We're going to do things a little different this time around. You'll get your laughs, no worries. Yes I will be talking about church. No, I'm not going to preach. If you know how I get down, you know I don't like to insult anyone...at least those that don't deserve it. So just chill out. In most cases I would say "Grab some snacks this could be a while" but that could cause choking. You should know by now not to drink when reading my blogs. Consider yourself warned...
Let it be known that I hated Wal-Mart with a passion that burns deep within my soul. I've never hated anything more except Satan and the Bush administration more than Walmart. That said, let me tell you why. When one first asks for an application, they hand you paperwork for section 8 AND welfare. Off top that should tell people that they're not going to earn enough money to make ends meet. Wal-Mart sucks the life out of little 'Mom and Pop' shops by taking all the buisness. Towns have gone broke because of Wal-Mart. All this is just from one angle. Let me show you the other. They have low prices. Thats great for the buyers, but does anyone think about what it takes to make the prices so low? no you don't? Never thought about it before? Think about it now. Google "walmart documentary" and you'll know what I mean. I'm getting off topic.
I went to Wal-Mart today. A friend of mine wanted to get some slippers yesterday so we took them back. As a rule no one is to go to Wal-Mart alone, not because its not safe, but so that we can keep each other from killing someone. People have no manners. They turn corners so vicious and don't care if they hit someone. I coulda snatched some woman's soul cuz she almost hit not just me and my friend BUT two little kids. AND to top it off, she looked at all of us like it was our fault! You know me well enough to know that I can keep my cool in most situations but I almost lost it. But we don't have time to lose it in Wal-Mart, so we kept it moving. Did I mention Wal_Mart customer service gets fisted? Because it does!! WHY are there only two...females working the customer service returns in a building bigger than some government buildings? ANYWAY...my friend and I waited in line to return the slippers because they were too small, right? Right. These two...*deep breath*...females keep looking at us. Most times I can brush something like that off with a joke like 'I know I'm sexy but its not that serious'. Not this time. These...females looked at us like we owed them money!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!! I was going to say something, but my friend chose to ignore, so I did too. I'm trying to change. Really i am, but these people keep messing with me. Which leads me to...
I could go on forever about the people at my church who claim to be...we're not going to go there. I'm just going to make a list of things that shouldn't be done at church AND another list of things you shouldn't ask people at church. You all know how I like lists :lol:
What not to ask:
1. Are you and your boyfriend having sex? (didn't happen to me, someone else)
2. Will you go out with me? (COME ON PEOPLE!!)
3. How big is your *fill in sex organ here*?
4. Why are you dressed like that?
And last but not least, my favorite: 5. Are you a lesbian?
No worries 2 and 3 were asked by teenagers. What bothers me, honestly, are the rest. I understand wanting your child to stay chaste but don't ask at church. Especially if the child your asking isn't even your own. I wore some comfy jeans and a hoodie to church for the mid-week cl asses and some one asked me 4. I wanted to say "BE GLAD I'M HERE AND NOT CAUSING HAVOC IN OUR FAIR CITY" but I didn't. It's called restraint and i amaze myself sometimes when I use it. 5, well...my best friend (who I consider to be a little sister), her mom asked her if I was a lesbian. I thought it was funny. I hate girls waaaaay too much to be a lesbian (like I've said before, you guys are fine:D). Keep in mind all this crap happened in one year.
Things that should not be done:
1. Making out in the parking lot
2. Going to the church just so that you can 'comfort' the widowed pastor (our attendance went down after he got married, I kid you not)
3. After the pastor gets married, you go after the 'next best thing' (which just so happened to be my dad. But no worries, he married a good woman)
4. 'Leaning and rocking wit it' during praise and worship (I've never thought of slapping someone so vicious before)
5. Talking about...masterbation during service.
The youth at my church are f*cked up so many ways. And they wonder why I don't go to church there anymore. Its laughable.
You thought I was done with the White Rabbits didn't you? I thought they were done with me. Let's recap for those who don't know about the White Rabbit conspiracy, shall we?
1. The Matrix. Morpheus: Follow the white rabbit.
2. My 'nieces' toy white rabbit from Mickey Ds
3. White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane (1 2 and 3 all happened in one day.)
4. Philisophical Alice in Wonderland conversation
5. Easter. the question: Where the flip did the idea of a egg-laying white rabbit come from?
6. Big ass white rabbit in a grocery store
7. Band called 'White Rabbits'
If you want details, you gotta go back to a previous blog. We don't have time for that, this is already long enough. Lets update the list shall we?
8. A friend and I are into comicbooks. We pick up one about DC women super heros. There's this one woman who is a magician. Her page had a bunch of white rabbits on them which raised the question: Why are the rabbits that are pulled out of hats always white?
9. There is this coffee shop (Jenne, Claudia, calm down) that serves a drink called the White Rabbit. It has FOUR shots of espresso in it. Loki tasted it and called me. This is how the conversation went:
Lani: Why?
Lani: *nervous* Put the cup down slowly
10. Loki's computer sucks, mkay. He gets pop ups all the time. But nothing could have prepared him for a white rabbit pop up that started talking sh!t to him.
11. Does anyone here have yahoo chat? If you've been in a chat room you know first hand how random people are. Someone was so random that they just up and typed White Rabbit in the room.
Anyone know how many letters are in white rabbit? Eleven. How many White Rabbit incidents have happened? That's right. Eleven. I'm not making this up, ask Loki.
'Tis Quiz Time
What are your initials?
What is your favorite thing to wear?
my skin
Last thing you ate?
Subway sandwich. EAT FRESH
I say Shotgun, you say?
*Then I get the semi automatic*...What? you asked.
Last person you hugged?
Everyone just now *HUGS EVERYBODY*
How many U.S. states have you been to?
9: California, Nevada, New York, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Oklahoma, Maryland and Georgia
How many of the U.S. states have you lived in?
just one
Does anyone you know want to date you?
:oops: He's a sweetheart
Name something you like physically about yourself?
Everytime I take a quiz this question is on there. MY EYES CUZ THEY'RE HUGE.
Why are you still up?
I'd rather make you smile than sleep
Who/what made you angry today?
Favorite Food?
Baked chicken
Favorite holidays:
Thanksgiving. Lots and lots of food! No, I'm not a fatass at all. :lol:
Do you download music?
Why? Do you want something?
Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Heck yes. Dirty socks feel dirty
What are you wearing?
Nothing. Does that turn you on? Oh baby oh baby
Do you like George Bush?
Do you want your face smashed in? No? Then don't ask stupid questions
Have you ever bungee jumped?
My people and ropes dont have a good history
Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
same thing with boats of any kind
How much money do you have in your pocket? I told you I was naked...:lol:
How is the weather right now?
Is that really important right now? Hm? Is it?
What are you listening to right now?
My song of the Month
What was the last movie you watched?
Awake. I will never get those precious minutes back
Do you wear contacts?
I dont need any. If I did, I'd wear glasses.
Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Lowe's parking lot
What are you afraid of?
Stealing souls with no regard as to who I took them from
How many piercings have you had?
just my ears
How many pets do you have?
Do siblings count?
What's one thing you've learned today?
Do not, I repeat, do not let people use your bathroom. People are dirty and don't clean up after themselves
What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Let me put it to you like this. Wal-mart and Starbucks may as well become one.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes I have.
Are you missing someone currently?
My dad and It
Favorite TV shows?
CSI (all) Samurai Champloo, Family Guy...blah blah blah
Do you have an iPod?
Do you pee on your carpet and blame it on your nonexistant sister who lives three countries over when no one is home?
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yes, and then I punched the girl who said it in the face
Who would you like to see right now?
My father
Favorite movie of all time?
Of all time? I dunno I have too many
Do you find yourself loved?
That depends...do you love me?
Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
Yea, some people just feel like I shouldn't live
Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
salted and buttered. mostly salted
What magazines do you read?
This is what poisons the minds of our youth. Magazines. I deficate on magazines...
Have you ever ridden in a limo?
yes I have
Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently?
not recently. Count me thankful
What's something that really bugs you?
More than anything...STUPID QUESTIONS
Do you like Michael Jackson?
No. Do I like some of his songs? yes
Favorite football team?
*sigh* the Raiders...WE SUCK. I KNOW!!
Favorite cereal?
Capt Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Apple Jacks
What's the longest you've went without sleep?
About 4 days on accident. 2 on purpose
Last time you went bowling?
Last year
Who was your last phone call?
Last time you were at work?
Me? Work? :lol: Today, if one could call it that :roll:
You can drink now if you wanna. I'm done. For now... ;)
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