[QUOTE="Shinoto"]"By three methods we may learn wisdom, First by reflection, which is the noblest;Second by imitation, which is the easiest; and thrid by experience which is the most bitter." Confuscious
If you want to argue about Iktagaki or whateve. Make sure what your protecting isn't the same. Imitation is in essence...just learning. How many highly original games do we see a year? Uncharted is looking like it is combining what it likes from GeoW, RE, and Tomb Raider. Original!!! yet all the ideas are pilfar from others games. Not like they came up with them. Oh Okami with Zelda. Get it now? 90% of making a game or anything seems to truly been just imitation. Then that 10% putting your own creative spin on it. Gow? Dynasty Warriors. Games sadly enough from a gameplay/combat prespective pretty much play the same game..except they add in a mini game(QTE ^_^) and replace your musou with magic.
Also for the most part, QTEs are a lazy design. Its a way to get out of trying to make it work with normal combat and more so get it into a cutscene...but while keeping minimal action.
Anyways on Itchy or whatever you like to call him. For the most part...He is one without a single original idea in his head. That doesn't make the ideas bad. If your going to imitate...then do it on the best and he did. I loved NG...I still think DMC is leagues better. But NG is just another great action game which we need more of. Hardcore Action Combat...not Kiddie pool ones like GoW:P Which replace strong gameplay with Presentation. Even though I do give credit where it is deserve..the Level Designs and platforming were bar none in an action game. But pretty much though...it was the perfect action game for a casual. Of course I heard they upped it a bit with the Sequel so Ill need to try that one day. But after GoW turned out the way it was for me...Pretty much just a rental game. Ill wait on it.
Anyways, I can see why. God or War's Came out in earlier 2005. Close to E3 2005 ala PS3. They really ended in that perfect time to start development for it on the PS3 instead of the Ps2. But my guess is Sony thought they wouldn't need it. Remember everyone at the time was oozen over the Ps3. And then by the time. the **** hits the fan. Too late.
Your attempt to defend the clown is interesting, but unsuccessful. I'm not arguing the quality of NG (the wildly seesawing level of challenge indicated that playtesting was kept to a minimum, but I'll let that slide) but is one game. Also, one shouldn't lose sight of the fact there there are other important facets of game design (Ninja Gaiden and DMC both boast great gameplay which is the most important thing for action games, but their puzzles and level designs are garbage). Moving back to Itagaki, if he had a string of quality products under his belt I could understand his diarreah of the mouth but he made one good game three years ago and his last game was DOAX2. Rather than go toItagaki for amusing quotes, someone needs to say 'Healer, heal theyself.'
.....And your attempts at decrying Itagaki are laughable. One "quality" game (understatement of the year for what is considered by many to not only be the best in the genre, but the best game period)? Perhaps you should also check a few review scores for the DOA series. They are highly praised games that I consider to be more fun than any other fighting game franchise around (sorry, balance issues or whatever it is some tournament players like to complain about don't bother me. As a gamer I am more concerned with how fun the game is in general. Not how balanced it may or may not be.)He is easily more accomplished than developers like Jaffe, and in my opinion, deserves more respect than the likes of Kojima. Whom is often championed as some sort of "genius" by fans of the Metal Gear series.
You may not care for his attitude, but trying to put down his works only serves to make yourself look foolish.
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