@Vitex2003 I see the pros and cons in both console and pc gaming so I definitely know and respect where you're coming from when you say you prefer pc gaming over consoles.
Consoles just tend to offer a different flavor of 'fun' and entertainment, especially when you have a few people around who are up for some split-screen mp action. All systems have their pros and cons.
@Vitex2003 Get together a good group of friends and you'll get to experience something on a Nintendo console that you'll never experience on a PC. Even lanning doesn't come close.
@Suikogaiden So you like reenacting movies with little lego pieces? That's interesting. I probably haven't done that since I was 5, but that's just me.
@GH05T-666 @toshineon Help us fellow aussies out by buying games online from the UK until the right authorities get a clue that our prices don't add up. We're getting ripped off and everyone seems to just bend over and take it.
Online stores are their [Nintendo, MS, Sony, etc..] way of monopolizing and charging what they want for games. It shouldn't be supported, especially when we get hiked up prices on DIGITAL DOWNLOADABLE games over the US. I laugh every time I jump into the Xbox Live store and see how much they charge in comparison to other parts of the world. What a joke.
@abHS4L88 @Lhomity There are many pros and cons to DLC.
Truth is that there are some good DLC's. I won't deny it. Those that, for a couple bucks, let you get more out of a game that you really enjoy.. akin to expansion packs from a years ago. The fear is, as has happened also, that DLC (along with internet connectivity) breed laziness and bad development practices (games with bugs, games with sub-par amount of content, etc etc...)
Anyone who's been gaming for more than 10 years should be able to remember the days when you'd get a game, bug free on a disc.. no patches required. Official mods and map packs released also, free of charge from the developer as a "thank you" to all who bought and played their games. Westwood comes to mind.
From now on you'll have to pay for those few extra levels in a Mario game that would have at one time been secret or hidden levels. I guess all the gold coins should have been a clear symbol of what Nintendo's ultimate focus is on.
People like Miyamoto made Nintendo what it is today. The guys who cranked out works of love and creativity for minimal pay because they enjoyed making them. Now it's just business method this, money making model that (with the few exceptions that seem to be showing up on kickstarter lately).
Hate to sound all doom and gloom, but its hard not to when you've seen better days. Without Nintendo sticking to their business ethics, there's no point getting a Wii U now. The only thing that differentiates them from the rest of the pack is hardware that always seems to be one generation behind... and that is not a good thing.
@Lhomity I, and I assume many others, liked Nintendo because they used to keep it real. Even if it was, at least it didn't feel like it was all about the money with them.
Now they are just another money milking video game company. I may as well just wait for the PS4 now.
BludshedX's comments