I own a couple of FLGS's in my area and I have to admit, I cringe every time Gamespot mentions Gamestop. If you have an FLGS in your area, do business with them instead. You'll find that you get better deals, more attentive service and a knowledgeable staff. Furthermore, you keep your money local and don't support a company that's trying to monopolize the industry with their exclusive games and useless retailer DLC. Trying to make funny commercials doesn't change their policies or ethics.
@skyhighgam3r: Don't click it. You're in full control of your mouse. If you want them to stop, and I don't see a problem with it, then not giving them traffic is the key.
@Hondje89: It's almost like they're broadening their product to potentially appeal to a wider audience. Or maybe they're just crazy enough to think that since comic books, video games and movies are all intertwined these days, you might care about their opinion on this movie.
Seriously, people can complain when they stop doing game reviews but adding movie reviews (ones that you can easily overlook) does not dilute their product nor does it distract from the overall video game theme of the site. It's not like they're reviewing My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.
I don't know if this is really a spoiler but maybe err on the side of caution GS? You absolutely shit on the surprise aspect of it. Show some discretion; it just premiered yesterday.
@slappy54: Gabe is the one to know about big asses. Seriously though, insanely unprofessional to call someone an ass, former employee or not. The irony is palpable.
@Golden_Gonads: Hard to think someone that supposedly has paid their own bills for 20 years (still doubt that) doesn't understand how utilities or ISP compensation works. It has nothing to do with being poor. I guess if that's your point then Sony is assuming everyone is so poor they want their $0.13 back or do you think they're compensating for service lost? I can see my point went right over your head. Not surprising. And I'm not bitching because making a valid point isn't bitching. You're the one responding with stupid ass comparisons, calling people poor and entitled.
I'm not bothering to respond to your lunacy anymore. You're foaming at the mouth with stupidity. Now, go pay your bills.
@djroth: Hype is a bitch which is why I do everything I can to avoid it. I didn't even watch Mad Max until it came out on video just so I could avoid the hyped up expectations (I'm avoiding Revenant for the same reason). Also, I don't think the average person is pretending to like it. That'd be a crazy case of mass hysteria. Nevertheless, it didn't tickle you the way it did me and a lot of others and that's totally okay.
CFritzRun's comments