*segment for raw*
*Gamer comes out to a nice number of boos however cheers could be heard*
*as he climbs into the ring and grabs a mic he pauses and looks around the crowd*
*a small Gamer chant is heard*
Gamer: you know its never easy being the most handsome man in WOTU everyday i have to look at a bunch of ugly faces and a majority of those ugly faces are from all of you people sitting here tonight
*the whole crowd boos gamer*
Gamer: that job was made a bit easier when i joined V.I.P. yes they are a bunch of good looking people and it was made even easier when kelly kelly was made my manager as she is rightfully so wotu's most gorgeous diva and with the two of us we made WOTU's most good looking duo that is no more however.
and it is all thanks to one ignoramus by the name of jediknight let me show you why ?
*gamer points to the tron and the clip of jediknight's elbow accidently hitting kelly kelly in the face is shown*
Gamer: because of you jedi not only did she suffer a broken nose but i was so concerned about her i couldnt focus in my matches and that cost me a shot at winning some gold and it baffles me that no action has been taken upon jediknight however i thought i took care of that last night during the parkinglot brawl when i smashed him into a car window. however spidey being the incompetent buffoon he has proven himself to be over and over thinks that jedi and I should have a MITB qualifying match at Destination X.
i should not have to compete against such an ugly and simple minded excuse for a wrestler in fact i should be handed a spot in the MITBn for all of my troubles. I was the longest reigning I.C. champion in wotu may i remind all of you
in fact i want this company to pay for the damages that were caused to poor kelly kelly
i w-
*jediknight interrupts gamer as he walks toward the ring talking on a mic*
jedi: and so we are back to this once again Gamer is in the ring whining....crying.....Bi***ing...moaning and groaning over the fact that he lost a match
*jedi walks into the ring*
jedi: and once again Gamer blames someone else other than himself for his failures what a surprise you know Gamer i have been watching you the past few months and i must say that something is very wrong with you i mean you walk around thinking your the best looking guy here in wotu, you seem to have some psychological problems as well not to mention at times your eye twitches.
Gamer: that twitch has stopped thank you very much for your irrelevant contributions jediknight
Jedi: right right listen i speak for everyone here when i tell you that your really annoying we cant understand a damn word you say and on top of that you keep talking about how good looking you think you are i mean dude we have doctors that can help you with these problems and i will gladly pay for it and see that you get some help
Gamer: SHUT UP JEDI you have barely said a damn word and i am already sick and tired of you deny all you want your are the reason kelly kelly isnt standing here with us right now you elbowed her in the face and she has suffered a broken nose because of it do you realize that she will have to wear a plastic mask on her face for a few weeks.
Jedi: oh its a see through plastic mask how dissapointing
Gamer: i dont get it why do you people disrespect us ? is it because of jealousy ? i mean i can understand that seeing as how you have yet to really accomplish anything here while i have already held the I.C title and had one of the longest reigns with it not to menton i have also competed for the wotu title and what have you done my ugly friend ? nothing and how fitting is that because that is exactly what you are nothing.
Jedi: ok you got me there and i will admit your a talented guy however i can live with the fact that atleast i gave it my all and didnt think of any excuses when i failed while you cried everytime you lost and Gamer you aint that good at elimination chamber you retained the title because kelly kelly slipped you the belt and you used it as a weapon and then at wrestlemania she distracted the ref and you took advantage to reatain the title and you defeated metal because she hit him on the head with a pipe when no one was looking. I can see why you worry about her so much YOU NEED HER without her your nothing and you know it.
Gamer: kelly kelly was just being a good manager and helping me and i know that if it happened to you then you would be saying the same thing i just said why dont you just admit the fact that i am better than you
Jedi:...alright...alright..i admit it Gamer is better than me......at being a whiny,crying pompous ass piece of s***
*Gamer hits jedi on the head with the mic and starts to assualt him*
*gamer keeps punching jedi until he starts to bleed a bit on the face*
*Game then signals for someone to come out*
*kelly kelly has returned with some bandages on her nose and a plastic mask around her nose as well*
*she grabs a chair as Gamer hold jediknight up and she hits him on the head with it*
*Gamer then pulls out a paper bag and puts it on jedi's head*
*kelly sits there breathing heavily as she smacks the ring with the chair a few times*
*she then begins to cry for a few second and then stops*
*she grabs the chair and stares at gamer contimplating hitting him in the face with it*
Gamer with a little fear in his voice: NO...NO...DONT DO THAT IM THE ONE DEFENDING YOU AND HELPING YOU REMEMBER ?
kelly kelly with a psychotic look on her face: look what he did to me..LOOK WHAT HE DID TO ME
Gamer: it will heal up please put the chair down...please calm down
*kelly kelly drops the chair and gets in gamer's face*
*she puts her hand on his face*
kelly kelly: it would be a shame if something happened to this face of yours
Gamer: dont do anything crazy
kelly kelly: i wasnt gonna smash your face...dont ....worry.......
*segment ends*
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