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Blk_rse88 Blog

She's Always on Time 'Cause The Girl's Got Rythm

The name of the last blog was from Transatlanticism by Death Cab For Cutie. No one bothered to guess. I'm losing hope...

I don't really have much to say so here's a quiz I don't think I've done. I probably have but *shrugs*

Are you curre​ntly in a relat​ionsh​ip?​
Not really

When you are home alone​ do you still​ close​ the door when you showe​r?​
Yes. Who doesn't?

​What is your opini​on on abort​ion?​
In some situations, abortion may be best. Other than that, nope

What plans​ do you have for tomor​row?​
Read Alice in Wonderland some more

What do you hate?​
My internet connection sometimes, liars, and sometimes myself

Do you have a best frien​d that is a guy?
Yes I do.

Do you have a best frien​d that is a girl?​
No. Ya'll are like family

What was the last compl​iment​ that you recei​ved?​
I don't remember

Would​ you rathe​r love with a guara​ntee of a heart​break​ or never​ love at all?
I would rather love.

What are you think​ing about​ right​ now?
:oops: Him

​Who was the last perso​n to tell you they love you?
Parental Unit M

​What are you going​ to do today​?​
eat sleep and sh!t

What was the last thing​ you ate?
Haven't eaten in a while

Who sits next to you in histo​ry?​
some chick I don't know

​What are you liste​ning to?
Together We Will Live Forever-Clint Mansell

What CD is in your stere​o?​
a mix in my car stereo

What did you do last night​?​
wrote a chapter I don't know if I should post or not

​Do you like your music​ loud or at a reaso​nable​ level​?​
Reasonably loud

Are you a beach​ or a snowy​ mount​ain perso​n?​
Snowy mountain. Beautiful

How many house​s have you lived​ in?:

Favor​ite candy​ bar?
Snickers, Hershey's cookies n cream

Least​ favor​ite schoo​l subje​ct?​:​

How many pairs​ of shoes​ do you own?​:​
too many to count

Name one thing​ that is alway​s on your mind:
him, them, me and you

What are your favor​ite color​s?​:​
black, red, silver

Summe​r or winte​r?​

Is anyon​e in love with you?​:​
He said he did, but I laughed like he was joking

Favor​ite color​ to wear?​:​

Pepsi​ or Sprit​e?​:​
Dr. Pepper

What colour​ is your cell phone​?​
dark blue

What was your first​ pet?​:​
A doggy named Smokey

Ever had brace​s?​:​

Do looks​ matte​r?​:​
the inside matters

Name 3 teach​ers from high schoo​l:​
Mr. Lynch (english) Mrs. Terrill (chemistry) and Mr Haberman(math) he had a pornstache too

Ameri​can Eagle​ or Aberc​rombi​e?​:​
Question: how do you sell clothes when advertising naked?

How many child​ren do you want?​:​
two maybe three

Do you own somet​hing from Hot Topic​?​
HOT TOPIC IS NOT PUNK ROCK!! Yes, my Gir sweater :lol:

Favor​ite break​fast meal?​:​
cereal and bacon. Try it, its good

Ever thoug​ht you were in love?​:​

When was the last time you cried​?​:​
Monday :cry: ALEXX!!!

Olive​ Garde​n?​
is not Italian food!!!

Have you ever calle​d your teach​er mommy​?​
only in jest

Leila, Lani, LeiLeil, Pyrate Qween, Black Rose, Madam Rose blah blah blah

Ever calle​d someb​ody Boo?​:​
HELL NO!! That is so damn irritating. Like 'like' and 'babe'

Are you happy​ with your life right​ now?​:​
meh, its not as bad as it was before

What year were you born?​:​

Do you own a Backs​treet​ Boys CD?

McDon​alds or Wendy​s?​
Burger King

Do you like yours​elf?​:​

Are you close​r to your mothe​r or fathe​r?​:​
Daddy's Girl

Are you afrai​d of the dark?​:​

Have you ever eaten​ paste​?​:​
LOL toothpaste

What do you like about​ your crush​?​
He's a gentleman

Do you own a webca​m?​:​

Ever broke​ a bone?​:​

Are you relig​ious?​:​
no, Am I spiritual? yes

Do you chat on AIM often​?​:​

Pring​les or Lays?​:​

Have you ever broke​n someo​nes heart​?​:​
:) Yes

Rugra​ts or Doug?​:​

Full House​ or The Brady​ Bunch​?​:​
The Cosby's 8)

Did you like your high schoo​l guida​nce couns​elor?​:​
Never had one

Has anyon​e ever calle​d you fat?​:​
other than myself? yes

Do you have a birth​ mark?​:​
on my neck :lol: It looks like a hicky. I assure you its not

Do you own a car?
Yes. me love Fancy love time

Can you cook?​:​

3 thing​s that annoy​ you?​:​

Do you text messa​ge often​?​:​

Money​ or love?​:​

Do you have any scars​?​:​

What do you want more than anyth​ing right​ now?​:​
for it to be five years

Do you enjoy​ scary​ movie​s?​:​
they make me laugh

Relat​ionsh​ips or one night​ stand​s?​:​

Big Red or Juicy​ Fruit​?​:​
:lol::cry::lol: I have an ex I call Juicy Fruit. Who can guess why :lol:

Do you enjoy​ greas​y food?​:​
Not too greasy

Have you seen all the Rocky​ movie​s?​:​
wtf for

Do you own a box of crayo​ns?​
heck yes. Nothing like taking a wiff of a freshly opened box

Does your crush​ know you like them?​
Its not a crush if he knows

Who was the last perso​n that said they loved​ you?

Who was the last perso​n that made you mad?​:​
Parental Unit M

Who was the last perso​n that made you cry?​:​
ALEXX :cry:

Who was the last perso​n that made you laugh​?​:​
Loki! LMAO

Who was the last perso​n that you fell for?​:​
Terrance (shut up Loki)

Who was the last perso​n that insta​nt messa​ged you?​:​
Ellen and Heather

Who was the last perso​n that calle​d you?​:​

Happy hunting ;)

The Distance Is Quite Simply Much Too far For Me To Row UPDATED in bold

Last blog was Baby, you Wouldn't Last a Minute On The Creek by Chiodos. No one even guessed! Boooooo!!

So in the 'You know you've seen too much..." thread on Miami, I said I have a theme song for each character. I do. Here's all of them

Grissom: The Scientist-Coldplay (surprise surprise :roll: )
Catherine: Glory Box-Portishead
Nick: Savin Me-Nickleback
Greg: Biro-The Servant
Warrick: Apologize-One Republic
Sofia: I Am-Killing Heidi
Lady Heather: Lullaby-The Cure
Doc Robbins-Meant To Live-Switchfoot
Brass: Shadow of the Day-Linkin Park
Hodges: Word Up-Willis (you should know why)
Sara: Burqa-Costanza
Wendy: Five Man Army-Massive Attack

Horatio: Beautiful Disaster-Kelly Clarkson
Calleigh: Colorblind-Counting Crows
Alexx: Music for a Nurse-Oceansize
Eirc: Numb-Sia
Speedle: Crashed-Chris Daughtry
Ryan: Something to Believe In-Aqualung
Natalia: Fallen-Sarah McLachlan
Yelina: Delicate-Damian Rice
Frank: Black Betty-Ram Jam (and I don't know why)

Mac: Look After You-The Fray
Stella: Tears from The Moon-Conjure One
Flack: Rain-Breaking Benjamin
Hawkes: If Everyone Cared-Nickleback
Danny: Vindicated-Dashboard Confessional
Lindsay: Not Ready To Make Nice-Dixie Chicks
Aiden: Flames to Dust-Nelly Furtado
Peyton: Falling Away-Evermore
Sid: Into Nothing-Cinephile

I even got songs for my OTPs:

GSR: Maybe-Kelly Clarkson/Good Enough-Evanescence (depends on point of view)
Yo!Bling: Sparks-Coldplay
SoNic: Wonderwall-Oasis

HoraY: Nothing Else Matters-Bedroom Rockers
CaRWaSh: Love's Devine-Seal
EDeN: Fotografia-Juanes feat. Nelly Furtado

Pac: When You're Gone-Avril Lavigne
Fiesta: To the Moon and Back-Savage Garden
M&M's: Chasing Cars-Snow Patrol

And each show has its own theme as a whole (and not the ones by The Who)

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Mad World-Gary Jules

Let The Drummer Kick-Citizen Cope

CSI: New York
All We Are-One Republic

Happy hunting ;)

Turn Around And Head In Different Directions UPDATED

LMAO! No one got the song! Heather knew but I told her not to tell, and with good reason ;). It was Massive Attack - Five Man Army Lets try again.

Saturday Night

I didn't say this last blog but on Saturday my friends and I had a bonfire. It was fun but awkward. The friend that is irritated with me (and I with her) inivted some of her friends that I didn't know. They weren't bad people or anything, but they have this whole love cube thing giong on and I wasn't diggin it because I didn't know what was going on until way after the bonfire was over. Let me just say: Leilani R. Reed does not do random ass love cubes. Period. So, I wandered off by myself into the dark wilderness. Looked up at the stars and listened to nature. It was nice and I had fun, but I DO NOT DO LOVE CUBES.


I find some of the randomest stuff. Some of you know but this is for the uninformed:

MADtv Grey's Anatomy

Maybe (this one's for Lottie mostly ;)) GSR

the best whitney houston madtv parody spoof funny interview

Horatio & Yelina & CSI Miami Blood Brothers (this is for Heather) DO NOT DENY THE HORAY!!

Evanescence - Anywhere (its a LOTR video and the song IS MY SH!T)


Apparently Heaven Help Them was put in the CSI:NY Awards Community, which is funny cuz I didn't know one existed! Am I bragging? Oh yes 8). Let me, I need this :lol:.

I want a puppy...RANDOM!

I Left The House

That is right, I left the house today. Random things happen. This time I went to the bank. So, I go in and this old white guy and his granddaughter (she had to be like 14 or 15) get in line behind me. These black guys are getting ready to leave saying stuff like 'for shi-zzle my nizzle. On the drizzle dizzle.' They leave and shortly after the old guy asks his granddaughter "whats a nizzle?" I turned around and looked at her, she looked at me and we both started crackin up laughing! I had tears in my eyes it was so funny. I turned back around and I hear the girl say "Never say that again grampa" Friggin hilarious.

Guess the song homies! Happy hunting ;)

Trendy wendys you know what I mean. Hangin around girl whos rolling up her jeans

Yes, that is an actual lyric, and Heather is not allowed to guess ;). I knew no one would get the last blog! It was For Real by Amel Larruiex.

Since I have nothing informative to say today, here's a quiz

1. Are your parents married or divorced: :lol::cry::lol: No

2. Are you a vegetarian? :lol::cry::lol: hell no. I love me some meat!

3. Do you believe in Heaven? Yes

4. Have you ever come close to dying? Too many times

5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I got three rings and they have names. My own, my love and my precious (LOTR reference) I'm looking for one with a rose on it so that I can have one called my soul

6. Favorite time of day? nightime!! Its when my mind starts racing and I love it

7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes, I may love me some meat, but I get down with veggies too ;)

8. Do you wear makeup? There is nothing on this earth that can mask the horror that is my face :lol:

9. Ever have plastic surgery? :lol::lol: If I did they did a terrible job

10. Do you color your hair? No but I want to

11. What do you wear to bed? I SHALL NOT FUEL YOUR FANTASIES!!

12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes

13. Can you roll your tongue? I just did. Want me to do it again...Did it

14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? No but Parental Unit M thinks I should

15. What kind of sneakers? comfy ones with thick soles

16. What is your Hair color? dark brownish redish mass of darkness

17. Future child's name? Naomi, Rayne (rain), Zoey. Octavian, Xavier (I'm random like that)

18. Do you snore? Now how the hell would i know

19. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? either with ya'll or with him :oops:

20. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No

21. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? after passing out, pay my parental units debts and bills cuz I love them like that. Then, plane tickets!

22. Gold or silver? Silver

23. Hamburger or hot dog? burger

24. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? DAMMIT!! you don't ask fat people questions like this!!!

25. City, beach or country? country or beach. i like the quiet but the sound of water is calming

26. What was the last thing you touched? You. All over. Do you feel violated?

27. Where did you eat last? I haven't eaten yet

28. When's the last time you cry last? months ago

29. Do you read blogs? No, Not at all

30. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I'm dressed like that now :lol:

31. Ever been involved with the police? Well...:lol: No

32. What's your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap? Kera Care, it gets the naps out ;). I like Lever 2000 soap. Preferably the Rain.

33. Do you talk in your sleep? Nels told me I do

34. Ocean or pool? both are likely to have urine and sperm in it...

35. Window seat or aisle? aisle

36. Ever met anyone famous? YES! You know on the CSI epi were Drops gets out of jail? I met the club owner that gave Drops the GPS blocker. No lie, I got pics

37. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? Ask me again in 10 years

38. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? both

39. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? I never got into Ricki Lake and Oprah is insane

40. Basketball or Football? Football

41. How long do your showers last? IDK. You can't put a time limit on cleanliness

42. Automatic or do you drive a stick? Soooooo many innuendos its not even funny! But I drive automatic

43. Cake or ice cream? how about ice cream cake

44. Are you self-conscious? yes, but sometimes I don't care

45. Have you ever drunk so much you threw up? Nope, close though

46. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? Yes

47. Have you been in love? In love? no. Fallin in love? Yes. And there is a difference

48. Where do you wish you were? contigo ;)

49. Are you wearing socks? Yes, again, does that turn you on? oh baby oh baby

50. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? *twitch* NO

51. Can you tango? no

52. Last gift you received? food

53. Last sport you played? GAMING IS A SPORT!!

54. Things you spend a lot of money on? food, games, dvds, paper pens pencils..things of that nature

55. Where do you live? Mudville aka Stock-TOWN!!!

56. Where were you born? here

57. Last wedding attended? My daddy's. He sang to her as she walked down the aisle. And my daddy can sing!

58. Favorite fast food restaurant? Burger King 9GET ME A WHOOPER!!!)

59. Most hated food? CHITTERLINGS!!! OMG! that is sooooo nasty!!

60. What's your least favorite film? I have too many

61. Can you sing? I can carry a note but I'm not great by any means

62. Last person you instant messaged? I think it was Ellen

63. Last place you went on holiday? I think that was when i went to Europe...either that or Washington. I don't remember

64. Favorite regular drink? JUICE!!!

65. Current Crush? Its not a crush if he knows :oops:

Happy hunting ;)

I Could Trip and If I Could Fall Into Your Arms I Could Stay There My Whole Life

I am a blog-oholic. (Hi Leilani!). Last blog was so damn easy. Tear Drop by Massive Attack. Rocket got it first, and was rewarded with cookies. I doubt anyone will get this one. HINT: Its one of the songs on my last blog. I bet now you're wishing you guys didn't tag me to death.

New Meanings

If you didn't know, we have new words. Check out the community on LJ that was made by the brilliant Jenne Byrd. Rocket and BM contributed along with myself and Loki. Feel free to let me or Jenne know any new words you have ;).

FanFiction and things of that nature

First off: Lottie, finish the damn fic. If you need help, Jenne already offered both of our services. I don't care if they die a horrible death, finish the damn fic. Second, someone give me an adjective (preferably thats in the actual dictionary). Thank you. Third, Clo's fic is really good. I'm not just saying that because I'm one of her betas. Its Hiphugger, I don't do Hiphuggers and her fic is good. Nuff said. Fourth, Im being lazy. I find myself not wanting to continue Heaven Help Them but at the same time, I wanna keep going. I don't know if I should just tie up loose ends or make a grand exit.


-I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally

-If you have not read the book Alice in Wonderland and you think I'm crazy, you are not ready.

-My cell phone is always compelled to act monster...ALL THE TIME

-It makes no sense for my phone to have great reception everywhere but at home

-You're never too young to feel too old *just blew ur minds*

-Im cynical, but I make people 'aw'. WTF is wrong with the world?!?!?

-If I call you a 'butt munch' its endearing. If I call you scrotum...well :lol:

-The Oompa Loompa song from Willy Wonka is my ringtone. Don't hate on my phone

-sensible doesn't always make sense


1. Where were you 1 hour ago? over there

2. Who will be your next kiss?
maybe him...:oops:

3. Is their anything pink within 10 feet of you?

4. When is the last time you went to the mall?
maybe a week ago. No I didn't franjanjan, I wanted to

5. Are you wearing socks right now?
yes, does that turn you on? Oh baby oh baby

6. When was the last time you went out of the state/province? last year but I may be going to Vegas for my sister's wedding

7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

8. What was the last thing you had to drink? why? did you slip me a mickey?

9. What are you wearing right now?

10. What was your last purchase? groceries

11. Last food you ate? tuna sandwich

12. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
no but I need more socks

14. Do you have a pet? do the sibs count?

15. What's the last sporting event you watched? basketball playoffs that I could care less about

16. What is your favorite ****? do you mean ****? I don't have one

17. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? :oops: with him

18. What is the last thing you purchased on line? a book I think

20.What is your favorite pizza? pepperoni

21. Do you miss anyone? NELS :cry:

22. Last "play" you saw? The Lion King on Broadway.

23. What are your plans for the day? I was supposed to take my friend to dinner but her parental units are hoecakes

24. Who is the last person you messaged on myspace? either my sister or SAD

25. Ever go to camp? Science camp

26. Were you an honor roll student in school? When I was little

27.What do you know about the future? something wicked this way comes :lol:

28. Are you wearing perfume/cologne? No, it interferes with the job (you see what I did there)

30. Where is your best friend located? I don't have best friends. I have people I talk to and extended family. (FYI: you guys are the fam)

31. Do you have a tan?
LMAO :lol::cry::lol: HAVE YOU NOT SEEN MY PICTURES?!?! I don't think I could get any darker!

32. How old do you want to be when you have kids? old enough

33. What's on your mind? we don't have that kind of time

34. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? just ears but I want my eyebrow pierced

35. Have you ever drank your POP from a straw?
depends on how I'm feeling

36. How do you like your POP? preferably with bubbles

37. Do you like hot sauce? no

38. Last time you took a shower? this morning

39. Who do you like? It

40. Where do you work? Over there

41. Are you someone's best friend? Some people consider me to be

42. What's the last TV show you watched? CSI

Guess da songgggg :lol:. Happy hunting ;)

Love is a Doing Word. Fearless On My Breath ANOTHER UPDATE!!

Last blog was Tomorrow Never Dies by Sheryl Crow. Nobody got it. And don't worry BM I listen to random stuff. Jenne, if you don't get this..I dont know what I'm gonna do with you. Same goes for you 'Dr. McMeany' fans. Yes, that was a hint :D

Since I've been tagged FOUR TIMES to do the music blog, I'm doing 28 songs, which is about right. If you didn't know, if music really was my sex, I'd be a nymphomaniac :lol:

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions in your LJ/OR Blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.

1. Together We Will Live Forever- Clint Mansell (if you're into orchestra and things like that, check this song out. Its beautiful.)
2. The Last Man- Clint Mansell (this man owns)
3. Roads- Portishead
4. Like You- Evanescence
5. Almost Lover- A Fine Frenzy (shakes fist a Jenne/BM)
6. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room- John Mayer (this was also in CSI. Built to Kill)
7. Tomorrow Never Dies- Sheryl Crow
8. Nobody Loves Me- Portishead
9. Five Man Army-Massive Attack
10. Toxicity- System of a Down
11. White Rabbit- Jeffersen Airplane
12. Jack the Ripper- The Servant
13. Savin Me- Nickelback
14. Shut Up and Let Me Go- The Ting Tings
15. I Get It-Chevelle (I blame Claudia for this)
16. Charlie Big Potato-Skunk Asasnie
17. Destiny- Zero 7
18. Stolen-Dashboard Confessional
19. Falling Away-Evermore
20. System-Chester Bennington (its creepy but I like it)
21. Slept So Long-Jay Gordon (also creepy. also love it)
22. Sparks-Coldplay
23. Outside-Staind
24. Never Too Late-Three Days Grace
25. Copy of a Copy-Dead Poetic
26. Scattered Black and Whites-Elbow (it was in Cross Jurisdictions and I fell in love with it)
27. All Around Me-Flyleaf
28. Broken-Seether feat. Amy Lee (this song and 27 will be on every favorite song list. Just expect it)

UPDATE: Eric tagged me so I got 7 more.

29. Eleanor Rigby-The Beatles
30. Breath- Breaking Benjamin
31. Don't Panic-Coldplay
32. Where is My Boy-Coldplay (although some say its from Faultline)
33. Anywhere-Evanescene
34. 9 Crimes-Damien Rice
35. My December- Linkin Park

UPDATE: Clo tagged me...again. This is the fifth time people. I'm not doing it again!

36. Maybe-Kelly Clarkson
37. Dissolve Girl-Massive Attack
38. Butterflys- Alicia Keyes
39. For Real- Amel Larrueix
40. Good enough- Evanescence
41. Latine Simone-Gorillaz
42. Gravity (Sound Check)-Gorillaz

I'm taggin Rocket, Clo, BM (yes you!), Claudia, Lottie (yeah, do it again), Loki, and Eric!

On to the facts. I was tagged twice so I'm doing 10 of'em. ;)

1. My hands are always cold. Thomas (loki) thinks I'm anemic. I'm not sure
2. I've had about ten different cell phone numbers in 3 years
3. I was afraid of heights until I learned how to drive
4. I panic in airplanes until we get above the clouds. Its one of the main reasons I believe in creation
5. I listen to just about every genre. Cl assical is my all time favorite though. Ever since I was a kid
6. I play the piano. We used to have one but...yea. Now I have a keyboard and its not the same
7. Batman is my faovrite comic book superhero. You can't tell me he's not sexy!
8. I may suffer from dyslexia. I haven't been properly diagnosed but I think I am
9. I don't like milk but I LOVE cheese. I'm lactose
10. I used to be a happy baby. I know right, WTF happened? :lol: I may post a pic of me later

Update: Jenne took the liberty of tagging me. So here are 5 more oh so important facts about lil' ol' me.

11. I'm addicted to the Sims 2. There I said it!
12. I don't like writing romance (shocker I know) I prefer humor (can you tell)
13. My house has what my friends like to call a 'Hallway of Death'. I don't mind it so much :lol:
14. I made up two songs in my head once. Repeated them several times in my head, and forgot them the second I stepped out of the room
15. Loki and I are working on a random book together. Its a bunch of random stories that have nothing to do with each other. I'll let you know how that turns out

I'm tagging Clo, Kiera, Loki, Rocket, Lil, Jenne and Heather!


This is me now

This is me back when I was happy :lol:. I know you want my shoes, its okay you can admit it :lol:

Martini's, Girls and Guns. Its Murder On Our Love Affair

Last blog was How To Destroy a Relationship by The Servant. You gys didn't even try. This is soooooo easy.

So this is my end of the month blog where I update you all on things regarding this sad, depressing existance that is my life. Oh joy for all of you. No drinking!

-I have names for my pinky toes. The left one is named Lil Bit and the other is named Nibble.

-My imaginary friend picks on me with the kid that lives across the street

-I've been told my life is interesting, to which I replied, "I'm sure it is if you're not living it yourself. Because I personally think my life is overrated."

-I almost starbucked my uncle into oblivion yesterday. He changed the song on my radio in the car. I dont get down like that. Luckily I didn't cuz we woulda got in a car accident.

-We've got new words ladies and gents! Check Jenne's LJ entries.

-So me and another one of my friends are irritating each other right now. I can't stand her and she can't stand me and poor Loki is in the middle. he wanted me to talk to her but I told him "Thats not how we do things. It'll take care of itself." I think that was a while ago...:lol:

-My mom will not let sh!t go. Its so damn frustrating. I wanna scream out KUP and then proceed to palm her face. But somewhere it says honor thy mother and father. It should have included conditions where exceptions could be made.

-I don't know what to call my dad's wife. Calling her anything motherly will not work out for me.

-I now refer to my parents as Parental Unit M (mom) and Parental Unit F (father)

-IF someone wants a ride from me, they would call me. Do not volunteer my services just because I have a car and you wouldn't get off your lazy ass.

-I have a life, it just sucks

-California drivers are the most dangerous I've ever seen. And I've been some places. I think only people from New York and Texas can roll with us and we not be able to tell where they're from

-I think my car is sick. She, yes she, didn't pass her smog cuz her engine light is on and I don't know why

-My car's name is Fancy btw. She's a handful but I love my buggy

-If you would have told me you didnt love me to begin with, you would have saved me a lot of heartache

-So apparently we're calling each other and having awkward silences...WTF? You guys can't call me? I'll keep you entertained...:lol: I'm kidding I wouldn't want you guys across the ocean to get your ass kicked for calling the US in the middle of the day ;)

-I went to the library and checked out...wait for it...Alice in Wonderland. The book, not the watered down movie. Acid trip here I come!

-Writing is my drug, reading is my alcohol and music is my sex. This is how I stay outta trouble! :lol:

-Song of the Month is...drum roll please....OH COME ON YOU CALL THAT A DRUMROLL?!?!?......better......its Roads by Portishead.

-Text messages have a way of making me smile

-My homie g-dog Nels and my friend-turned-cousin Lysa are hang out on Saturday. And we're leaving town which means we have all room to act the hell up. People of Modesto beware!!!

-Are we really having a road trip in 5 years? Don't get my hopes up guys...*sniffle*...I can't take the disappointment..:cry: :lol::lol::lol:

-I love people's facial expression every time I say franjanjan. It makes me feel good...but then I dont franjanjan cuz I feel good. Everyone wins but me

-Am I the only one that has been called 'Ma'? Yes? No? Well I have. My response was, "I'm not your mother and I would be ashamed to claim you anyway, you ugly, stupid, selfish, disrespectul son of a silly b!tch. Maybe if your 'ma' raised you right you would know how to talk to someone."

-with all that said, I've also been called a b!tch on numerous occasions :lol:

-So my mom came home with a bunch of stickers about staying drug free. I thought one said "Punk Dont drink" I had to look at it again and it said "Dunk, don't drink" Like thats any better. These are the dumbest don't do drugs stickers I've ever seen. "I'm super. Don't Drink". Really little timmy? don't drink because YOU'RE super? Okay, right on.

-My uncle is eating all the food in the damn house again. I'm gonna stop buying groceries

Speaking of which I haven't been back since the most recent incident. Clo and Jenne know, you guys don't. The last time I went I ran into mister 'I'm a lonely grocery store clerk and I think I may be attracted to you' again. If you don't know who I'm talking about you may want to go back a few blogs or something. I think this guy knows when I need groceries and goes to work to wait for me. He pretty much told me he was lonely. That is not something they teach you in the customer service handbook. I'm alomst sure of it. I haven't been back to the store since and I'm not going alone. Not next time. NOPE!

Gues the song guys! This one is sooooooo easy. Happy hunting. ;)

We Can Keep Talking But I'll Still Be Walking Out That Door

Last blogs song was Televators by The Mars Volts. Loki (who has been on hiatus) guessed it. *throws carrot sticks and celery with ranch dressing on them* There you go, you skinny whore! :lol:. I think our friends from the UK will get this before anyone, if at all.

1. My song of the Month is from a Bond Movie. True. Its called 'Tomorrow Never Dies' by Sheryl Crow. Bomb diggidy song. Check it out!

2. I'm obsessed with pens. True. I used to take them apart and put them back together when I was little. My grandma thought it was funny so every time she got a new pen she would let me take it apart before she used it. We're weird like that, don't ask questions :lol:

3. I hate talking on the phone. False. I do like talking on the phone as long as there aren't any long periods of silence or if I'm on hold for too long. Drives me nuts and runs the phone bill up. two things we don't want.

4. I haven't had a boyfriend in 4 years. True. I have dated a guy but I would never consider him my boyfriend. Thats what the It System is for ;)

5. I listen to Hip Hop. False. :lol::cry::lol:. Its a dying art form and commercial America isn't helping. I'd rather not exploit women and glorify voilence for the sake of record sales thank you.

6. I didn't like Sara (CSI LV). True. She was whiney to me at first. I don't do whiney.

7. I shipped Grillows. True. THEY OWNED THE FIRST SEASON!! Come on!

8. I've been in a bad car accident. False. My driving is excellent! :lol: I've been in a few fender benders but nothing serious. Plus, I wasn't driving at the time ;)

9. I have one sister and one brother. True. Pretty much speaks for its self

10. I love the thought of religion. False. :lol: No one got this one and you may be confused but I hate religion. Following rules for the sake of following them and not knowing why makes me shake my head at radicals.

11. I'm the black sheep in my family. True. After graduating high school everyone thought I was going to go straight to a four year university and do something with my life. Nope. Plus I didn't play sports and this is a very sports/education oriented family. I like going against the grain. ;)

12. I don't have a favorite movie. True. I'm a movie whore. I can't commit to just one.

13. I don't like odd numbers. True. Call it OCD if you must but I feel like things belong in pairs

14. My parental units are still married. False. The parental unit M (mom) called it quits in 2000-2001.

15. I have sister that is not related to me. True. I semi-sorta adopted her as my sistera few years ago. She sees my dad as her "Papa T" and she slipped up and called my mom 'Mother' once.

Well that's that. And until next weeks episode, My avatar will be Alexx Woods from CSI Miami, cuz I love her and I'm hoping for the best. I won't be on much later for I will be feeding my other addiction. But thats for next times random me facts.

Happy hunting. ;)

One day this chalk outline will circle this city

Whoever gets this get to come with me on my franjanjan spree! The last blog was Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. Jenne won that one and was awarded a bag of cookies...along with a lifetime supply cuz she sang the Doom Song on my blog. (No I won't give you a lifetime supply if you sing the Doom Song now).

So, this was stolen from someone who said I should steal it cuz they stole it from someone who stole it from someone who most likely stole the idea from BM. *just blew your minds* 5 are false. WATCH THE WORDING! We shall see who's been paying attention.

1. My song of the Month is from a Bond Movie

2. I'm obsessed with pens

3. I hate talking on the phone

4. I haven't had a boyfriend in 4 years

5. I listen to Hip Hop

6. I didn't like Sara (CSI LV)

7. I shipped Grillows

8. I've been in a bad car accident

9. I have one sister and one brother

10. I love the thought of religion

11. I'm the black sheep in my family

12. I don't have a favorite movie

13. I don't like odd numbers

14. My parental units are still married

15. I have sister that is not related to me

Don't forget to guess the song guys ;)

I remember when I lost my mind. UPDATED: This one's for Heather.

Same Drill yo. And no one even bothered to guess my last blog. I guess my sexy afro distracted you guys :lol:. It was Breathe No More by Evanescence. This one is also easy.

So, you all remember SAD don't you? No? Well you've missed a blog a long time ago...Anyway, he's back...and scaring me. That letter I posted to myself from Self, well I also posted it on Myspace and he messaged me like 'If you need anything I'm there for you'. I still don't know what to do with him. He is/was my friend but after all that crap that happened before I have no idea. My It thinks SAD is trying to get with me...again. But he would say that wouldn't he? :lol:

I went to church today. :o I know shocking. :lol:. Apparently people missed me. Don't know what that's about. I kept getting hugs. Mind you, I don't mind giving out virtual hugs, but in real life, I do not like to be touched. People kept hugging me...I don't think you're grasping. They kept hugging me. *sigh* I guess that's what I get for being so popular :lol:

The friend with the @sshole parental units (they forgot her birthday) her name is Nels and I've been trying to get her to go hang out with me for her birthday. Her and her special ass was like "When?" *facepalm* I wanted to shout "I HAVE NO LIFE!! PICK A DAY AND IM FREE!!" But I didn't. Remember restraint? I used it today, yay me. Anyway, she wants to go out of town and I'm thinking San Francisco. Funny cuz I don't know why I'm telling you this, half of you don't live in the states and only three of you live in California :lol:

I have not forgotten your challenge fic Heather. Sad to say that its gonna have to be angst/romance. Its just how I'm feeling lately, sorry dear :(. JENNE!!! Ma'am...*takes off Sunglasses of Justice*...have you checked our bio yet. I changed mine...*head tilt*...I hope you don't mind. (WE DON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN). Gwen and Clo!! I have written three chapters of Heaven Help Them but I'm putting them off for a while until I can get my mojo working for the end of the fic. Yes there is an end, and there will be drama. I'm warning you in advance so you won't be so surprised if someone dies...:lol::twisted:

I think that's it...oh, and for those of you who are on the Miami boards and know Loki, his computer is down and won't know what the problem is until tomorrow. But he says hi and "don't be actin monster" DUCES!!

UPDATE: finished your fic challenge Heather, but I didn't use your prompts :P : Goodbye Lover (rating T/romance/angst/Yo!Bling)

Happy hunting ;)