Hey Hines, you know what the difference between Sony/MS & Nintendo? Nintendo makes their own games, while Sony/MS are almost solely reliant on 2nd/3rd party development. They don't NEED you like you NEED Sony.
Now, if Nintendo would only pull their thumbs out and make some games that people give a rats behind about.
Yeah, sure, Yoshi and WWHD look nice and all, but your system sellers are Mario & Zelda. A NEW Zelda. And a 3D Mario like 64/Galaxy (3D Worlds is nice, in a Super Mario Bros. 2 kinda way, but is NOT the Mario we are looking for). Hell, Pokemon-ANYTHING. Paper Mario sells crazy. A Metroid game that is NOTHING like M. Good GOD I cannot believe how much you ALL screwed-up with Other M. How about a Mother trilogy disc., since you don't have emulation for the GBA yet? And for God's Sake, X WHEN?!?!
Gee, what next, Game Splot? Gonna go back in time and start down-rating No More Heroes, Bayonetta, and every other game ever made that includes females in a 'genderless' light? Did you even PLAY the Gigolo Missions? They are parody & comedic by nature and design, NOT intended to be "zOMG SEX HIDE THE CHILDREN AND GRAB YER SHOTGUNS NO WAIT THEY'RE TOO PHALLIC!!!"
It's gotten to the point anymore that ANY time a "professional game reviewer" (ie: Panders to what's Socially Fashionable of The Hour, Blathers Gender-Fascism, and/or Comes with a Creamy Undercoating of Purityranical Tropes) slams a game for "degrading women" in some imaginary way, I go out and buy it.
I can HARDLY wait to see GS's review of Grand Theft Auto V, giving the games less than an 7.0/10 for treating women as nothing more than sex objects in degrading and demeaning ways. Oh wait, you won't. After all, Saints Row IV is far worse in the "misogyny" department than Killer is Dead, but not ONCE did misogyny come up in that review.
Double standard much? Or do you just know where your extra pay is coming from to bite that hand?
By the way, here's how Rockstar treats women in GTAV: http://www.clinicadelplay.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Golf.jpg
How ya gonna defend that one, Game Splot? It's suddenly "ironic and comedic", or "an integral aspect to the story/narrative?" I'm gonna need something greater than hup-waders is you do, cause that $@*% would be WAY too deep.
@187potatoclub The primary anger is that M$ keeps lying to their consumers. This is just the latest, as not more than a week ago M$ claimed that it would be impossible for the Xbone to even operate without the Kinect, and it would be impossible at this point of development to make that change.
Now we get this. Which is information from 08/06/2013 on other sites. M$ purposely lies to their consumers.
@MrMojoRisin70 Not without a special $100 download that will require Gold membership to purchase/download. Plus a special adapter. Plus a special connector. Plus a special extra unit. Plus without a special media disc.
On one hand, I do NOT want to see Zelda turned into a movie, especially from Hollywood. There are VERY few studios that do not butcher the source material into confetti, then piss all over the remains. I'm certain Nintendo still has occasional nightmares about the Super Mario Bros movie...the actors certainly do.
On the other hand, the clip DID hold promise. Zelda looked good, and held a decent balance for such a short clip of her being a feminine princess and a tomboy, as depicted in the games. Link looked very well done, and I was surprised to see him using both sword & bow. Gannondorf...looked a little too pretty for my taste, but was still portrayed with a decent level of menace.
IF such a movie ever did come to see the light of day one day, then all I could hope for is that the movie is NOT based on one of the games, but rather is its' own self-contained "Legend of Zelda". That way if it's fantastic then it's due to its own merits. If it fails, then it hopefully won't drag the entire brand down with it. Then again, there WAS "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within"...
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