This is typical MS tactics for you, and the prime reason I wish them to get fried in the console wars! It's not healthy for one company to take over markets like they do, and proceed to govern them by spanking consumers with the dollar-bat. So what should we do? Buy Blu-Ray for our living room and PC needs, get Linux and refuse to purchase MS products and rather rip them and share them online in a an epic scale...
Oh wait, this is already happening. It really sucks that a company that's really brought PC's to todays level is the same company that could be their demise as a gaming platform! They owe us PC gamers some more loyalty.
First off the masses aren't moving to Linux. Just isn't happening. The average person doesn't have the capacity, nor time to learn to use a new OS. And lastly good luck getting support for games. And Blu-ray???, the saturation of Blu-ray is minimal at best. People aren't trading in their cheap DVD players to use Blu-ray. Blu-ray has another five years before it goes anywhere(if it isn't eclipsed by something better).
Secondly the console wars are over. I could post countless articles stating that Sony blew the whole PS3 thing. Wii is the number one unit for sales and Microsoft trumps Sony due to it's lower price and Xbox Live. This isn't my opinion, just look at Sony's end of quarter profits. Down down down. Microsoft is up. Do some research before you post dribble.
The majority will never refuse to buy MS products, that's like saying let boycott gas because of high prices. They have made thier place in the market and have a foothold as the number one OS on earth. I am not saying it's fair, but it is a fact. What ever the future holds, MS will be there, with or without the whiners. That is why Bill is so rich and your not.
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