@stereoflava: We should just have one console. Why have competition when everyone can just be on the same level?! It's not like competition against Sega made Nintendo a better company or anything!
Exclusives are the one major thing that separates the consoles. Why would you want to take that away? Because you bought the wrong one?
@davillain-: If I'm not mistaken, Hideo, Guillermo and Norman have all said they still want to work together. Silent Hills wasn't just a paycheck to them.
So much butthurt over a guy that apparently nobody likes yet is popular enough to have been paid by EA to endorse an otherwise mediocre game. If you don't like Breaking Benjamin, and I don't, then why care what he did on Twitter? This is the kind of thing most people wish they could do if they had a modicum of fame. Have an opinion loud enough to say **** you to awful companies. Yet, he didn't play the PR game with the worst publisher on planet Earth and a lot of people are essentially attacking him for making a scene. I applaud him, personally.
@gokartmozart89: I understand your point. It's just that it isn't a good one. What I'm saying is that maybe, just maybe, he doesn't care about being paid to promote something he doesn't like. Read that sentence three or four times, please. He clearly doesn't care about the whole prospect.
@cavethug: You're very bitter and defensive of an extremely lukewarm game. You even managed to insult everyone's intelligence as if people can't grasp two paragraphs of sarcasm. Battlefront sucks. Just because you find a game within seconds, doesn't mean it's awesome. I could find a game within seconds on Modern Warfare 3 if I wanted to.
And, yes, kudos to the guy from a band I don't personally like. I appreciate honesty and a giant middle finger to the company that said they didn't want to milk people for money with Battlefront right after announcing their $50 season pass with 16 maps. Why would you even buy the base game if you're only getting 1/5 of the total maps in the game?
@gokartmozart89: Admittedly, I don't know much about the guy but I would assume based off his actions that maybe he doesn't want to be paid to endorse something he doesn't like. Maybe he doesn't care about burning bridges with a game publisher seeing as he's sold millions of albums and all. It looks like his honesty means more to him than a paycheck.
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