if the beta keys are released in Q4 08 will they still have time to release the game in Q4 08 or is it more likely to be released Q1 09 ?
I think you misunderstand. The GAME is due to be released on Q4 2008. The beta would probably be in late Q2 2008 so probably around August or so. Obviously the game and beta could be pushed back and wouldnt be too surprised really if it does.
Obviously the game and beta could be pushed back and wouldnt be too surprised really if it does.
Having every scene in a story deliver the same emotion yields a very boring story overall. You need to intersperse the funny with the sad, the thoughtful with the action-packed.Any discussion about dramatic structure must begin with the old chestnut from Aristotle about three Acts - every dramatic story has a Beginning, a Middle and an End. "Well, that's pretty obvious," you say. "Big deal." Well, yes, it sorta is a big deal because the majority of the artfulness of writing drama comes through the juxtaposition, ordering and choosing of smaller elements within those three acts.
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