[QUOTE="Quiksilver0519"]Hello. I just recently got my xbox 360, and right now I have Rock Band (that's it). So I am trying to decide between Asassin's Creed, Halo 3, CoD4, and Bioshock. Some help would be appreciated, oh and if you have any other game to recommend that would be awesome. An online multiplayer game would be cool.bulletsword
Congrats on the 360.
Call of Duty 4 would probably be the best choice for multiplayer. it's pretty addictive online and in my opinion, it's much better than Halo 3. the single player is rather short for today's standards, though. I have both of these and I can say that COD4 kept my interest longer. This isn't to say that Halo 3 is that bad, but giving into the hype would be the last thing I do.
Assassin's Creed gets horribly repetitive, but it's worth playing (maybe not full $60 though).
Bioshock... I'll admit that it's both very good and very overrated. Worth playing, but a rental is as far as I'd go with this one. There's a demo available if you want.
Other game recommendations would be Mass Effect if you're into RPGs (haven't played, but my friends love it and it looks awesome). Other great RPGs would be Oblivion (get GOTY edition if you can), Eternal Sonata (don't let the art fool you. it's pretty fun), and Lost Odyssey (which I highly recommend. one of the more unique 360 exclusives). Eternal Sonata also has a demo.
And online multiplayer games? I haven't played Gears, but if you can find it anywhere cheap then it's probably worth it. Otherwise you're probably better off waiting for the second one. And if you have extra money, purchase 800 Microsoft points and use it for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. One of the best 2D fighters I've played and it also has online play (there's still people playing). steep learning curve, but there's a demo for this too.
Thanks for the response! You've helped my decision a lot. CoD4 sounds like the best choice, and I need to get a Gold membership. If I can't wait to get the money for CoD4 and to pay for online then I'll probably get Mass Effect or Assassin's Creed (My friends say it's really fun, and it does look fun). Or I"ll save up for games that will come out in the future (RE5, Soul Caliber 4, Fable 2, etc.). Thanks again for the response.
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