@peteyboi29 @CFritzRun @WskerFan Is it wealth envy? I love how when a company gets big from making excellent games and decides to add an optional feature to pay, everyone gets their undies in a wad. Yet, a small company makes a halfway intelligent indie game and everyone desperately throws money at them. The more you grow, the more you need. Yes, a billion dollars is a lot of money, but what's wrong with them having a massive budget for future titles?
@WskerFan Are they forcing you to use it? If you're stupid enough to give real money in exchange for in-game currency that could be earned through playing the game itself, then any semi-intelligent company will let you give them money. Don't blame R* for wanting more money. That's 100% natural. Instead, get mad if they water down their games and release a new one every year while offering a premium service that costs almost as much as the game itself to access almost requisiste DLC (looking at you Call of Duty).
@deliman @udubdawgz Revealed. Not forced. They already have your money from the game purchase. If it was subscription based online play, I'd be a little upset, but this is purely optional. Exercise it as such.
It's a great game no matter how you slice it. You're not a chump.
@WantYouBad @CFritzRun @shreddyz @codeman101360 What difference does it make how much they made on launch? Oh, Rockstar, you made a billion dollars, you're not allowed to offer a pay option. Who are you to make that decision? I don't want to hear, "I'm the paying customer, I know what's better." Clearly, you don't as they've done enough R&D to know infinitely better than you about this. Oh, and voice acting, music licensing and the like, count for development costs. My point being, if you don't like it, move along to another game. After all, we won't miss you. I'm sure the vacancy you would leave on the server would be better put to use by someone who doesn't bitch about trivial, optional features.
@Hordriss Exactly. It cost about $250m dollars to produce. Now they have to prepare for the online launch and continuous maintenance. On a scale that large, that doesn't come cheap.
Kudos to you, my friend. Perhaps we will have a chance meeting when we decide to rob the hell out of the Maze bank.
@Hordriss Careful, you're about to receive a ton of, "but Rockstar made a billion dollars in the three days! They don't need more money. That will carry them over forever and ever!" comments. I agree with you, there's no problem to offering a cash option. Most people that want to earn the money the "right" way will be rocking the heists. I know I will be.
Continuous maintenance and development costs money. Would you rather have a pay option for the people that prefer shortcuts or ads all over the place in the game? I can see it now, "This heist brought to you by Old Spice" during the loading screen. Or you could walk into Ammunation and the vending machines are Coca Cola as opposed to Sprunk.
On a side note, I wish they would actually manufacture Sprunk as a promotional item. I would buy the hell out of it just for the can. Actually, never mind, it's not okay to give the option to pay cash for meaningless things to help the developers continue to make awesome games according to the tightwads in here.
@shreddyz @codeman101360 Right, because years of development and a quarter of a billion dollars in development costs is Rockstar's way of saying, "We're not trying all that hard."
CFritzRun's comments