Lol. How many news articles have you read of Sony trashing the Xbone? You have clearly mistaken gamer dislike towards the policies M$ is attempting to shove up our collective asses as Sony thrashing and trashing the competition.
Please report back to grade school. You CLEARLY need summer school. AGAIN.
@racerxgundam @valknight Go grab some of his other replies around here, too. I'm saving some of the best for a M$ supporter montage titled, "Lemmings and Idiots".
@valknight @Double-Ego @Cashmoney007 Who IS this dope? He reminds me of my little autistic cousin who likes to go around telling everyone they're wrong and he's right, about EVERYTHING, and firmly believes facts were invented to oppress him.
Everyone DOES realize M$ strategy at this point, right?
Any press is Good Press.
Why is this? Because the average idiot doesn't look at the news, they look at the headlines, and even then, they only bother to retain two or three words from that headline.
So, while Sony doesn't get a lot of press (and that it does get is positive), all anyone is seeing is "Well, people sure are talking about that new Xbox thing. Guess I'm gonna need to buy one now, too."
Atalalama's comments