People get so mad about this game every year.....dont buy it, the end. If they didnt make COD its not like there would be some explosion of interest in other games. Someone at activision commented that they dont think most COD gamers are hardcore gamers, they play COD and thats about it (probably madden or a sports game, but im just guessing). That wouldnt shock me. Last one I played was Black Ops....i get tired of multiplayer, i have to turn off the mics because its just a bunch of bros cursing and yelling homophobic slurs, havent found single player compelling since it left WW2 (though I would bet im in the minority). I know this is a waste of energy, but the gaming public needs to calm the f down, its a game...a game, get over it. If you like it, good for you, if you dont, dont buy and stop whining. Im going to get back to what i was doing, mainly not playing COD, maybe having a beer.
@green_scorpion thats stupid. I buy good games that i enjoy, i could care less who publishes them. Companies are in business to make money, its how the corporate structure works. You are posting your complaint on a website that is owned by CBS, they are publically traded, everything they do is to make money. Your pc, or phone, or however you are posting this is made by a corporation, as are the component parts. Pull your head out of your ass with these childish "EA and Activision are evil because they want to make money."
yeah, so why not just drop the price now? I mean those of us in the know will just wait, but id be pissed if i bought one and they dropped the price a week later. My guess is until smash, and kart, those of us with other systems will hold off. Myself, im waiting for a true wii u zelda.
@chibi-acer Yeah i have the ps3 version, and played the hell out of the original. Controls arent quite as tight as nes, but that has more to do with the dpad on the ps3 controller. This game is a love letter to the original, this review is bs. Each to their own I guess, thats why i read a variety of reviewers, and try and find one whose views match mine, McSheas dont. I like gamespots comments boards (one of the better communities), but other sites have better video quality, and reviewers...i guess i just come here out of habit now.
@Catz_03 @Bigbudd0045 its made by a group of independent developers. i dont see why wanting another core game means i can also enjoy offshoots and such. Thats like saying i dont like football games so everytime EA announces another madden I should be disappointed (all ea issues aside).
@radcrab123 @bobbo888 .....look i get that this is the interwebs and all, and spelling and punctuation suffer and all, but "cries" has the exact same letters, so misspelling it just makes no sense.
@radcrab123 get bent. what did they do that was so "unforgiveable" about D3? Auction house? Requiring a connection? No one forces you to buy their games, dont like it dont buy em, and stop whining about it, you self entitled snot.
Bigbudd0045's comments