God. Damn. Nearly 8,000 comments, and I can only find a few handfuls of supportive comments.
Hey, M$? I hope you're watching this. I hope you realize that these are gamers who are pissed at you. Gamers who, by and large, won't purchase your product because of your hubris. Gamers who actually DO represent the gaming community as a whole.
@mr_gibberish @Necro_Fear89 Zelda HAS. Remember Sheik? Zelda in each of the N64-and-later games is usually a MAJOR Tomboy (or at least as much as a Princess can get away with) and a large source of "Gossip". As for Peach...well...if she starts swinging around kitchen implements then RUN AWAY.
I wonder what the Nintendo guy was going to say before he stopped himself when revealing the release date of Wind Waker HD. Went from The Legend of Zelda: G-pause-Wind Waker HD.
In other words, "We don't give a rats-ass about our fans concerns or complaints. We're gonna shove our product they don't want down they're throat and not only are they gonna like-it-or-die, but they're gonna thank us for it like the good little crack-whores they are!"
I seem to recall a time, not too long ago, that people were blasting the PS3 for having LOL NO GAEMS. How's it doing now, again?
Nintendo screwed-up ROYALLY with the 1st year games. Though the early release may have just been to give devs, both internal & external, a chance to figure-out how best to use the surprisingly powerful eDRAM-assisted GPU.
Atalalama's comments