@Wrathesoul I'm with you on getting charged $80 more for the premium pack. What gives? I was hoping Nintendo would do the right thing and break that backwards trend that so many aussies sheepishly play into and perpetuate.. well.. not that they get given much of a chance.
It's sad that we get charged more for exactly the same thing. It's because we have kangaroos and koalas isn't it? That's just as valid a reason as any other.
@carloscanalesv I've played a few missions into the single player campaign and I'm finding it pretty enjoyable. It gives you a bunch of challenges for each mission, some of which can be pretty tough and require a few retries to accomplish. Found myself restarting from the same checkpoint at least 20 times just to complete one challenge I set my sights on. I played it so many times I knew the exact patrol paths of ALL of the enemy units in the area. But never did I once think, "damn this is draining my life! ARGH!" I actually enjoyed it!
I get sick of games pretty quickly these days but I find myself wanting to replay the campaign once I'm done with it just to do things "better" (more stealth like, more tactical, etc..). I can't think of any game I've felt that with in recent times!
I'm not a fan of third person shooters (gears of war bores me to bits) but I was a big fan of the early RB6 and GR games, and I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised with this one!
Unfortunately I haven't finished the campaign so I can't comment on it's length. Still unsure? Try rent a copy first.
Sounds like a lot of people here don't realize that this means nothing without the original crew. They could have named the company anything and it wouldn't make a difference.
Though one thing is for sure.. these new guys have VERY big shoes to fill!
Another guy who thinks he knows what everyone wants, can mystically see into the future, and can tell us what is going to happen. These guys gotta stop smokin whatever it is they are smokin!
Truth is there is a market for free to play games. Another truth is most people would like to try before they buy. If you remove the option to demo a product, you'll in turn have more people playing free to play games. Sounds smart? Yup.. only problem is, as much as EA think they are the only publisher.. they aren't.
Been playing games since mid 80's. I'm not a fan of any publisher.. I go where the good games are. Of all games I've played, "free to play" have got to be one of the shonkiest and crappiest gaming models.
Good luck EA!.. we'll be right here when you decide to step down off your high horse and face reality again.
@mario-nin-freak I agree completely. I was referring to the price comparison failing to mention the omission of the power cable. A bit pointless and misleading to suggest that the XL is just as much as the 3DS if the 3DS comes bundled with more. Though I may have missed him mentioning it. My bad if I did!
Anyway, can't wait to finally play the 3ds without getting hand cramps! Oh yeah!!!
@GreenReuben Agreed. My only gripe is he failed to mention the XL doesn't come with a charger (unless I missed it).
Although I don't think that the price should be a purchasing factor. It SHOULD, however, be recommended if you have trouble seeing the original sized screen, your hands are too big to play the original 3ds without getting cramps, and/or if you don't like wiping off finger prints every time you touch it.
BludshedX's comments