easily team fortress 2, it has the highest replayability for one, but it is of course a multiplayer-only game.
Im never going to realize what people see in portal, as soon as I get around to finishing it, it will be one of many games to be deleted from my hd(the local content).
so yeah, tf2 is the best of the Orange Box, no contest there really, half-life 2 & eps are good, good story*, but just not as fun as TF2, portal was just making portals, listening to a crazy ai, and finishing annoying..I mean "fun" puzzles, I love puzzle games, but I dont know, portal was lacking, the only fun I had in the game was making a portal on the floor, then one on the cieling, and falling down a infinite warp-tunnel, but that got old fast.
*Some people will argue that half-life 2 has no story, those people have no imagination/cant listen therefore should not be listened to.
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