This is nothing more than a watered down Battlefield. It feels like Battlefield mixed with the arcade style of Call of Duty with Star Wars pasted over top. I hesitate to call it terrible, but it really isn't any good. It feels amazingly average.
In other words, this isn't even close to what I wanted. Dice sucks.
This is okay so long as the content actually gets better. As of right now, I only subscribe for about 6 months a year because their selection has gone downhill, starting with these "collections" instead of actual seasons.
@davillain-: I agree with you 100%. The only thing is that when Tony Hawk weeps, he wipes his tears with $100 bills. I remember reading when this game was announced that it was going to reinvigorate the franchise and return back to its roots. This is very disappointing.
@electricocarina If you say so...You're clearly going to miss out here though so I don't know how many GOOD games you're actually playing. I have a paperwei - I mean... a Wii U as well and while it's a great system, there's nothing to play on it.
CFritzRun's comments