@msfan1289 @Thanatos2k @Sporks_Calamity I also understand common decency and how to be the bigger man when getting trolled for no reason.
Like the Japanese developer Fish flipped-out at when Fish told him that "All your games suck". The REAL man stood there, stayed quiet, and once Fish got done regurgitating his shit he turned to the panel, thanked them for their time, and took his seat. He didn't even give Fish the time of day.
@Ilikeapples45 @Atalalama @Ragnawind At what expense? Would you be willing to pay for absolute safety from "terrorists" using electronic media with your personal liberty and freedom? Such as periodic home inspections and instant arrest if they find something that does not meet with the "Orders'" strict rules, and mandatory 8:00 PM curfew or face instant arrest?
You may want to call that an exaggeration. I call that History. **Many** times in the past when a city/state/countries'' leadership began spying on its' own citizens they also began to take away their citizens' freedoms. Even if it wasn't the initial intent, the spying became a form of power over the masses. And with that power, corrupt individuals and groups IN power sought more power while growing ever more paranoid over any perceived loss in their current power. Hence those in corrupted power pushed the masses down further, until the masses had enough.
I'd hate to see America (and several other countries, really) fall down that rabbit hole. Nothing is at the bottom but death and the laughter of the enemies they once tried to defeat using those tactics.
@Ilikeapples45 @soolar79 Oh, I dunno. It's great for terminal cancer patients, or for those with certain neurological disorders. Weed has a lot of medicinal purposes. It just gets a lot of bad rap...only some of it deserved.
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