@Mogan: I remember the zeitgeist back then. Fandango had it. I heard of Fandango way before i heard of Half life. Whether these games would be the GOTY in retrospect is a different question than what was GOTY at the time.
@majorm: well that next level part is dumb, but playstation came out in 1995, the first ps exclusive on here is GTA3 in 2001. 6 years after it came out. Microsoft earned theirs in 5.
@majorm: No. I think its over rated. Well made, great graphics, but GOTY? It only one that because it was the first game of the ps3/360 generation that felt truly next gen.
17 games. Never played a few major ones. Never played Grim Fandango, those style of adventure games just arent my thing. Never had a psone so i never played chronocross. Never played skyrim. I was in grad school at the time and plus had a ps3 (where it was buggy). When i finished i had such a backlog i just accepted that Skyrim was too big a game for me to get into. Link between worlds i own, but havent played yet as im working through a backlog.
@Cnoggl01: I'm a ps4 guy for most games (blizzard and strategy games i play on PC), but i was reminded why i prefer consoles. I know computers, but not well enough. Sure if i have a problem i know enough to scour userboards and videos for solutions, but during the open beta for Overwatch, the game wouldnt run outside of a window, and wouldnt recognize my graphics card, despite having the most current drivers (game ready per NVIDIA)....i trouble shooted a bit, but after 15 mins of it still not working....i just gave up. I work 55plus hours a week, i dont have 15 minutes to screw around just to get a beta to work so i can screw around in the game. If i only have an hour to game that day, im not wasting a quarter of it dealing with driver issues. I know this isnt a big deal to a lot of people, but it is to me. My gf likes to game, and plays Diablo and Civilization and a few other games on PC, but she has zero patience for driver issues or anytime a game just wont run or work how its supposed to. Thats what ultimately keeps consoles around.
@davillain-: I am a huge UC fan, but i loved the last TR. I like third person action games. Ill be picking it up when it launches. Ill bet it does just fine, if they launch it at 40. Its a shame there is a year of exclusivity its probably going to hurt over all sales. Putting it out in June or July when things are slow would likely help it sell a bunch.
@moose-fitz: People complain about music? Must be an age thing. I did my part in abusing Napster (before it was nerffed) and Direct Connect and such, but now...i just buy my music or listen to Spotify or Amazon Prime Music....now I buy games, and movies, (or stream) legally. I dont even bother with used games, id rather pay for it so the developer gets at least something back.
Spotify is a bit different. That is essentially internet radio where you choose what is playing. The subscription was an inevitable evolution. I dont think i coud have come up with these things, because if i could have i would have. Even then, its the people who take the initiative to excute on ideas. Thats why I work a 9-5 (more like 9-8) job instead of starting my own company. Just dont think i have that kind of drive.
Bigbudd0045's comments