@Ilikeapples45 @Ragnawind It IS the truth though. Get your info from the non-mainstream/non-tin-hat media and learn for yourself.
The NSA has direct access to anything, anytime, anywhere. All in the name of "protecting national security". Feh. Ben Franklin must be causing a tornado in his grave right now from all his rolling.
A nation of One who consults only those who agree with him. Otherwise you're "toxic" and a danger to the Orthnation (Population again, One - pun intended).
On that note, Always Online isn't THAT big of a deal...unless there's no option to turn it off, has mandatory speed restrictions, will shut-off the system from ANY play if the system cannot check to make certain its' owner isn't modding it or doing anything else unsanitary with it (like selling it) every 1-24 hours (depending on if the owner logs into someone elses' unit), and refuses to tell us how much data is being transmitted without our knowledge every day. Some of us have data caps, and some of us care about WHAT is being shared behind our backs.
Atalalama's comments