@Golden_Gonads: Doesn't matter. The time you would spend on there would arguably be worth more to you than $0.14 if you had the day off and planned on playing all day. You made yourself look like a fool with your ignorant comparisons so, again, you're a dipshit and clearly don't pay your own bills since you didn't even have an understanding as to how utilities work or how easy it is to pick up a phone and get a prorated discount from your ISP. You're too lazy to do that, evidenced by the fact that you're bitching about a reimbursement offered to you without you even needing to make a phone call or submit a claim. They email you the code and you simply take 10 seconds to redeem it. You seem a little slow so I'll wager that it takes you about 5 minutes to find out what all those squiggly symbols mean and to match them up with the squiggly symbols on the bright shiny box.
As a side note, I never said we're entitled to more than a day. I simply stated that when you lose service, you are owed the service you lost. So, you're lazy and you can't read. That's great.
@Golden_Gonads: Entitled? Paying for a service and wanting the service to be uninterrupted makes me an entitled jackass? First off, dipshit, when your utilities go out, you're naturally saving money since, you know, there's no power for them to account for on the meter.
Secondly, you call your ISP and they will give you a prorated discount. It's not rocket science, it's simply being a smart consumer or even just a person with a brain stem. Entitlement means I didn't pay for it and expect to have it anyway.
@djroth: Yes. Yes, it does. But that's subjective so no harsh feelings if you disagree. I'm personally tired of the trite, life-lesson circle jerk that wins every major award so, for me, it's nice to see a movie come in and shake things up without patting itself on the back.
@djroth: It was a movie that knew exactly what it was. It had more practical effects than CG. You had your stoic, quiet hero supported by an amazing cast of colorful characters with a nice story arc for the villain-turned-hero. It didn't bullshit around and kept the pace the entire film.
Not to mention a blind, guitar-playing hype man and a guy with bullets for teeth. It wasn't trying to wow you with some twist at the end and it didn't need some life lesson carelessly strewn about the movie. It knew you'd willingly suspend your disbelief and just have fun. Some movies are just meant to be fun and this one nailed it.
@angrycreep: Right click your taskbar, click properties then select "Customize" under the notification area. Find GWX and select "hide icon and notifications" in the dropdown box. It doesn't completely rid your computer of it, but it will stifle the annoying af notifications.
In any case, Windows 7 is the best. I have absolutely zero desire to move to 10 and will be really annoyed when they eventually stop supporting it.
CFritzRun's comments