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And you can blame it on me, Just set your guilt free

I knew no one would get it. It was All Around Me by Flyleaf. I've done that song twice now. Lottie should get this one, if things are how I hope ;)

I was going to rant about the CSI season finales, but recent news has made me smile and I can't rant with a happy smile on my face. A crazed smile? Sure no problem I do it all the time. But that's not the smile I have right now.

Recent news number 1: Lottie loves me :). She really, really loves me :D. (Heather told me dear) ME LOVE LOTTIE LONG TIME! Oh, and for getting the name of the song a few blogs back, you got my happy tears. Those are hard to come by, feel honored :lol:

Recent News Number 2: So, HHT won best family fic. Not really a big deal :roll: ...Who am I kidding?!? I'm friggin siked right now! CLOUD EFFIN NINE PEOPLE!!! I nearly whooped with joy, but my mom is asleep in the next room, so I ran down the stairs to giggle like a madman's best friend in the kitchen. THIS IS LIKE THE BEST FRIGGIN YEAR OF MY LIFE! I have a speech planned out. Its at the end ;). But this whole voting thing made me wonder why there isn't one for the other CSI fandoms. We should organize one people. We've got a bit of everyone watching all three shows, we can organize this...If there isn't one already because if there is, well, 'if it ain't broke than don't fix it' :lol:

QUIZZIE TIME!!!A) FOUR FAVORITE BOOKS OR SERIES: Harry Potter, Animorphs (old skool), Bailey School Kids (another old skool) LOTR (I wanna speak Elvish. no lie)

B) FOUR FAVORITE SLOW SONGS: (this is a screwed up question for me) If I had to choose! Butterflyz-Alicia Keyes (not a word Ellen, not a damn word) For Real-Amel Larrieux (again, not a word), Hello-Evanescene, Slow Dancing in a Burning Room-John Mayer

C) FOUR FAVORITE DESERTS: starwberry shortcake, Lemon cake, mint chocolate chip ice cream, ice cream cake

D) FOUR FAVORITE PASTIMES: music, writing, piano, reading

E) FOUR PEOPLE WHO HAVE IMPACTED YOUR LIFE (EXCLUDING FAMILY): Loki, da wendy bunch, Gwen...and I'm caught between BM and Clo *throws a fit* ITS TOO HARD :cry:

F) FOUR FAVORITE SUBJECTS IN SCHOOL: English, history, chemistry, government

G) FOUR FAVORITE PLACES: Here with you guys, my car, away, and alone

H) FOUR THINGS YOU HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH BEFORE YOU DIE: get right, HAVE BABY :D, get my books published, tell him I love him

The Thank you speech: I wanna thank everyone who read HHT. You guys have made me a better writer. I wanna thank my computer, I love you...Um....I wanna thank those who gave me death threats, you make me type faster. I wanna thank Lil Nay-Nay and Pookie and them. I dont know why....I wanna thank everyone at the Sugah Shack even though most of you can't read....and my Momma for paying the electricity bill. I LOVE YOU!

I'm friggin stupid :lol:

Happy hunting ;)

Angels Singing Say 'We Are Alone With You'. I Am Alone And They Are Too With You

Last blog was Like You by Evanescence and Lottie got that one :shock: I'm so proud *sniffle* :cry: I'm proud of you Lottie! :lol: Since I gave you guys a lovely rant, (and you guys thought I was going to disappoint! Whats up with that???) I decided to tone it down with a quiz stolen from our resident quiz/blog whore *waves at Heather* Oh, and NO ONE IS GOING TO GET THIS ONE. I friggin guarantee it!! Excpet maybe Loki, but when was the last time he was on? :lol:

I was being serious on this quiz too...mostly ;)

A) FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER: my room, computer room, library, daddy's house
B) FOUR PEOPLE VISIT ME (on site): da wendy bunch (yes, you guys are one entity), Clo, BM, and Gwen
C) FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: baked chicken, mac and cheese, pizza, burgers
D) FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: asleep :lol:, with my dad, with him, with you
E) FOUR PEOPLE I THINK WILL RESPOND: Lottie, Weights, Lil and Heather
F) FOUR MOVIES I WOULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: Death Proof, Lion King, Kill Bill Vol 1&2
G) FOUR THINGS YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS: find a steady job, get my degree, love, ROAD TRIP
H) FOUR THINGS YOU WOULD BUY IF YOU WON $10,000 (fun stuff): a new car, my own computer, clothes? and a plane ticket
I) FOUR THINGS YOU COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT: loved ones (here and in 'reality') internet, music, tv
J) FOUR OF YOUR FAVORITE FEATURES ABOUT YOURSELF: eyes, hands, eyebrows and my belly button...dont hate on the button :D
L) FOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THAT YOU'RE PROUD OF: Not having kids!! (are they like a new fashion statement or something?) graduating high school, being friends with all of you, learning to love again :oops:

Has anyone else noticed how Jenne's not really around anymore :(

Happy hunting ;)

You're Not alone, No Matter What They Told You, You're Not Alone

Last blog was Daydream by Lupe Fiasco feat. Jill Scott. Loki got it. I know what you're thinking.

You: But, Lani! You said you don't listen to Hip Hop

Me: I don' least not all this new crap that calls itself music. I'd rather have the instrumental with the chorus but whatever.

And do me a favor and not drink. I kinda ranted a bit and I don't want any choking. Thanks in advance.

So, I've been really b!tchy lately. It's the heat. I don't do heat well. Add stupid people with stupid questions and I'm a ticking franjanjan time bomb. No joke. So if I seem snappy with people, I'm in that place where I don't give a f*ck about hurt feelings.

There's a new thread in the CSI New York thread asking the question 'Is New York the best CSI?' WTF do you think people will say? "Well I actually can't stand CSI New York and I'm a closet Horatio/Grissom fan but I hang out on the NY boards for the f*ck of it." And then, in the Miami forums, some retard made another thread to discuss the season finale. Um...HELLO!!! There is already a damn thread for that dumb ass. WTF?!?!? Seriously, common sense ain't so common and good sense is even harder to find. But WTF ever. Even the CSI threads are acting up. Why would you critique the entire season based on the fact that Sara was not there? Makes no sense to me. We finally get to see what things may have been like before Sara arrived in Vegas. And at least she's alive dammit. 'I want Sara back! :cry:' Well what about Warrick? ':shock: Who?' I don't get down with stupid. Season 8 was a great season. Sara or no Sara. AND IT'S NOT THE GSR SHOW!! It's CSI Las Vegas. The whole team people, the whole team.

Nearly died on Monday. These ass farts refuse to use their blinkers. I guess it's against their religion because these people are serious. 'Using my blinker is a sin!' THEN SIN DAMMIT!! Friggin f*ck 'tards driving the streets these days!! It's ridiculous. And then some people insist on braking every 2.9 seconds for the hell of it when no one is in front of them. NO ONE!! THIS IS CALIFORNIA PEOPLE WE ARE SOME OF THE BEST DRIVERS IN THE WORLD ACT LIKE IT!!! *breathe* Can you tell I'm pissed about this? You would be too if a huge 'land destroyer' cut you off in damn near bumper to bumper traffic without using their blinker in 98 degree weather while in a car that has an A/C that's acting up. Yea, sh!t is rough right now.

So Lil, sweet girl, asked me whether I preferred to be called Leilani, Lani or Leila. You guys can call me Lani or Leila on here but please, for the love of the children, call me Leilani on the road trip. I don't mind the shortened version when it's typed but I hate the way it sounds in real life. But I'm sure by that time you will have already created some random ass nickname for me.

I offered to be Heather's b!tch until further notice and she passed that up to make me write a Greather fanfic. You're either thinking one of two things or both. 1. Heather is friggin retarded for passing up having Leilani as her b!tch OR 2. Oh dear God! Some one is actually gonna write a Greather fic I'M NOT READY!!! Yea, I'm gonna write it. It's gonna be case based so it may take a super long ass time but I will do it.

Speaking of fanfiction, for some reason you gotta shoot someone to make some people review *coughWEIGHTScough* :D. But that last chapter of HHT was dubbed 'the most f*cked up so far'. I also find it completely hilarious that along with the best family fic nomination, it was also nominated for best humor. Funny because I'm sure no one is laughing right now...except maybe me :lol:

TV is pissing me off. First Warrick, now H. And in all seriousness, if H dies, I'm done. I'm done with, I'm taking my fics off the net and I may just delete my lj account. It's complete and utter bullsh!t and I really don't wanna do it but I swear I will. Looks like I better wrap some things up before September then, huh? :lol: But seriously, I'm sick of them killing off characters. One (Speedle) is enough, two(Aiden)? Whatever. But three (Warrick) and four (Horatio)? There has got to be another way. Let's try and be a bit more creative, shall we?

I haven't written a poem in ages and, due to recent events, that should be some concern. Usually when I'm in a good place in life I write about it. Not so this time around. I guess I really am scared to get my hopes up. Ellen knows what I'm talking about.

And apparently SOMEONE has an It that she will surely deny. :lol: I name no names ;)

I'm tired and pissed off, but I still need to do the dishes so...

Happy hunting ;)

I Fell Asleep Beneath The Flowers, For a Couple of Hours, On a Beautiful Day

Last blog was Slap by Ludacris. Eric got it. I even let you guys google it!I feel the need to make people smile. Here's a taste of the randomness that is my life...away from the computer. I know I've posted some of these before, but whatever :roll:

Loki: Her kids looked like planets

Loki: I have Hepititas C...

Me: How the f*ck did you get that? Should you be outside?!?!

Me: I have to unf*ck what you've f*cked up

Loki: I pissed on the couch and stairs: I love you

SAD: When life hands you lemons, throw them mutherf*ckers back and be like "I don't want your sh!t lemons life!!!!"

Me: Why do things keep biting you?
Loki: Its cuz I'm tasty.

Me: The next time I slap someone I'm gonna scream "YOU'VE JUST BEEN STARBUCKED!!"

Michelle: When did life get complicated
Ian: It didn't. We got older.

Bones (on TV): What are we missing?
Monkey Lady: A good plot maybe?

*on the phone*
Kevin: Why is TV stupid?
Me: because stupid people watch tv *changes channel*

*Sliding repeatedly in the living room on the wood floors*
Me: *bust my ass*
Dad: *drops phone* :lol::cry::lol:

*awkward silence on the phone*

Loki: tell me about Stella's problems 'cause she be going through it!
Me: Well...she was an orphan was stalked for a bit...she was held captive in her own apartment by her crazy ass ex-boyfriend...she was recently in a fire...Oh and she thought she had AIDs at one point...
Loki: You know what? Stop. Where is the Stella Support thread, she needs my support

Donna: I think Q is a retarded letter

Donna: ants! Show me your frikkin trail
Michelle: Are you turning into a dictator of the ants?

Me: how ya doing Pat?
Sibling Unit S: I'm grrrrrrreat
Me: Like frosted flakes?

Loki: *imitating Dr. Phil* Two birds sitting in a tree and one falls out and drowns

Boss: I owe you so big Leilani. If you ever need if you need me to raise your first born child, I will
Me: :shock:
Boss: your mom didn't tell you how crazy I am, did she?
Me: Just answer me this; should I be nervous?
Boss: Yes.
Me: consider me nervous

Me: I made some friends today
Mom: Oh yeah? Where?
Me: :D online
Mom: I need you to make friends I can meet
Me: what fun is that?

*long silence on the phone*
Me: *hurts self* ITS NOT UR FAULT B!TCH!!
Loki: Um...Leilani?
Me: YES! WHAT?!?
Loki: you know what...nevermind

Me: You giggle like Winnie the Pooh
Loki: hurt my feelings

Me: We cant use cattin' off anymore
Loki: I know...
Me: Yeah...when gramma starts using it, its just not okay anymore

Monkey Lady: I wanna egg her house
Me: Do you have any idea how many eggs you would need for that. Never mind that, the cost of eggs has gone up! Why waste expensive eggs on someone's house???
*long pause*
Monkey Lady: Are you on your period?
Me: F*ck you

Me: Did you just say 'french asian'?
Loki: :lol: *in french accent* French asian
Me: *repeats*
Loki: Dude...franjanjan
Me: that sounds like kill for fun in a different language
Loki: How would we use it in a sentence?
Me: I got it. Horatio franjanjan

Me: Apparently I'm a music whore.
Loki: what can I be a whore of?
Me: Everything else

Loki: What's the ship for Catheine and Warrick?
Me: YoBling
Loki: Why the f*ck is it called Yobling?
Me: Dude, we just accept it
Loki: And we don't ask questions?
Me: We don't ask questions

Me: Dude! My father has lost his mind! He put me on punishment and I can't close my door.
Loki: what?
Me: He won't let me close my effin door! What am I supposed to do while taking a sh!t? Just leave the door open? What about the shower? Hm? Or changing clothes?!?! WTF am I supposed to do then?
Loki: you should sh!t with the door open and maybe the smell would make him change his mind


Me: *pointing at some guy* You know who he reminds me of?
Loki: Johnny Cage
Me:...that's not what I was going to say but yea he does

Me: My mom is retarded.
Loki: What happened now
Me: you know how I don't sleep and stay on the computer. Well, she 'caught' me and said that my bedtime is midnight.
Loki: that is retarded
Me: you're not following me; my curfew is still 1am.
Loki: Wherever you just so happen to be at 12:01 you better be asleep
Me: How the hell am I going to get home before my curfew?!?!
Loki: You know what this reminds me of? When your dad wouldn't let you close your door

Loki: Story of my life, I'm the main character but I'm uninteresting

Me: hello my name is retarded and I'm Leilani's best friend
Loki: what are you trying to say?

Happy hunting ;)

I feel like slapping somebody today. Slap. Slap.

Yes, that is a lyric. Well this blog was going to be a rant, but due to recent events, I'm too depressed to give you all a well written rant. Quite frankly, I'm ready to franjanjan. Several people too. So here's a quiz I stole from various sources.

1. Name: Leilani
2. Area of country where you where born? CALIFORNIA BABY!!
3. Birthday? Oktober 14
4. Part of song lyric that was last in your mind? I know I was wrong. But I won't let you down...oh yes I will, yes I will. Yes I will
5. Describe where you are right now. right here
6. The highlight of this week? The week isn't over yet
7. Who was the last person you went out to eat with? The Fam Bam
8. What are you scared of? Daddy, Loki losing his mind, losing my own mind, losing my sense of self

9. Last movie you watched? The Fountain (I bawled my eyes out)
10. What is the last thing you downloaded into your computer? Loki's fic
11. How many houses have you lived in? 2

12. Last friend you talked to online? Stacy
13. Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity? Yes. I then proceeded to punch her in the face
14. Do you speak any other language besides than English? does ebonics count?
15. Do you have a job besides going to school? uh huh
16. Do you plan to go to college or been to college? I do. Looks like I'll be staying in the area
17. For or against same sex marriage? :lol: more homosexuals are in marriages than heterosexuals
18. Should gays be allowed to adopt? a loving home is a loving home. For
19. What is your view on the war in Iraq? read previous blog
20. If you could live in any other place, where and why? somewhere its cold all year 'round. Its hotter than a camel's ass here!
21. What animal best represents you and why? Panther. Graceful.Dark. Will F*ck You Up.
22. If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why? God. I've got questions, He's got answers
23. If you could go back in time and live in any century, which would it be and why? :lol: Middle earth
24. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? foresight
25. What would your life's theme song be? Broken by Seether feat Amy Lee
26. If you became president, what would you do first? LOWER THESE DAMN TAXES
27. What is you most heartbreaking memory so far? we don't have that kind of time
28. What is your greatest accomplishment? saving someones life

_________Are You?_________________

29.A hugger or a hand-shaker? more of a look-you-up-and :lol:
30. Morning or night-time person? the dead of night
31. Are you a perfectionist? not at all
32. What is your religious belief? I don't like labels but I'm striving to be a Christian
33. Left or right handed? Right


34. Number? 4
35. Color? Black and Blue
36. Season? Winter
37. Holiday? Thanksgiving
38. TV program? The CSIs, Robot Chicken, family Guy, Samurai Champloo
39. Movie? The Fountain, Death Proof
40. Band? You don't ask music whores questions such as these
41. Songs? You don't ask music whores questions such as these
42. Actor? I don't have one
43. Restaurant? Red Lobster
44. Food? soul food
45. Pizza topping? pepperoni
46. Ice-Cream flavor? mint chocolate chip
47. Board game? Monopoly and Scrabble

_____Other Questions____________

48. Helped a stranger in need? Yes
49. Lied to your dearest friend? Only to keep her out of trouble
50. Cheated on a test? yes
51. Turned someone in when they did something wrong? 'Tattle tales burn in Hell'
52. Stole something from a store? Yes
53. Drank alcohol? Yes
54. Smoke (either one)? Yes
55. Ran away from home? Yes
56. Been picked up by the police? Yes 'DWB'
57. What annoys you most in a person? we don't have that kind of time
58. What is your bedtime? When ever the mood strikes me
59. Name three things you can't live without? music, paper, pens
60. Would you take a bullet for someone you love? without hesitation
61. How do you want to die? In a sword battle when I'm 'DONE'

_____Do You Believe In_________

62. God? Yes
63. Miracles? Yes
64. Love at First sight? No
65. Ghosts? No
66. Aliens? Sure why not
67. Heaven? Yes
68. Hell? Yes
69. Angels? Yes
70. Kissing on the first date? No
71. Horoscope? No
72. Fate? No
73. Faeries? No

I'm going to let you guys google this one. Happy hunting ;)

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself...

I don't know if you guys are ready, but I'm doing this anyway. Let me start off by saying that this blog may offend some people. This is what I like to call a semi-rant. It's my opinion folks. I'm entitled. Don't jump down my throat because I don't think the same way you do. But do me a favor and if you're going to read this at all, read it all the way through.

A few blogs back I let you guys ask me whatever you wanted and I answered all questions honestly. That, ladies and gents, was a prime time to ask me the most intrusive and thoughtful questions you could come up with. Needless to say, your questions amused me. I had a good laugh, so many thanks. At the same time I realized you guys know me, but you don't really know me.

-I am not a nice person. I'm a bad person that does good things. I'm a pessimistic realist who dwells in the realm of sarcasm more than I should. I've tried to be nice to people. That is changing. However, I'm trying to keep from being a complete and total b!tch and seeing as how there may be one person reading this, yay me.

-I am opposed to gay weddings. Note the word: weddings. In my eyes, a wedding is a ceremony between man and woman. Again, my opinion. As far as gay marriage is concerned...well, there are more gay married couples than straight ones. So what if there isn't any paperwork to back up the declaration of love? Do you really need piece of paper to say that? And I find it funny that the people opposed to gay marriage are the ones cheating on their spouses.

-I should be dead. I'm not kidding. At 12, I was self destructing quickly. Drugs? Yes. Alcohol? Absolutely. Cutting? Yes. I wanted to die. At least I thought I did. Anything was better than the screwed up reality I was living. Death seemed like a better option. I'm fine now, thank God. Every now and then I have those days were I'd rather be dead. But suicide is a selfish act. And I refuse to believe I'm that selfish.

-I do not believe in falling in love. It's utter nonsense. Loving someone is a choice. I hate these dumb ass movies with lines like 'I've fallen out of love with you' No, you just chose not to love that person anymore. I am a firm believer in being in love. That, however, is a process and a choice. Which is a lot better than just stumbling upon love, don't you think?

-This has been in the back of my mind for a while now. I know that most of you do not believe in God. I do. Very much so. Do I have doubts that he cares about me? Yes. But I know He'll never put more on me than I can bare, and that is why I'm still alive. It's a very comforting thought. And yes, I do have a firm grip on reality.

-I don't believe in sex before marriage. In my opinion, giving yourself in that manner is for your spouse. It's a gift and not something I take lightly. And if the other person cannot wait, I don't give a damn how much they say 'I love you'. They're being selfish. Love is patience. (WHO'S THE PRUDE NOW BM???) :lol:

-Everything we do in the natural has a spiritual consequence.

-No word, let me repeat, no word should be banned from use. Ever. As a writer I can't condone the abolishment of words.

-If someone asks you if Hip Hop is dead, tell them "No, it's on life support". It is, sadly. And corporate America has its hand on the plug waiting for the chance to pull it. This crap on MTV and BET make the youth of this planet look sex driven, immature and illerate. No wonder some people don't take us seriously. Sadly, its the same people that don't take us seriously and look down on us that provide/promote these dumb ass shows and dumb ass songs.

-Racism is alive and well. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Evidence: On Mother's Day Parental Unit M, my gramma, my grandpa, my uncle and myself went to dinner. We were already seated, when this white family came in, took one look at us and told the host that "We don't want to sit in here with the negros". Their option was to either grin and bear our presence or leave. They left. And I can't tell you the number of times that I was called a cute little *N word* girl when I was little.

-You all may recognize when I say something regarding a friend called Nels. We have a rough history. I saved her life to put it bluntly. Her parents are the **** holes that forgot her birthday. They've done worse, but I'm not going to get into detail. But I thought I was saving her life, she ended up saving mine at the same time. I will ALWAYS thank God for putting her in my life.

-I almost didn't graduate high school. I'm not smart by any means but that was not an excuse in this situation. I was just lazy. Luckily, Loki was a lazy ass too. I only did the work so he could copy off of me. In the end, I graduated because of him.

-I'm against the war in Iraq. Admittedly, I was for going into Iraq to check for WMD, but there were none. So WTF are we still doing there? I'm also against it for personal reasons. My mother, brother, and two cousins are in the military. My mom was already shippped to Germany for two years. If this war claims their lives...well, you know how I am about family.

-I'm pro choice regarding abortion. Only because these dumb ass b!tches aren't equipped to be mothers. Their own mothers aren't equipped. So who is going to raise these parentless children? The media. Ya'll already know how I feel about that.

Hope you don't mind who I am, because I can't help it.

Death is The Road to Awe

Stole a quiz from the Quiz Whore Herself: Heather. Its all love ;)

Do you laugh a lot?:
Me? Laugh? :lol: No.

Who makes you smile?:
You guys and my real life homies

What did you do last night?:
worked on three chapters to three different stories

If you could say anything to any one person, what would it be?:
I think I'm in love with you and that scares me

Have you ever been so drunk you couldn't remember the night?:
I know my limits

Have you ever been in handcuffs?:
Yes, but not like you think ;)

Have you eaten popcorn in the past 48 hours?:

What is the closest blue object to you?:
A bottle of water

Does a heartbreak feel as bad as it sounds?:
'heartbreak' sucks balls. An actual heart breaking also sucks balls, seeing as how the person is probably dead

What are you doing tomorrow?:
making that money (is it sad that I'm already saving for this trip?) :lol:

How many kids do you want to have?:
either three or 1. Not two, never two

Where is your pet(s) right now?:
at my daddy's

Where is your phone right now?:
I have absolutely no idea

Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?:
Yes, seeing as how I've never engaged in 'baby making activities', I'd be slightly disappointed :lol:

Do you know anyone addicted to any type of drugs?:
Why would I tell you that

When is your next road trip?:
hopefully, in two years and then another in 5 with yall

Last time you laughed really hard?:
Just now

Has anyone ever been more important to you than a family member?:

Ever found more than a dollar in a random place?:
found some in a pair of pants I was trying on once

Which year has been the best so far?:
2004 and this year are tied

How many piercings do you have:
two just my ears

Have you ever tattooed anyone's name on you?:
hell no

Will you ever?:
No. Thats like saying they own you

Do you remember the name of your first school you ever went to?:

Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?:
I saved her from herself and in the end she saved me from myself at the same time

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to:
yes I do, he says hi

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?:

Do you have any expensive jewellery?:

Who is the last person you added to your contacts list in your phone?:
my director

Have you been to New York City?:
Yes, and I walked around it TWICE

How about California?:
I currently live no

Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?:
Whenever I feel like it.

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?:
No but it does depend on how often and what they're smoking

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?:

You're really upset; who is the first person you go to?:

Whats your mood right now?:

What was the last thing you had to eat?:
breakfast sandwich for dinner

Have you ever drawn a self portrait?:
I looked like a bear

Do you love your SEXtuplets?:
No, I luuve them

Happy hunting ;)

Quizzes and Quizzes and Quizzes...oh my!

Last blog was Delicate by Damian Rice.

No 1:

What song are you listening to right now? When You're Gone-Avril Lavigne

What's on your right? printer

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? black

Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? *shrugs* hotel with good room service :D

Who would you like to spend the rest of your life with? My love

How many GOOD friends do you have? several

Have you ever gotten high? Yes I have

How did you sleep last night? you mean this morning. just fine thank you for asking

Who do you admire? My father

Which actors/actresses do you hate? Megean Good and Halle Berry

How old are you? 19

Hair color? darkish brownish

What color are your eyes? chocolate

Have you ever had braces? No

Do you wear contacts? No

Do you have any siblings? How old are they? Sibling unit B is 24 and sibling Unit S is 27

What do you like to do? this...did you see it? No? Oh :(

What's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten? In all your getting, get an understanding

What's your dream car? dont have one

What's your favorite food? mac....and cheese

Favorite TV show? CSIs

Favorite movie? Don't have one

Favorite month? Oktober

Favorite drink? apple juice

Do you like to dance? only when I'm alone

What did you think of this questionnaire? It's ok.

No 2:

Are you in a relationship with anyone? sorta kinda

Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 months? nope

Who was the last friend you were chillin with? Loki and Monkey Lady

Miss someone? NELS! :cry:

How's your ex doing? Do you care? Not so good but I don't care

Want to fight? tell me what for

Are you loyal? indeed

Song playing? System-Chester Bennington

What are you doing today? try

What are you excited for? ROAD TRIP!

What's annoying you right now? Parental Unit M...already

What does the 12th message in your inbox say? probably something from Jenne about...

Would you prefer someone who is romantic or spontaneous? Romantically spontaneous

Are you tired? not really

If somebody liked you right now, what would be a cool way for them to tell you? sing it to me in a bad singing voice

What kind of socks do you have on? my mommy's socks

what color shirt are you wearing? army fatigue shirt

What will you do Saturday? no idea

does your family own any mansions? :lol::cry::lol:...maybe

Do you have any interesting bruises or scars? yes

Where were you at noon today? with you, you don't remember?

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?: ten minutes

Do you like books? uh huh

No 3:

1. Use the first letter of your last name to answer the questions. Ok then...
2. What is your last name? Random
3. Something in your house? reading material
4. Something you would eat? raisens
5 Name of a store? Ross
6. State name? Rhode Island
7. Name a type of animal? rodent
8. Brand name of shoe? Reebok
9. Product name? radio
10. TV show? Robot Chiken
11. Type of soda? dunno
12. 5 letter word? rains
13. Name of a president? Ronald Regan
14. Type of car? Roadster
15. Name of a tool?
16. Something you would find in the sea? red sand
17. Name of a band? BE MORE SPECIFIC
18. Clothing brand? dunno
19. Celebrity? Robert de Niro

20. Name of a magazine? I DEFICATE ON MAGAZINES
21. Something you would find in your closet? red sweater
22. U.S. city?
23. Street name? Roosevelt
24. Type of perfume or cologne? no idea
25. Something you would find in an office? reading material?

I'm still answering questions in my last blog, so post a comment on that one and I'll answer.
Happy Hunting ;)

Nobody's Watching, Might take You Home UPDATED AGAIN

Last one was Five Man Army by Massive Attack. I did this song twice and posted the song in a previous blog. Come on people.

We're going to do something different this time around. Ask me anything and I will answer it 100%honestly. Leave your question as a comment and I'll answer in this blog when I update. Let me have it people.

BM: If there was a fire in your house and you could only save one thing, what would that be?
Answer: My notebooks. All my poems, short stories and doodles are in them. I dont' know what I'd do without them

Kris: ok, question time-ummm.....ok, what did you think of me when we first met? (i'm bad at questions)
Answer: I didn't really know. I was always intimidated by the people in the CSi:NY threads, so I guess you made me nervous :)

Gwen: if you were on a desert island and you could only take one person with you, who would it be?
Answer: I would take Thomas (Loki). If I ever was to have a best friend, it would be him. But he would probably be pissed at me for putting him in that situation :lol:

Heather: Okay, this is a lame question but I can't think of anything else: What did you think of me when we first talked here?
Answer: I thought you were a cool human being ;)

Ellen: What's your dream? Any dream you want: family, friends, carrier! anything!
Answer: I want to be an author. I'm not that good though. But if I was, I'd come to your BFE towns and you can show me off;)

Ginger: if you were told you had 1 day to live, list the first 5 things you would do!
Answer: 1. Tell the people I love that I love them. I don't do that often enough. 2. Give my things away to people who need them. My music would go to Loki and my car would go to Nels. Other than that, donations. 3. Clean out my bank account and give the money to Nels. 4. Call each of you if I can and tell you whats going on. 5. think. About everything, about nothing.

Lil: What are you gonna do with your fic?How will it end?
Answer: I love you Lil, so I'll answer you. It is going to end soon, people will fall in love and there will be two seperate celebrations...and someone is going to get shot

Heather: would you rob a bank and if you got caught would you give me up
Answer: should have known that would comeback and bite me in the ass! Yes I would if you really needed it and it was well thought out. And no I wouldn't give you up. That's not how I get down ;)

Heather: How would you rob a bank?
Answer: We'd take out the cameras first, take down security and hop a fence into a nearby neighborhood where we steal a car and drive out to where a get away car is. We'll have already had plane tickets out of state and we don't spend a dime of the money we stole for months.

Weights:would you rob a bank and if you got caught would you give me up
Answer: Yes I would. I wouldn't say a word. And yes, someone gets shot in HHT

Lil: Lani, why would you do such a thing???
Answer: I can, I will and I am. That is why :lol:

Ginger: how crazy do you rate yourself as being?
Answer: For the record, I'm krazy, not crazy...but I do have my moments. if i had to rate myself, on a scale of one to ten, 6... on a good day. 13 on a bad one ;)

Happy hunting ;)